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Oh shit no, not an ID card, it won't affect normal people. It won't affect anyone. I can't see what's so bad about ID cards.

Makes it easier for a terrorist to steal your identity for a start. I won't get into it, there's lots of things that make them a bad idea.

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If religion is as pure as everyone in the world claims it is, then no god would condone the slaughter of innocent people.

exactly, this is not what muslim/islam etc is about. its just some peoples twisted views on a religion and them just using it as a excuse.

we ain't perfect you know, the crusade's anyone...

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Oh shit no, not an ID card, it won't affect normal people. It won't affect anyone. I can't see what's so bad about ID cards.

Let's not get into a debate about that right now. My point isn't just about ID cards, but all the topical legislation the government have been trying to put through on the pretense of protecting us from terror. I think it's quite valid to assume that such legislation will be stepped up and pushed through with greater ease now.

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Why don't we just bring back 2 years military service? Spread out over 4 years, have armed soldiers walking the streets instead of police. It'll stop crime, also makes terrorism much less a threat.

Because it's pointless. Soldiers aren't going to stop crime, just because they carry guns. Conscription will cause controversy. And if someone wants to bomb a bus tube or anything else for that matter, I'm sure being shot in the process makes them even more of a martyr to their cause! Prevention is better than cure.



P.S. ID cards willcost an estimated £85 each to cover the cost of fingerprinting and iris scanning. So sayeth.

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whats makes it worse is they think it is alright and they are forgiven by god just because they warned us. That does NOT make it right. It is really upsetting and annoying and has put a dampener (sp?) to the good news which we were celebrating only yesterday.

Edited by minitrialer
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This is a sick state of affairs.

I honestly Terrorism wouldnt reach us, that we would be safe, as we are a small island, and most eastern countrys seem to be more pissed at Bush and USA.

But I guess with Blair being Bush's little slave boy, we might aswell have the stars and stripes raised over here.

They have caused mass chaos, injusry and fatalities.

They have our attention now, but what stupid tactic will Blair have for retaliation?

Most likely send all our boys to Iraq, or Iran and kill somemore people.

Brighton Station has been closed for saftey precausions, so its spreading all the way down here.

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I dont mind having an id card I can finally carry something around that fits in my wallet to prove im old enough to drink

Er . . . driving license?

It sucks about what happened, the worst part was being in the middle of it all trying to get hold of members of my family, all of whom were in London. Luckily my mum went through Liverpool St. earlier in the morning so that was a big relief. It was pretty worrying when half of the office weren't turning up for work as well, luckily everyone came walking through eventually, but they had to walk ages to get here as they'd stopped all the transport links.

As many have said, it'd be highly unlikely for the French to be responsible, well, at least for the Olympic Bid reasons, also, how would they be able to co-ordinate a terrorist attack in less than 24 hours of the announcement? Methinks this would have been planned for quite some time. Anywho, I'm not really sure where I'm going with this, ciao.

Condolances to those who had friends or family involved.

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n the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate, may peace be upon the cheerful one and undaunted fighter, Prophet Muhammad, God's peace be upon him.

Nation of Islam and Arab nation: Rejoice for it is time to take revenge against the British Zionist Crusader government in retaliation for the massacres Britain is committing in Iraq and Afghanistan. The heroic mujahideen have carried out a blessed raid in London. Britain is now burning with fear, terror and panic in its northern, southern, eastern, and western quarters.

We have repeatedly warned the British Government and people. We have fulfilled our promise and carried out our blessed military raid in Britain after our mujahideen exerted strenuous efforts over a long period of time to ensure the success of the raid.

We continue to warn the governments of Denmark and Italy and all the Crusader governments that they will be punished in the same way if they do not withdraw their troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. He who warns is excused.

God says: "You who believe: If ye will aid (the cause of) Allah, He will aid you, and plant your feet firmly."

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To me that statement about God makes them sound like they should be in a mental institute. The fact they did this proves the aforementioned.

These brainwashed idiots should be erased from existence.

The sad fact is, no matter how much "security" there is, if they want to carry out more attacks, there isn't much to stop them.

How many times have you walked around London with a backpack on and been searched? Exactly, the reality is anyone could have a bomb in their rucksack.

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Our troops in Iraq are protecting the innocents from from the nutty extremists groups, of course they want us out of there, so they can cause fear and panic, and be in control of the land and its wealth.

Basically the terrorist groups are peeved that other countries are getting involved in their civil war to take power.

Blessed war my arse. If we can get over ourselves and stop using religion as a cause for war hundreds of years ago, then so should they.

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Our troops in Iraq are protecting the innocents from from the nutty extremists groups, of course they want us out of there, so they can cause fear and panic, and be in control of the land and its wealth.

Basically the terrorist groups are peeved that other countries are getting involved in their civil war to take power.

Blessed war my arse. If we can get over ourselves and stop using religion as a cause for war hundreds of years ago, then so should they.

Absolutely right :)

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Er . . . driving license?

It sucks about what happened, the worst part was being in the middle of it all trying to get hold of members of my family, all of whom were in London. Luckily my mum went through Liverpool St. earlier in the morning so that was a big relief. It was pretty worrying when half of the office weren't turning up for work as well, luckily everyone came walking through eventually, but they had to walk ages to get here as they'd stopped all the transport links.

As many have said, it'd be highly unlikely for the French to be responsible, well, at least for the Olympic Bid reasons, also, how would they be able to co-ordinate a terrorist attack in less than 24 hours of the announcement? Methinks this would have been planned for quite some time. Anywho, I'm not really sure where I'm going with this, ciao.

Condolances to those who had friends or family involved.

I dont drive Im a lazy sod

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Grrr i hate the way people always blame islam for all this... it may be al quada but british muslims are probably the biggest victims of this because they also get the fear of racism by people calling them terrorists...

Seems to me like its a battle of the 'governments' - where all us civilians in the UK, USA, Iraq wherever are the victims. If we go blaming each other we're not gonna get anywhere.

And in all respect, america has probably killed about 10 times the amount of people in iraq than those killed in all the terrorists attacks in the west from the past few years.

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