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Brake Mount Conversion?

Max Quinn

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Hey i have a 26" designed frame but am looking at getting 24" wheels. Seeing as i still want to run V's/hs33's is there anything i coud use or buy to adapt the 26" brake mounts to 24" brake mounts? I can't seem to find anything but surely there must be something? :turned:

Thanks for any help, Max.

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could try upside down evo mounts for 24" maybe?

Yer i was thinking of trying that but it seems a bit hit or miss, i'll probably try and borrow a freinds 24" wheel to test it sometime. Isn's there any mount conversion things or other methods though?

Cheers, Max.

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you can buy bolt on plates with v brake mounts already on them for bmxs, i have a plate that bolts straight onto 4 bolt mounts and allows you to use a v brake on 26 or 24 inch wheels (Y) or convert a mod to v brake mounts sucessfully :turned:

anyway, thought about makin aplate that bolts onto your old mounts and has new bosses lower down? if you get me.....should be pretty easy-ive been thinking of making my own to test out on my bike, cos i quite like the idea of tryin 24s on a spare frame

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That would be good kind of like the monty urban custom 26" brake mounts but lower down, you could make your own 6/8 bolt booster to stiffen it up a bit aswell.

Would look weell unique :turned:

Edited by Caleb
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One of my mates did this with some pashley forks..

he cut off the brake luggs and got his dad to weld them back on the the right place.

I'm not quite sure exactly what he done..but it was something along those lines..

Ask Rich4130 about it


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