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Where Is Every One Going?


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I'm enjoying it there.  The course is pretty well rated witihn industry.  As for the content, its a good mix of exams and coursework, though there is a lot of work compared to most other courses.

Try taking a geography degree easy to start with by second year bang I was in trouble with the work load the third year was a joke, disertation, 6 exams about 8 bits of coursework.

Ive graduated now but I would do it again just for the soical life

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I was told we were doing it, but then they said we weren't, then I asked to quit and they said no. So I stopped going to my lessons.

There's some real shit in the pure and stats I did, I asked if it had anything to do with Engineering and I was told it wasn't I can only go off what I know.

God help anyone who hasn't studied a level maths in a engineering/physicsy degree

Im doing civil engineering just finished my first year and id say about 60% of the maths we learnt was related/went over what was learnt at A level. But they did what took a week of lessons at school in one lecture.

Basically.. you would be so butt f**ked if you didnt do it trying to teach yourself even basic algebra, integration etc

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I wanted to do a music degree, basically a Ba(Hons) in Contemporary Music (or Jazz or whichever name the uni gave it) specialising in bass, with a view to getting into session work.

1st Choice: Leeds College of Music: Flat denied there 'cos I don't have the certificates to say I can play grade 8 standard. I can, but you have to have the bits of paper (Y)

2nd Choice: Colchester Institute: Isn't it great when you get told after you've applied you have to be able to play the piano too :)

3rd Choice: BassTech: £7K a year fees. 'nuff said.

4th Choice: Glamorgan Uni: Conditional offer (basically, if I did A-levels I got in ^_^). Shitty facilities, shitty place...

So yeah, that's me done :lol:

Maybe next year, assuming I'm not so jaded about the whole uni thing...

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Just do something else at uni (Like essay writing - you have a skill for that :) ). Have a laugh. Get a degree. Get a decent job. At the end of the day, the likelihood of you actually getting a job playing music is pretty slim, degree or not. A guy I live with is doing music (BMus or something). He plans to do a Masters and then just give it up and get a "normal" job.

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From what I've heard from like 90% of people doing the similar course it's just not worth doing. You could learn the same practical wise just from having bass tuition, and the only other aspect of it is business studies, which you can just revise up rules for contracts on your own, pretty much. There is a school of thought that says you'll get more possibility for networking and making contacts, but if you're not tied up with uni you can be out playing more. It's all "Right place - right time", so if you're in more places, you've got a greater chance of it being the right time too. Plus there's just no guarantee of ANY job/career type things from that degree. I know that's technically the same for most degrees, but it's useless outside of actual music stuff, where it's fairly redundant anyway.

Was tempted by Industrial Product Design, but not really sure I'd want to deal with the way you have to learn/do things, or the other people doing it. Seems to be a sorta type of person who does it, which is kinda unlike me, so I just don't think I'd enjoy doing it at all.

Could go into clearing I guess, but I don't really see that deciding what course to do a few days before actually submitting the application is a good idea. Uni's a huge investment of time and money, so I'd rather not get into thousands of £££'s of debt and waste 3 years of my life on a whim.

Pretty much :)

But basically, I love my job at our bike shop. I wouldn't have any problem doing it 5 days a week. Hence, I'm trying to find a place to do it... I know it's all "Not ambitious" and shit, but it's a start. Look at Tartybikes: Ad and Dave have got a pretty kickin' business set-up from virtually nothing except a foot in the door of the industry through their links with Supercycles. I'm guessing if I have a similar thing of just working in something related to the industry, my plans for other types of shop/services might be facilated in future.

EDIT: Basically Tomm, I realised I didn't *necessarily* want a job in the music industry anyway. It's a shitty environment, and being a session artist is a f**king tough lifestyle (not least it's almost impossible to get into)...

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why dont you try something along the lines of a sports science course or engineering or some form mark? It's good to have the creative side of music and then the hands on/logical thinking of engineering. Give you a balanced outlook atleast

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Im seriously thinking about going back to uni to do a Ma inCultural Geography. May be doing it on London as a stage of performance taking the scene of bmx and trials into it, or maybe just extreme sports i nthe capital. It was going to be my disertation but I couldnt get the right supervior for it did a stupid politics bsed disertation instead.

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