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I Pwns J00 N00bs


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im not going to pay for you...

its very easy to say things on the internet.  I'm not going to argue anymore beacuse you will have another smart arse reply.  No-one will gain from it.

Another thing, have any of you actually counted out the 6 shots, reload, 6 shots, because it is more like four and a half seconds, not 2.99

EDIT: its also very easy to give up over the internet inside of argueing your case >_<

Edited by andyroo
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Another thing, have any of you actually counted out the 6 shots, reload, 6 shots, because it is more like four and a half seconds, not 2.99

You were there then, I take it?

Either way, its fookin impressive, and none of us on here could do it.

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Record you 'wiggling' your finger, against considerable resistance, 8 times in 1.06 seconds, and we'll believe you. Time crisis doesn't count, thats nothing like a real gun.

Im aware of what a real gun is like to fire, having been awarded a few times for marksmenship skills.

Competition weapons and public use weapons are fitted with adjustable triggers, to allow travel, the point between squeezing the trigger and meeting resistance and the sensitivity of the trigger itself. A trigger can easily be set up, on most weapons, even my cheapy air rifle allows you to do it, so that you barely have to touch the trigger to set the gun off. Ive fired competition rifles that you literally stroke against the trigger to fire the thing.

So resistance isnt an issue; and neither is the time taken to fully squeeze the trigger, because you wont have to move it much when set up to your preference.

So it is just a case of wiggling your finger against the trigger.

And finally, the army use a training method that ive used that is incredibly similar to time crisis for training, the only difference is the shape of the weapon, and the footage is real not computer graphics.

So naa to the lot of you

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Im aware of what a real gun is like to fire, having been awarded a few times for marksmenship skills.

Competition weapons and public use weapons are fitted with adjustable triggers, to allow travel, the point between squeezing the trigger and meeting resistance and the sensitivity of the trigger itself. A trigger can easily be set up, on most weapons, even my cheapy air rifle allows you to do it, so that you barely have to touch the trigger to set the gun off. Ive fired competition rifles that you literally stroke against the trigger to fire the thing.

So resistance isnt an issue; and neither is the time taken to fully squeeze the trigger, because you wont have to move it much when set up to your preference.

So it is just a case of wiggling your finger against the trigger.

And finally, the army use a training method that ive used that is incredibly similar to time crisis for training, the only difference is the shape of the weapon, and the footage is real not computer graphics.

So naa to the lot of you

Go and do it in 3 seconds then. Video tape it for us.

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Like i said, you get me a handgun, i'll shoot it for you. im not getting a licence and buying a handgun just for you lot. When he does the 6 shots, reload and shots, count it, or time it, even if you take the count from when his first shot, its still way over 2.99 seconds.

A gun of that size, properly held is no more difficult to fire than a time crisis gun, The true art in shooting a weapon is not the speed, its the accuracy. Americans like shooting fast; British like to actually aim the thing first.

If you want impressive, watch someone shoot a handgun that isnt semi automatic quickly. Thats impressive. Not squeezing a trigger repeatedly.

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If you want impressive, watch someone shoot a handgun that isnt semi automatic quickly. Thats impressive. Not squeezing a trigger repeatedly.

That defeats the object of technology.

Your point about it being slower than 2.99 seconds is wasted on most people with brains, firstly the it's a video not the real thing and secondly if it was 10 seconds I bet you still couldn't do it.

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That defeats the object of technology.

Your point about it being slower than 2.99 seconds is wasted on most people with brains, firstly the it's a video not the real thing and secondly if it was 10 seconds I bet you still couldn't do it.

As does squeezing a trigger repeatedly quickley when you can just use a fully automatic weapon.

So your saying the video is not being played in real time? And your still not getting the idea that the trigger will be set at a feather touch, so the slightest bit of pressure will set it off?

Do you even know what a gun is?

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A trigger can easily be set up, on most weapons, even my cheapy air rifle allows you to do it, so that you barely have to touch the trigger to set the gun off.

Firstly, I don't know anything about guns. But from what you said, it sounds like you could set up your air rifle to be as easy as theirs is to shoot? So you could film yourself squeezing the trigger 6 times in 1.03 seconds?

Ive fired competition rifles that you literally stroke against the trigger to fire the thing.

And if not, you might be able to get access to the competition air rifle again?

Also, he definitely does fire the 6 shots in under 3 seconds (as far as I can tell anyway), that's me timing the video with my PC's clock (try it, a second is actually fairly long...). Don't you think all these officials might be a bit more accurate than some guy watching a video streamed over the internet?

Anyway I say well done to the guy, I know for a fact I couldn't do that, and if you (andy) manage to do it aswell, then I'll also be impressed and say well done to you.

Edited by modx-lite
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back again, if you speed up the video the sound changes pitch. It would take alot of time and bother to lower the pitch again. Like you said "some american" probably couldnt be bothered to do that.

Do you know when to just proove us all wrong buy taking a video of you doing it?

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humm, to be honest im kinda with andy roo on this one, ok im taking his word for it about setting the gun up ect....

If your looking at it from a skill point of veiw, then i think (take for example the 7.5ft(guess) rail gap in vinces new vid) it would take longer to learn to do that, to the skill, ect,that vince does it, than it would to learn to reload a gun fast...

But, you may think everyone would be amazed by someone jumping 7 and a half foot between rails on there bike impressive, but not everyone stops and watches you ride do they? (without offending anyone i mean decent riders, to get a better comparison)

soo err yeah, not taking anything away from the guy and not saying i could do it, just perhaps not as "amazing" as some people are making it out to be.

my 2 pence, feel free to argue with me :- always up for that >_<

Dave >_<

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Right, competition rifles are single shot, meaning you have to reload after every shot, and derf, your just prooving what I said?

So its just the 6 shots in 2.99 seconds not the 6 shots, reload, 6 shots?

I would be very happy to proove you wrong if you bought me a gun, if you're that interested, but I just don't see whats so hard to believe about being able to tap a trigger quicklly? You dont have any travel or resistance to fight against, just a touch sensitive surface.

If you can tap on the floor 6 times in two/three seconds, you can fire that gun in the same speed.

Give it try

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that guy is Jerry Miculek. my dad used to shoot before it all got banned. hes met him at a gun show in bristol a while back. his gun is pretty normal except has a really light trigger feel. he holds quite a few records for pistol shooting.

damn it now im the loser lol

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A gun of that size, properly held is no more difficult to fire than a time crisis gun, The true art in shooting a weapon is not the speed, its the accuracy. Americans like shooting fast; British like to actually aim the thing first.


you heard of a thing called recoil mate?

Edited by chrishayton
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