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Underground Closure


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Damn bombings, there was a bomb scare down here in mansfield the other day was on my way to joe b's house and the road we usual drive up was closed down, apparently someone left a briefcase lying in the middle of the road, police wouldnt go anywhere near it for hours apparently, just as i thought we'd all be safe living in a small town :)

also a few months back i was listening to a radio show and this guy thought al quaeda did'nt actually exist seeing as nobody has ever seen them for sure or anything, he thought it was just made up by the government to scare people, when people are scared their alot easier to control, i think he thought all the bombings were acutally planned out, i dont have a clue about any of it myself it all confuses the hell out of me,, however i think its on ebaums theres a twenty dollar bill being folded to look like the twin towers,


there it is and i found another also,


gotta love conspiracy theories, oh and whats 20 - 1

Edited by Gaz M
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Man, I've been dead worried, my brother was down in London today, having a uni interview, and he was on the same train that one of the main bombs went off on, but luckily he just got off about 5 mins before it happened! :)

I've not had time to read the whole thread yet, but thoughts go out to everyone else who has been affected!


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I wonder if immigration laws will be tightened. So it isn't like a flood, it's more like America/Australia were we pick the cream of the crop, take the people who will help not hinder etc.






Edited by aaron_trials _247
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:) idiot

but its ture though isnt it ?

we pay for them

we give them everything

free of charge as well

and wat do we get in return

a few billion quids worth of damage

lifes scared in tradgey

and more than 50 odd people killed so far so sky news said as there have been 37 and there are like 15 on life support machines


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but its ture though isnt it ?

we pay for them

we give them everything

free of charge as well

and wat do we get in return

a few billion quids worth of damage

lifes scared in tradgey

and more than 50 odd people killed so far  so sky news said  as there have been 37 and there are like 15 on life support machines


From a very small minority of them you ingnorant twat. They're not all f**king terrorists dumbass :)

Edited by Shaun H
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no but theyre all sponges and ignorant fookers that think that they own everything and everyone


they alll dirve around in theyre mercs and bm's while the hard workers in this country drive around in bangers etc..

edit:we all have a right to an opinion if we didnt someone wouldnt have made this topic

so dont winge at me in having mine ..... just like everyone else

one of my mates was in this accidnet too so it isnt just me saying this it generally pisses me off


Edited by aaron_trials _247
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no but theyre all sponges and ignorant fookers that think that they own everything and everyone


they alll dirve around in theyre mercs and bm's while the hard workers in this country drive around in bangers etc...

Umm maybe because 'they' whoever your reffering to, not really sure, obviously have much more intelligence than you do..

I Think the only

ignorant fooker
round here is you...

(I bet I spelt intelligence wrong, thus making me look silly)

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Just watching the news again and something dawned on me.

Although as tradgic as this may be do people actually realise this sort of thing happens nearly every day in african countires and many other countrys affected by civil unrest.

For that reason I reckon its not a muslim al quida thing but a g8 thing to show people the suffering and shit that goes on in the less developed countries.

Its just a thought.

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IOf it is a muslim thing then this theory is not new back in 1992 ish Edington said after the end of the Cold War the opposite to whay Fukuyama said. We will see a world where a new world disorder is created one where religion and culture replace economics and something else. Indeed this can be seen to be very true.

Anyway I thought I share some of my geography knowledge form the critical geo politics course.

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It wasn't in Edgware, it was Edgware Road Station, which is right at the opposite end of Edgware Road from Edgware. Basically it's nowhere near Edgware. Edgware doesn't have a particularly high Jewish population anyway, that's more conentrated around Golders Green.

Interesting theory, odd how all my jewish friends in London live in edgware and that their local tube station is Edgware road station. Funny that. :)"

I'm not saying it was a direct attack on the jewish community in Edgware but I reckon it was probably a small bonus.

It may be speculation about the suicide bomb, but if it is al qaeda then it most likely was.

Edited by div
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But it's ok to blame 'Al-Qaeda', though?

Seriously, why the shiznit are they thinking about Alqy, when two major events have taken/are taking place that will undoubtedly aggrevate certain groups of people, of whom the Islamic terrorists couldn't be associated with at all? It's both petty and irritating how they always point the finger to them whenever something remotely unusual happens, as if there's only one terrorist organisation in the world...!

The French have more than enough reason to hate Brits at the moment, not only because of the Olympic bid (which had, has, and will have HUGE implications both economically and politically, so it's not just some minor point to shun out) but because the two leaders argued fiercely over global issues in the past months. They're not really 'friends' at the moment.

... anyway, I'm annoyed that people point the finger of blame but here I am doing exactly that, so that can kinda stop now. I don't think they've reported any deaths at the moment so that's a good thing. It shouldn't take too long for the entire London emergency service to clean up the mess, and so London could technically be back up and running tomorrow. But obviously they'll need to let it drag on long enough to make it a lasting thing like Sept 11.

Tralla la la la la.

Well, to be fair, the French would've had to have placed the bombs and just hoped that they were going to lose the bid?

Also, the BBC's Defense correspondent's source who monitors Al-Qaeda's movements and their communications said they'd done it from what he could tell, and the website that said that they'd done it were an Al-Qaeda Euro division...

Also, if you use your head, it isn't just about 'clearing up mess'.

One word: Forensics :)

Sorry if this has all been said, didn't read all the pages :">

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no but theyre all sponges and ignorant fookers that think that they own everything and everyone


they alll dirve around in theyre mercs and bm's while the hard workers in this country drive around in bangers etc..

edit:we all have a right to an opinion if we didnt someone wouldnt have made this topic

so dont winge at me in having mine ..... just like everyone else

one of my mates was in this accidnet too so it isnt just me saying this it generally pisses me off


my boss is from morocco (i know its not asian) and she actually pays more taxes than me (% wise) and she has a kid and gets no benefit or help with child cost either.

yes some asian guys are spongers, but so are a hell of a lot of white guys.


Edited by leedstrials
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Ok, sorry to shit on your faces, but if you look at who are blowing themselves up, it ain't white people. If we just locked the entrance to this country for a few years it might be a better place, just so people can live as they are. This stops people getting in who may have intent to cause harm. Before you say this is racism, show me one white person who blew themselves up today in London.

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According to my cousin who works in Canary Wharf, police told them they shot a terrorist dead outside. :lol: Also, her friend who works in an office near some station beginning with H (I forget the name) apparently saw and heard an explosion at the station from her office across the road and police quickly turned up, sealed the whole area off and that station hasn't been reported on the news as a bombed one.

Never sure if you get the whole picture in situations like these. :)

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According to my cousin who works in Canary Wharf, police told them they shot a terrorist dead outside.

A reporter asked the fuzz that, and they said that that wasn't the case...

EDIT: Oh yeah, weird how at first there were "At least 7 explosions", but the Police are only saying there were 4 explosions. Hmm. I thought that was a bit sketch earlier :)

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A reporter asked the fuzz that, and they said that that wasn't the case...

EDIT:  Oh yeah, weird how at first there were "At least 7 explosions", but the Police are only saying there were 4 explosions.  Hmm.  I thought that was a bit sketch earlier :)

On the news they 'claim' it was only 3 stations but seemed like more because people walked out from either direction (so from the station they were arriving at and the one they departed from) therefore making it look like 2 bombs had exploded instead of the 1. *Apparently*

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Oh, I see, so Al f**k me if I know how to spell that second word, generally recruits white people. I didn't know the full story, I thought people blew themselves up. So what. The chances of white people making and leaving the packages are still 1 in a million.

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