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London Bombing


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Thoughts an prayers go out to all those unfortunate to be caught up in this, those injured, and those who have lost their lives for no reason. :S

I'm also hoping that everyone is OK an that nothing else happens. <_<

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I hope that the people who did this come to justice and realise what utter pricks they've been. Those people are wastes of life, and a waste of life taking a decent life makes me feel sick.

RIP to those who were taken today.

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:S At this post, not at the people who've died but at all the people posting. When Setp 11th I feel the same as I do now, but alot of you seem to have this thing with "It's my country it's worse than what happened in your country", it's kinda f**ked up, alot more people died on Sept 11th, I ain't saying it makes this right, any loss of life for a cause that isn't needed is wrong, but you can't all of a sudden think you're some sort of activist because of what happens in your country. Look at Michael Moore, he won't do anything over this, his country he makes a fuss anywhere else I doubt he cares. Hopefully we'll finish them off this time. I smell a bit of World War 3 coming on aswell.

RIP, to all the people who died today. And my condolences to their friends and relatives.

Edited by MrMonkey
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:S At this post, not at the people who've died but at all the people posting. When Setp 11th I feel the same as I do now, but alot of you seem to have this thing with "It's my country it's worse than what happened in your country", it's kinda f**ked up, alot more people died on Sept 11th, I ain't saying it makes this right, any loss of life for a cause that isn't needed is wrong, but you can't all of a sudden think you're some sort of activist because of what happens in your country. Look at Michael Moore, he won't do anything over this, his country he makes a fuss anywhere else I doubt he cares. Hopefully we'll finish them off this time. I smell a bit of World War 3 coming on aswell.

RIP, to all the people who died today. And my condolences to their friends and relatives.

Who says we didnt feel the same when 9/11 happened?

An when it is the country you live in it hits home alot harder.

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Contradiction from one line to the next.

No the first line is countering your suggestion that we dont care about 9/11.

You dont know us so how can you tell?

The second line is something that is often said by alot of people and that, I believe, is true.

Edited by Has anyone seen my shoe?
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MrMonkey, for once in your life just shut the f**k up. No one cares - You seem to have something wrong in your head where you just can't not post, so you just post utter crap instead.I can only see your posts because other people are quoting them.

It's sad that this has happened, but in some way inevitable to happen at some point. London seems to be getting moving now though, stuff is getting 'back to normal' (for the majority), which is good.

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not being a willy , but it doesnt bother me it happens on a weekly basis all around the world , im not going to get all wet about it just ebcause its a bit closer to home

for sure respect to those who died as there was no reason for it but im not going to sign any chain mails or put a flower infront of my msn name for it

although right now theres 2 confirmed dead and about a thousand injured , and from the looks of things these guys werent amateurs . but its got nothing on 9/11 (also not that im glorifying murdering 3000 people ) but they did a good job , and when youve got a group who your country has trained and given weapons too using it against you , makes you look a little bit stupid doesnt it

anyhow what sort of cunt trys to shut down a confrence trying to end world debt?



edit: what sort of a name is that for a terrorist organisation "the secret faction of al quaida "

Edited by daahnhillaaaa
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Yeah it does happen all over the world, but most the people who died are hard working business persons, they are completely inocent and didnt deserve it. Whereas in Iraq theres actually still a war going on,so its not really unusual for explosions etc.

Edited by rickycoleman
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If you went and looked at ground zero is a horrowing experience. Same as whats happened here. None of us will know what its like unless we visit where these events occured and imagine the screams and the mass panic of people running around.

R.I.P those people unfortunate enough to have lost thier lives and my thought are with there family and friend.

Also a big shout out to everyone involved in helping in this situation, lots of respect to them.

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But their involvement has everything to do with it. If a farmer happens to be the instigator of a sinister terrorism group then it matters. Obviously that's all unlikely I know, but surely these 'supressed' people would set their sights on Blair himself, instead of the people he doesn't give a shit about.

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Monkey, can't you give it a rest for two minutes?

It's a memorial thread for christ sake.

RIP to everyone, let's hope these evil bastards pay for everything they've done. Not just London, but the Twin towers and every car bomb and suicide attack they've carried out anywhere. Any death is a great loss, whether it's British, Iraqi, American or any other nationality.

My thoughts go out to every victim, and I'm just thankful that i've never been involved in such a tragedy.

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for sure respect to those who died as there was no reason for it but im not going to sign any chain mails or put a flower infront of my msn name for it

edit: what sort of a name is that for a terrorist organisation "the secret faction of al quaida "

Have to say, I agree, Everyone has 3 infront of their msn names atm...I don't see how that'll help, Live8 gave me awareness I already had (studying economic globalisation right now) I don't need a bunch of people who don't really care but just want to feel good about themselves telling me to put numbers infront of my name...


I hate Al Quaida, I hate terrorists, I hate the f**king shit that happens, but I can't change it, so I'll just get on with my life...

James - R.I.P all those who have suffered this crap

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:S At this post, not at the people who've died but at all the people posting. When Setp 11th I feel the same as I do now, but alot of you seem to have this thing with "It's my country it's worse than what happened in your country", it's kinda f**ked up, alot more people died on Sept 11th, I ain't saying it makes this right, any loss of life for a cause that isn't needed is wrong, but you can't all of a sudden think you're some sort of activist because of what happens in your country. Look at Michael Moore, he won't do anything over this, his country he makes a fuss anywhere else I doubt he cares. Hopefully we'll finish them off this time. I smell a bit of World War 3 coming on aswell.

RIP, to all the people who died today. And my condolences to their friends and relatives.

I have stood under the world trade centre and I truly know how awful that it is for that to have fallen , and all of this can and should have been prevented it'ts not a case of numbers.

Nobody should have there life taken away from them, after being updated of the numbers dead in the middle of an interview I wanted to Second My R.I.P this didn't deserve to happen.

Also to chain mail yes I suppose it is good if it reaches some of the family but I doubt it will , Msn names are there for people by there choice stop being awkward and just respect people and their views on how to respect the dead.

Thank you to Everyone who has replied and posted.


Edited by freeride-wales
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