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Erm, not sooooo Eastern.

There were also British people involved in the September 11th shindig, and there were quite a few arrested in the "War on Terr" (As George Bush pronounces it :)) and held in Guantanemo bay, although that's probably not so key... But yeah, anyway, British people have been involved (and are, I'd imagine) with Al-Qaeda.

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Erm, not sooooo Eastern.

There were also British people involved in the September 11th shindig, and there were quite a few arrested in the "War on Terr" (As George Bush pronounces it :)) and held in Guantanemo bay, although that's probably not so key... But yeah, anyway, British people have been involved (and are, I'd imagine) with Al-Qaeda.

Oh jesus christ, just stop letting people in the country then until things calm down :">

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I'd wait until 3 days before completion. Imagine that. Millions and millions of pounds of construction, they're all spuffing about it nearly being done, all the workers relieved it's nearly over, and all the people helping sort it relieved it's nearly over, security would probably not be super tight 'cos they'd be complacent...


How gutting would that be...

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The people who claimed responsibility are from Europe, and are Al-Qaeda sympathisers, by the way, so maybe the odds are slightly different :lol:

Maybe they are European by nationality. But I bet they are: 1) Islamic, 2) of Middle-Eastern descent. I am not agreeing with Monkey. But you have to admit the likelihood is that this was an Islamic "thing".

("All medicines are drugs, but not all drugs are medicines ")

It sucks, but that's the way the world is at the moment. Until the west can see eye-to-eye with Islamic states (and vice versa) there will be no understanding and stuff like this will continue. And in the meantime, we'll bomb the shit out of each other :)

On a completely different note: Since this thread was started 16800 children in Africa died.

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Yeah, I hear too the best way to help sort out a problem is make fun of people who don't understand why it's happening.

Ever looked at chav scum here? Notice that if they have a pair of tits they'll typically also have babies? All this in a 'developed' country.

Maybe you should start hating everyone in the UK too because there's some people who're just at it like rabbits?

Oh wait, my mistake, they're not black so don't worry about it...

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its been done today cause all the security focus is at the g8. WHo ever planned this knew what they were doing! There are some sick people living in this world!

I reacon that to. Just been up in Edinburgh for the past 2 days and oh my god you should see the amount of police about. They have been brought in from all over the country including London. They have hit at a time when security has been at its lowest over the south of the country. They deffinatly knew what they were doing and used this G8 business to their advantage. (what I think anyway)

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I reacon that to. Just been up in Edinburgh for the past 2 days and oh my god you should see the amount of police about. They have been brought in from all over the country including London. They have hit at a time when security has been at its lowest over the south of the country. They deffinatly knew what they were doing and used this G8 business to their advantage. (what I think anyway)

Terrorist threat/security level is at it's second highest possible level (sorry, it WAS at the start of the day/week) in London.

They donated 1, 600 officers from London to the G8 summit. There were still over 30,000 in London. They didn't even need to call off-duty people in because they had enough to cover the initial incidents. They're drafting more in tomorrow, mainly to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Either way, their aim was achieved:

They managed to get some good press coverage. The red double-decker bus, seen by many as the "icon of London", torn up by their bomb.

The attention focussed on the incidents as opposed to the G8 summit/Live8 aftermath.

There's going to probably be a bit more bias towards talking about terrorism as opposed to Africa and all that shiz, which is up for discussion tomorrow.

Seems funny how they're trying to stop talks that are aiming to help people out all over the world. Ah well... Funny thing is is that they did it today, when the main topic was Climate Change. The solution they'd drawn up for this was already sorted, they were - as they put it - "Just making sure it was worded correctly".

Sorry for all this spouting, I was stuck at home waiting for a delivery van that never came, so I watched 6 hours of News24/ITV News. Damn terrestrial...

EDIT: Monkey - my 'rash' still hasn't cleared up, so it'd probably be shit anyway.

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It all depends on who's at it like rabbits.

Maybe, BUT... the chavs or whatever who do it like rabbits in this country, know that they can get condoms and the pill etc. and have treatment if they get a disease, and that they can probably provide for their kids. But the people in Africa don't have all that do they, yet they still go ahead and hump their brains out 24/7. Their fault in a way? :)

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Maybe, BUT... the chavs or whatever who do it like rabbits in this country, know that they can get condoms and the pill etc. and have treatment if they get a disease, and that they can probably provide for their kids. But the people in Africa don't have all that do they, yet they still go ahead and hump their brains out 24/7. Their fault in a way?  :)

They might be able to get those things but they don't, if they could provide for their kids there wouldn't be doll, or benefits and stuff. That said my mum gets child benefits, but that's only because my parents are divorced, so I guess I can't talk.

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Maybe, BUT... the chavs or whatever who do it like rabbits in this country, know that they can get condoms and the pill etc. and have treatment if they get a disease, and that they can probably provide for their kids. But the people in Africa don't have all that do they, yet they still go ahead and hump their brains out 24/7. Their fault in a way?  :)

But there's a chance they simply don't know about all of it. I remember a BBC correspondent talking to someone from Africa, who said their tribe thought the way to cure AIDs was to have sex with a virgin. Just goes to show the fact that the main killer is actually misinformation, or simply a lack of information/knowledge at all. I suppose it's all part of being a developing country, in that we used to have strange ideas like that too, when the UK was developing. It's just that then, we were the flagship country so no-one could point us in the right direction. However, we can do that with them, so it's a different story.

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But there's a chance they simply don't know about all of it.  I remember a BBC correspondent talking to someone from Africa, who said their tribe thought the way to cure AIDs was to have sex with a virgin.  Just goes to show the fact that the main killer is actually misinformation, or simply a lack of information/knowledge at all.  I suppose it's all part of being a developing country, in that we used to have strange ideas like that too, when the UK was developing.  It's just that then, we were the flagship country so no-one could point us in the right direction.  However, we can do that with them, so it's a different story.

Sex with a newborn child was also a way to cure AIDs from what I've heard :)

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Condoms are supplied quite readily in Africa though, the men just don't want to use them.

correct, im sure i heard somewhere its again to do with a large population of the africans being catholic, and not using contraception, as its frowned upon by the catholics.

But hey, who listnens to that shit, im catholic and ive had a fair share, all protected those.

dont want any mini chav joe's running about :)

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Yeah, I hear too the best way to help sort out a problem is make fun of people who don't understand why it's happening.

Ever looked at chav scum here?  Notice that if they have a pair of tits they'll typically also have babies?  All this in a 'developed' country.

Maybe you should start hating everyone in the UK too because there's some people who're just at it like rabbits?

Oh wait, my mistake, they're not black so don't worry about it...

i have tits ... io dont have a kid :)


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Grrr i hate the way people always blame islam for all this... it may be al quada but british muslims are probably the biggest victims of this because they also get  the fear of racism by people calling them terrorists...

People haven't blamed Islam as a whole, they blamed Al Qaeda. It's not racism. How dare we say terrorists did it?

For god's sake, why do people get so stroppy? It's not like somebody said every Muslim wanted to bomb London is it.

If we insult Chav's are we insulting Britain as a whole?


In a time like this, people will accused anyway, it's human nature to place blame on someone.

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