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Just Bought Battlefield2 And!

Trials Punk

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Right just bought BF2 and my ATI Radeon 9200 AGP graphics card isn't supported is there any way other than buying a new card I could resolve this. If not whats a cheap alternative. It axepts ATI Radeon 9500-9800 and in the X range x300-x850

also supports GeForce Fx cards.

Need help as I'm iching to play this game as the trailer at the start is awsome it ruddy frezes up at the main menu.

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Have you tried installing the latest video drivers from ATI.com ?

The 9200 wouldn't run it at any sort of none skippy level, my friend who has a 9800 Pro and an AMD 64 3200+ says it skips at first if he has his graphics high. It won't run at a higher resolution on my computer than 1024x768 if I have most of my graphics on high and if I have shadows on high my map is in a constant shadow. I have a 5900Ultra. Yay for Nvidia B)

Obviously try it first though, saves you some money if it works :S

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Have you tried installing the latest video drivers from ATI.com ?

Yeah I tried that. Ruddy thing lol.

Cheers monkey, I will have a look around e-bay and take a trip to a few stores. What would I do without that monkey?

One other question, how hard is it to fit the card yourself? I wouldn't mind trying it.

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Yeah I tried that. Ruddy thing lol.

Cheers monkey, I will have a look around e-bay and take a trip to a few stores. What would I do without that monkey?

One other question, how hard is it to fit the card yourself? I wouldn't mind trying it.

You'll have to take your own one out which will require you to unscrew it from the actual case, not very hard :S and unclip it from a brown AGP card slot, the 9800 Pro will require a connector to plug it in, which there should be one of coming from your PSU and going into one of your other drives, there'll be another dangly bit on it somewhere. Shouldn't be too hard, you might have to give it a fair pull to get it out and a fair push to get it fully in. If you're worried about braking something though just check google and you should be sorted for instructions. Also if you buy from a shop make sure you don't pay some extortiante price for an SE, as all of my local shops don't stock anything other than low quality cards for stupid prices. B)

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Cheers mooooonkeeeeey.

I think I'll be taking a long look round e-bay. Search out the good deals and for how to install the card.

Another NOOOOB (lol) question, does having a better graphics card actually make THAT MUCH of a difference. I see people going on about how good this is, ect ect and WOW this is amazing card but is there mcuh diff?

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Cheers mooooonkeeeeey.

I think I'll be taking a long look round e-bay. Search out the good deals and for how to install the card.

Another NOOOOB (lol) question, does having a better graphics card actually make THAT MUCH of a difference. I see people going on about how good this is, ect ect and WOW this is amazing card but is there mcuh diff?

Well, I like the fact it runs super smooth more than high quality graphics, but when something looks real you feel more immersed in the game. It just makes it feel more like you're there, in my opinion adding to the fun. Especially when a nade goes off near you and you hear ringing and your screen goes all fuzzy. B) But the 9800 Pro card should run it perfectly, unless you want some mega beast like the X850XT which is around £300, but your PC could have parts at lower performance which would cause slow down of the card to the rest of your computer's standard.

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Major problem with the 9700s is everyone wants one, they run the same as the 9800s but as they aren't being produced anymore and are older they can go pretty cheap but the bidding can be fierce. So watch your hands :S Yeah and as Danny said if you can get a 6600 GT for a similar price definetely get it as they're pretty sexy cards B)

Edited by MrMonkey
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Yeah taking the card out and installing the new one is piss easy.

Take your case off, unscrew the card (There should be one little screw holding it in the port) Pull it out and plug the new one in and screw it up again!

It's really easy B)

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