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All The f**king Moaning. I Have An Idea.....


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I have an idea. Its a rule i live by. don't waste your time moaning about things that you can't change. By all means moan about things that you can change.

Everyone f**king moans their arses out on this forum. Its like nobody is ever happy.

OK you are driving in the rain. The wipers are going, then the rain stops. Your wipers keep going, but you don't notice, then as soon as you notice, you can't stop noticing. Its like the forum. The moaning isn't new, but i noticed it, now all i can see if moaning in pretty much every thread!

Moaning about anything, it's as if people try really hard to moan about anything, as long as its moaning they are happy!!

What is the point depressing everyone and moaning about the shitty trains. It doesn't change anything at all. The 5 minutes it takes to type a thread about shit trains, you could have made some scrambled egg and made yourself happy! Had a tommy tank, watched some tv, or a video off the forum. Its just a f**king waste of time moaning about stuff you can't change.

London is having yet more millions of OUR money thrown at it

people will see what a shithole the UK is when they get mugged as they get of the EuroStar

Maybe the EU can sort out f**king chav problem out

We'll just go down as being a proper shithole after this

Its a shite hole full of illegal immigrants selling shit

everything will just be....shit

Maybe the oney they spend will improve the f**king good damm auwful public transport system.

Gay to the max.

the trains are always really early or really late.

these are all from the olympics thread. none of them help anything.

give it a try, don't moan.

Moan over :-

(but it's ok, cos my moan could actually change something :P )


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I disagree with everyones opinions here, you are all wrong even though ive never met any of you, and furthurmore to me believing that you are all wrong, it is my intention to let you know that your mothers are hamsters, and your fathers smell of elderberries.

Just to get my point across, I shall use words like, "****" and, "****", rounding it off with the well known, "*******".

On top of all this, I would then like to add that this opinion is garunteed as correct because it is from me and me alone, and comes with my seal of approval. Anyone who does disagree will face a barrage of the afforementioned words, and other critical input.

So poo to you all!

( :- )

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What the hell happened to the pic of Ali C with a shoe on his hand, that was some funny shit. Ahhh well. Let's argue. Now what can we argue about, ok I can't think of anything, we shall argue about the person who posts after this post.

f**k me I thought this was a different topic. Monkey just owned himself.

Edited by MrMonkey
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What the hell happened to the pic of Ali C with a shoe on his hand, that was some funny shit. Ahhh well. Let's argue. Now what can we argue about, ok I can't think of anything, we shall argue about the person who posts after this post.

f**k me I thought this was a different topic. Monkey just owned himself.


(play on words there :- )

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I don't get that anymore, I win too much :S

You never win, people just can't be bothered with your shit so they leave you to your own devices.

As for the moaning, I guess I'm as bad as everyone else really but I certainly see where you're coming from, actually slightly off topic kind of - the other day I was on my way home from college and it started raining, really heavy it was and now normally I'd be thinking "shitting rain, pissed off, getting wet now grumble grumble" but this time I just thought to myself 'Why don't I like the rain, theres nothing to dislike really'. I actually really enjoyed walking home in the rain and it was very refreshing.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is if you feel like moaning just think to yourself, why am I moaning and is it really worth moaning at all?!

Word Bongo.

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