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Where Is Every One Going?


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Well, it is the time now where every one has finnished there A-levels, and awating the results, on the 18th of august.


I thought it was about time we found out where most people will be heading, and for what course they are going to do.

So i will start...

I am heading to Harper Adams (small rural UNI(2000 students)), up in shropshire, and the course i have applied for is Offroad Vehicle Design.

So, every one, where are u going, and what to do.


PS: i know most places are conditional on the results.

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i'm going to Perpignan in the south of France for semester one, and Oviedo in the north of Spain for the second. (its my third year doing French and Spanish, so i get to study abroad)

perpignan has year round sun, is in a rain shadow (too close to the mountains so hardly gets any rain) and in the foothills fo the Pyrenees (ROCKS!).

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Sameer, give me a shout if you do end up in Soton. Just finished my Masters here and am doing an EngD now. City's ok, nothing special, but the uni itself is good. What subject you looking at?

Dave Marshall

Doing a Bsc in Economics for 3 years, then possibly a Masters in something or other after that. Not too sure about that at the moment.

Will definitely give you a shout if (when?) I get in. :S

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Thats what I intend to do sir.

I was told we were doing it, but then they said we weren't, then I asked to quit and they said no. So I stopped going to my lessons.

There's some real shit in the pure and stats I did, I asked if it had anything to do with Engineering and I was told it wasn't I can only go off what I know.

Edited by MrMonkey
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Don't do A level Maths, it's shit. And completely inappropriate unless you do the Mechanics part of the syllabus.

What??? To do any science in a decent uni you need maths, I'm glad I did maths, although it was hard at least I'll have a real A level.

Dunno what uni I'm going to, wait 'till results come out :)

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Don't do it! Its SO dull! Phil Williams will tell you the same :lol:

I quit mine after half a year and moved onto something better :)

It's not THAT dull Adam! I finished mine and went on to do an MSc in Laser Engineering (because it was funded/sponsored) and now I'm working as a software developer. Half the time these days it seems that if you have a degree you get a graduate job, regardless of the degree subject.

Phil does more practical engineering, which means he probably learns more stuff that is actually useful.

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I'm at Loughborough Uni, doing a maters in Mechanical Engineering, so I've still got one year left.

If you want to do engineering, you'll have to do maths, whether it's shit or not...

Yeah i know!

Im doing maths with mechanics, physics, ict and psycology.

Whats it like at Loughbrorough?

Ive heard good things from people doing other courses.

Also what does the course involve i.e like course work and stuff.

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