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Help Getting The Retaining In Out Of A Hope Mini

Michael Hardman

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Is it the mono mini or the 2 piece caliper? If its the 2 piece then take the caliper off the bike & disconnect the banjo fitting. Remove the retaining pin clip and the 2 allen screws holding the halves togetherthen the whole lot should slide apart and you can grip the shaft of the retaining pin in a vice and turnt he caliper body half to release it. Reassemble as normal and put a new retaining pin in and get some decent allen keys that are sharp and wont round you screws off (Y)

If its the mini mono I would try to get some needle nose pliers on the clip end of the retaining pin and see if you can twist it out. A large stud extractor into the allen head might work aswell.

Other than that phone hope and they should be able to sort you out.

Hope that helps :turned:

edit: The retaining screw on the mini is the one just above the h in hope on the caliper in this picture


On the mini the retaining pin is the same (I think), and is located between the 2 allen screws that hold the caliper halves together). On the mini mono there arent the 2 allen screws cos the caliper is a single piece unit, but the retaining screw does exactly the same.

Edited by forteh
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take it is the 2piece mini if you have it stuck, becasue the mono mini pin isnt on threads, so if it is drill it out and put a pin in with a split pin in the end like i did with my old mini.

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Or just take the caliper to pieces as I said and use a vice, then you dont risk killing your expensive caliper :turned:

I've done this before but just used some mole grips. Worked a treat. The heads had seized and cracked. You get new pins with new pads anyway (Y)

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