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'lo all.

Last thursday I was riding outside my house and inbetween my drive and next doors drive there is a wall. Because my drive slopes down, and next doors slopes up. and on their side the wall is raised about 2-3 bricks high.

It was wet but that didnt stop me from riding on it..i went to the very end (smalest bit) of the wall..pedal kicked up it, dropped down onto my drive peice of piss...

so afyer that I decided to work myself up a bit.

So I went just under half way up the wall..started to pedal kick up..must of (cant exactly remeber what happened) not got up the wall properly..tyre hit the wall, making the front end of my bike fall forwards quickly and me faceplanting my drive way resulting to a broken nose..and a broken toe (i hit the ground with my foot as I fell)

So when I can ride again, I want to be able to do this drop perfectly, but I might be (not sure yet) scared to do it because of what happened. And this could/will ot make me as confident when riding.

Has anyone else had anything similar happen to them?

Were you scared of it afterwards?

Cheers :turned:

Edited by Dan6061
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Yer..i get what you mean. Since you hurt yourself on something, you wont really want to do it again. Ive fallen off bike racks loads, so i decided not to do it again, just because i kept falling off. So it put a sort of fear into me.

But normally, if ive tried it once, ill try it again, so long as ive came close on the first*few*attempts.

The best thing you can do is to just think about where you went wrong, and remember it for next time :turned:

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Yes when I crashed off a 20ft drop on my dh bike and didnt do it for two years, Its just something you will get around to once your confidence comes around again.

Just let yourself ease into doing scary stuff again but DON'T let it beat you :turned:

Unlucky about the nose matey.


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bit off trials.... i tried to backflip on a trampoline when i was young and rather hurt myself! taken me 14 years to get the confidence to try again and i've just dialled them tonight! :turned: (Y) :D :P bad thing is the last one i did got a bit over excited, flew off the side and landed in a 2ft paddleing pool fully clothed at 11pm. brilliant (N)

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I've mullered myself a few times, and it's just a case of getting up as soon as you can and doing it again. Try not to think about it, you'll just work it up in your head as being a bigger deal than it is. Just treat it the same as any other similar drop/gap/up and you'll be alright.

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I say try it again as soon as you can ride.

Also, practice bailing, going over the bars, things like that.

It helps to have more confidence in dismounting, especially when its unexpected, you might have a better/less damaging reaction.

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When i fell off a couple of weeks ago an landed on my head i've been too scared to do big stuff even that i've done before,just go little until you get your confidence back,cause thats what i'm doing

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That is what i'm like. There is a wall near me, about 3ish pallets. I was backwheeling it fine one day.

The next day I went and tried it again and my foot slipped off the pedal I fell backwards and smacked my back on the wall (Y)

This was about 2 months ago now, i've still not tried backwheeling it :D

I think I just need to work up my confidence again.

I'm sure you'll be doing it soon :D Good luck :o

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whenever i crash i recover than i just go and do what i messed on last time and get it right, makes your confidence increase alot faster and gets you over your fear!

i broke my nose after going face first into a rock then did the gap a few days later(and it was scary at the time) and now im fine :D

best way me thinks (Y)

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the best way to get round it.

is go back to it with a blank mind, line up and get on with it.

the only way to get over something is literally to be staring it face to face and getting on with it, the more you bottle it the more that it can stay there and laugh the shit outta you!!!!! confidence can play a major part but just clear your mind and either laugh at it or line up and get on with it. you will easily get over it. you may need a mate there to push you into doing it. like to hype it up.

a bit like a couple of weeks ago in shipley centre me and a few others were out riding and i have been eyeing something up for a long time and got the bottle and finally said to myself sack it we'll just go do it and i tried and tried and tried. i kept trying until i had broken 2 pairs of forks!!!!! taking into consideration i was that destined to do it after i broke my pair of forks i borrowed my mates JUST to do this 1 gap..............i may not have completly made it/landed it and kept it how people may wished to see it but the thing was i wasnt scared of it and i wouldnt let it get the better of me.


Line up - clear mind - do the move --------------bottle it get back up and make yourself do it or get your mates to exagerate how easy it is and to get them to motivate you.

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falls can kill your confidence as a nose dive from a 4.5 rock into another one did to mine especially when the back wheel hit my leg and something hit my head, now im not doin that again, becasue me and jamie didnt even like gapping it any way cos it was really sketchy and bumpy take offs.... ill try and get the video onto my comp. (Y)

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I hear that.....

I have a weird one.

Ok, Ive riden for year, and stacked more times than youve had hot dinners, but recently Ive lost most of my confidence.

