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British, Biketrial Team Selection


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1st of all congratulations to all those who have been chosen. now i just have a few grumbles/questions for those that make the decision of who gets a team ride and who does not.

On what basis are the selections made? as i have noticed that the best riders in two catagorys have not been chosen.

1. ashley butler, for sure the best rider in his catagory in this country and would finish high at the world champs. yet he is not selected.

2. his older brother danny. the best expert rider in the country, having already finished 2nd at the euro's ealier this year, id have thought an obvious choice for the world team. however, he is not chosen.

I was wondering how not picking to best benjamin and the best expert riders in the country is in any way a goodesicionon for the "team"Surelyey if the "team" is to get a goo9d result then i top 3 finish in two of the catagorys would be a good advantage.

It cant be because of lack of spaces for ashley as i knohehw is the only benjamin in the country at the moment, [ and even when he rides up aroutet he still would have been 3rd in the class above him.]

If the problem for danny is space then surley in the interests of the "team" he should replace a person that has been chosen but will not finish as highly as danny would.

Dont get me wrong im happy to have been chosen, but im sure that danny would finish much higher in the results than me, or any other british expert for that matter.

You may think im moaning, but to me the team would have a much higher position over all if we had a top finish in the benjamin and expert class would it not?

I would like for this thred to be a kind of petition, if you think that britain should put forward the best possable team at the world champs this year, then please post below, as im sure the biketrial uk guys watch this forum.

many thanks,


ps i am not looking to start a row or a slaging mach on the forum, i want sensible answers/replys please people.


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I belive it's for reasons other than space in the team or due to the fact that the evnts are BIU, but I don't want to say anymore because I don't no the whole story and don't want to put my foot in it (Y)

Just a thought though, maybe they didn't want to ride the BIU world champs?? just a thought :D"


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I belive it's for reasons other than space in the team or due to the fact that the evnts are BIU, but I don't want to say anymore because I don't no the whole story and don't want to put my foot in it (Y)

Just a thought though, maybe they didn't want to ride the BIU world champs?? just a thought :D"


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Dan is vice Euro champion in BIU!

And he wants to ride to win the world BIU Expert title. (He has entered other rounds as well)

He is also a UCI rider, but that should have no bearing on why he has been left out of the team as Ben Savage, James Hyland an Rob are also UCI riders.

I think the powers that be should have a serious re-think of the selections that have been made. Its like Sven sending out a England footie team without Becks AND Owen! What is the point in that?

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Yep, they got there entries in with everything required, but it got sent back saying they where rejected or to the same description.

I don;'t actually know how they can possibly even think about not letting these to into the world round, Danny is leading ELITE at the brits this year, his the best in the UK at the moment, he has more than enough experience, and has ridden for Great Britain before in other competitions pulling off some great results, and doing the UK proud, and he can do the same again in the worlds this year, there may be other reasons why they are not allowed to ride, but whatever who cares, it's petty with them not being allowed, VERY PETTY.

This just adds to the way biketrials is at the moment in the UK, not allowing these two riders to enter.tut tut.

It's like saying to Tim Henman, "no you cannot enter wimbledon this year" it's exactly the same deal, and it's pathetic.

I hope the rest of the trials public can understand how important this is even if your basically not interested in competitions because the UK needs you and your support.


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Can I just point out that Dan and Ash scored 34 points for the UK in Sweden at the European Championship. From what I can remember we came 2nd overall, we would have been lucky to be in the top 5 without these two riders.

It seems a bit petty as I doubt Britain will make the podium without these riders. (Y)

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sounds very stupid,

personaly im not a fan of dan after having a few un-acceptable comments of him whilst riding a comp.

but seing how they both get good results it seems quiet stupid to not have them in the team! can they still ride the world round? does it mean there just not part of the uk team?

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but seing how they both get good results it seems quiet stupid to not have them in the team! can they still ride the world round? does it mean there just not part of the uk team?

Unfortunately the BIU do not let people ride as "independants". You have to be on your countries team to get a ride.

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Look at Wayne Rooney. He is a total a**ehole, swears at officials all the time, spits, gets photographed with hookers. But he still has a place in the England squad, because he is good at scoring goals! An goals win matches. Same as Dan an Ash's points would give the UK a huge boost as a country, as well as maybe bringing an individual title back to these shores.

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Who's involved in the team selection process anyway? That seems VERY odd to me... For sure Danny is one of the best talents the UK has to offer at the moment and it looks like petty biketrials politics may have struck once again. Anyone on here with an 'official' standpoint on the matter?


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The reason that I think it is and is the reason I gave up trying to get in the team is that they base the team selection on last years results.

Correct me if im wrong but Dan didnt enter and niether did ash.

So there for using the UK biu rules they are not eligable(sp?)

When I looked at the team I noticed that Nick goddard is also a reserve while the people he has beaten at all three of the nationals this year are in the team.

This method makes no sense to me at all. When you have 3 national rounds before the worlds then surly you should base your desion on who's hot at the moment and not on who was hot last year.

Another stupid BIU rule.

I retract my statement about nick after having a quick check.

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Dan is leading UK master this year, is currently ranked #4 in the world UCI. In my own personal opinion he is the best person in the country on a "26 bike.

As far as im aware. (slightly more than most, but not all) he has NO official black marks against him at either british or japan BIU HQ there is no reason to keep him out of the team!

Ashley is a top rider in his own right, has skills far beyond his years, and trains hard. When he also has a good chance of bringing home some silver.

For years I have gone out the The Worlds (BIU / UCI it doesnt matter). For most of the riders there has always been a reocuring dream of having our own round with no monty maffia of filthy spanishness where we could give them a damn good kicking for a change, now the edge has been taken of it with two of our serious hopes for victory and or world titles have been excluded

At the end of the day you dont have to like the Bulters, but surely you can see something very wrong is going on here. Id like to know why? and if the reason isnt good enough someones head should roll.

So much polotics and bullshit in such a sport is mad, BikeTrials is getting as bad as F1.

Just watch out for smoke and mirrors and cloaks and daggers.

John Evans

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it is basically because the butlers have a bit of a reputation, i dont kow what for. but when they entered the worlds they didnt want him to come because that basically the people choosing him dont like him! if fred savage has anything to do with the choosing of the british team, then that is why! i dont have nothng wrong with fred or the butlers but i think that danny and ash could come back with a fair few points in the british teams slot!

' i know, lets leave two of the best riders in the country at home so we dont do well at the worlds!'

i think it is disgraceful

at british round number 2, when danny was handing his card in, as you do, he gobbed on the floor, and the people taking the cards in started having a go at him, saying it is the most digusting thing they have ever seen! at brit round number 3 this sunday, that has now turned into ' he spat at barbara wright!' i saw it with my own eyes and he was leaning over towards the floor and just gobbed to the floor, no where near barbara! i think that this has also affected his place in the team!

there is probably many more reasons but...


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