I havent fallen off or anything recently, just went out to ride, and lost the confidence to try things ive done loads f times.

Thought nothing of it, maybe just having a bad day, come back later.

But no, ive been riding like tis for about a month now. Slowly getting back to doing some stuff, but for some reason I just cant bring myslef to do moves I used to do with ease...

I must be going mental or something.

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I hear that.....

But no, ive been riding like tis for about a month now. Slowly getting back to doing some stuff, but for some reason I just cant bring myslef to do moves I used to do with ease...

I must be going mental or something.

Yep I can relate to that....Some days, I think its' called lack of motivation, you think you're gonna hurt yourself stupidly over a move you've done hundreds of times... :P ...

But I had the same losse of confidence some years ago, face planting onto a concrete edge, trying to roll over...

It's amazing how it took me ages to come back to the same block...But as said Waynio, having your final say on the culprit is the best cure to re-gain confidence.

... (crossing any average road as a pedestrian is probably as extreme as riding trials, but we have more practise :-, hence we 're more confident that's all)

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'lo all.

Last thursday I was riding outside my house and inbetween my drive and next doors drive there is a wall. Because my drive slopes down, and next doors slopes up. and on their side the wall is raised about 2-3 bricks high.

It was wet but that didnt stop me from riding on it..i went to the very end (smalest bit) of the wall..pedal kicked up it, dropped down onto my drive peice of piss...

so afyer that I decided to work myself up a bit.

So I went just under half way up the wall..started to pedal kick up..must of (cant exactly remeber what happened) not got up the wall properly..tyre hit the wall, making the front end of my bike fall forwards quickly and me faceplanting my drive way resulting to a broken nose..and a broken toe (i hit the ground with my foot as I fell)

So when I can ride again, I want to be able to do this drop perfectly, but I might be (not sure yet) scared to do it because of what happened. And this could/will ot make me as confident when riding.

Has anyone else had anything similar happen to them?

Were you scared of it afterwards?

Cheers  :-

I usually hurt myself more just getting on or of the bike lol although 2 years back

I was bailing from a simple back hop to a sloped bin jumped back of the bike as you do and broke my foot on a kerb

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it's just a case of getting up as soon as you can and doing it again.

spot on.

i find if i fall off something and don't go back to it, i build it up in my mind as being scarier than it is and often never get it done...the thing for me is (if possible, obviously wasn't for you with face breakages etc.) to get staright back up and try it again immediately, that way it hasn't got the time to play on my mind. i reckon you should get out there as soon as you can ride, and without sitting around looking at it, ride the wall. just get straight into it.

slightly different; there's a sort of bridge near me, and it's been psyching me out for years.

its about 3ft tall on the road side, and about 12-15ft tall at the highest point on the other side, with grass at the bottom. the top of the wall is about 8inches thick, but round (the bricks are semi circular). for years i've wanted to just ride along the top of this bridge, from one end to the other (about 20-30ft i think). i pretty much know i can do this, but every time i get up to do it, i get my front wheel on the round top of the wall, and bottle it! it's built up in my mind now as THE move i want to do, but i've spent so long thinking about it and seeing myself fall and break my legs etc. that i don't know if i'll ever do it now. when i do, i can die happy.

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Confidence is a b*****d - i went out a week or or a ago and it was raining slightly and found this gap. Not very high, but a decent gap. Now my back brake wasn't working great but i was thinking 'i could do this, nah i will wait till its dry' so i started messing about on the wall and came to the conclusion it was grippy as f**k. So I thought this gap is maybe on, had a few blasts at it, but i was holding back still.

so i thought 'f**k it's a shit little wall' and gave it some beef, didn't quite make it, but came closer. so i literally looked at the wall and said out loud 'your a shitty little b*****d wall and your not f**king beating you piece of crap' no-one was around or they might have thought i was a mentalist :- but made it across and did it over and over again a few times and was nailing it 90% of the time.

I hear that.....

But no, ive been riding like tis for about a month now. Slowly getting back to doing some stuff, but for some reason I just cant bring myslef to do moves I used to do with ease...

yeah that happens too me a lot, i was really struggling with this sidehop last night. Couldn't commit to it at all, but i made a couple of bunnyhops easily and was riding these wooden balance beams (it had just rained last night and last time i tried them they where dry as a bone) in a playground that i was struggling with last time :P things don't make sense.

At leeds uni, there are these 6 bollards, and i just can't get them (i have done better and longer bollard sections) but in my head everytime i come up to them its 'these bloody bollards, i never gonna get these'. So in my head I haven't made them, even though i haven't tried them yet.


Edited by leedstrials
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