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Do You Keep Getting Moved On?


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Right you all know the story of being always being moved on by police and everyone saying go to the skate park. etc.

I'm putting a list together of all the trials riders in the uk. Its not going to be easy and its not a small task, by all means I know this.

What I would like you all to do is email me at - Freetoride@hotmail.co.uk your

Full Name


It my seem strange that I ask for you address too, but if we have a list of people the council will think they are only made up names, etc.

If you know of any other riders or people who have an interest in the area or will support us, who can be added to the list please give them the email address. I will be contacting all the major companies in the uk that do parts etc.

I know some of you are thinking, why bother it wont make a difference. But it will never change unless people know about it. It only takes a little effort from each of you and what do you have to lose?

If you have nothing useful to say please dont waste my time.

Please email me those details to - Freetoride@hotmail.co.uk

Any comments or questions please post in here or msn me Littleharrys@hotmail.com

I hope this works but I need you all to help. Its up to you?

The first name on the list is mine.

Harry Elliott


Thanks, Harry

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Sorry but imo this isn't likely to work. People get told to move on because they are a hazard to pedsetrians. I guarantee that you're weren't being a hazard, but they still dont't see it that way. I got moved on for sitting down and eating a sandwich on my bike (Y)

The only thing you can do is use the petition to gain a trials park like someone did a while ago (btw any news on that?)

Just my opinion, may not be true

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Well thats exactly my point, Im at uni in portsmouth. Just as a start I want somewhere to ride here. But if we have a list of every rider we can just send a copy of it to a city. This instantly shows the support and amount of people into the sport.

Also it shows the interst in the sport. More people get to know about us and that were not out to destroy the streets.

If it makes no difference then its nothing lost because it only takes a minute of your time. Im the one willing to put in the effort but I need help from all you guys.

Thanks Harry

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Ride in public places at night where you are less of an obstruction.

Ride in places which are less public.

Ride in business areas on weekends so security guards are usually gone.

Be creative, make things out of pallets etc.

I think the time and effort it would take to do this would be completely pointless. Surely they would also think you are a bit of a retard for giving them names from places other than Portsmouth?

Also, what is the actual aim of "Free To Ride"? Handing the council a load of redundant names will do nothing. However many people there are riding trials, you still wont be allowed to do it in the street. How many people do you see having a game of football in the high street?

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What are you actually trying to change/achieve? You want to make it so we don't get moved on? Surely not?

We shouldn't be riding on the streets, outside buildings, in council estates etc - people still do it, they get moved on, that's part and parcel of riding trials in the streets.

If you don't wanna get moved on, ride natural - pretty simple really.

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Well no actually the point is to get some where to ride to so that we dont have to ride in the street.

Oh and its funny, because we had around 70 riders on the last big street ride in portsmouth so it is for people out side portsmouth too.

But your obviously not bothered about it so why bother having a go at me for trying to change it? You seem a big gobby, I bet you would give some lip to a cop or people that complain to you when your out riding.

So instead of being so negative why don't you help instead of being such a useless muppet?

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Well no actually the point is to get some where to ride to so that we dont have to ride in the street. 

Oh and its funny, because we had around 70 riders on the last big street ride in portsmouth so it is for people outsideportsmouth too.

But your obviously not bothered about it so why bother having a go at me for trying to change it? You seem a big gobby, I bet you would give some lip to a cop or people that complain to you when your out riding.

So instead of being so negative why don't you help instead of being such a useless muppet?

We already have places to ride which aren't in the street though (Y) I was also on the big Portsmouth ride, I can't even remember getting moved on once, that was even on a Saturday.

What part of my post sounded the least bit 'gobby' - I never insulted you, I stated what I thought to be the truth. No gobbyness intended there, and is there anything false about what I've said? Trials simply isn't big enough to feasibly go out and build loads of parks, most of which only get ridden for a while and it just adds to the amount of spots to ride, people still continue to ride at other street locations.

I also talk to the security guards and Police, there's no point in giving them jip when we're in the wrong, I'm not unruly, I just accept the facts.

P.S. That post might have been in vain, I didn't notice the other posts.

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like everyone says, if we did do this, and a park was built, where would it be, near you! not us! and evn if one near us was built then like someone else sadi it would only add to the spots to ride, it wouldnt stop us riding anywhere else!

And when the police move us on, it is because we are doing something wrong and not them!

and also someone said ride natural, but maybe in a year or so the rules are changing for that and farmers are trying to stop all competitions on rocks or something like that anyway!

joE! (Y)

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Yeah but the only reason I ride street is cos i live in a city which means theres not alot of natural stuff round here. Yeah and the reason we ride in the street which is wrong is because we have know where else to ride.

You cant get a park everywhere at once. Even places that have them didnt get them just cos the council thought ohhh lets build one. Its because people in the area let them know that one was wanted and needed .

Some of you have no vision and are very narrow minded. Its quite sad to see, but if your happy then good luck to you.

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Just a thought...

It's good to see such a positive and proactive approach being suggested. (Y)

However, playing devil's advocate here...

You will have to be very careful with any name and address information gathered. If it were to fall into the wrong hands it would basically be an invitation to come and steal your expensive bikes.

Personally, I wouldn't be happy to supply a council with such lists of details. I suspect they could be used to help the council crack down on your riding as much as it could be used to put forward a pro-trials riding case. When bits of street furniture start showing signs of damage, they would have a list of suspects ready to hand, even if it was nothing to do with anyone on the list. Being really cynical, it might give them the information they need to issue ASBOs to every self-proclaimed trials rider on the list... but that is taking it way too far on the cynical side... I hope.


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Yes I know this but it is all the more reason they should something about it.

I see your point but unfortunately you cant do a petition with just email addresses because they can argue there not real people.

There are around 3000 members on trials forum alone and thats not all the trials riders in the uk. Even with just these people just sending me there email and name is going be a big help. I have already talked to the council, they want a idea of numbers, cost and the type of things we want in a trials park.

But thanks for a useful positive post, I might try it with just email addresses?

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It's good to know that you do care and are trying to do SOMETHING but I'm really not sure it's the right way to go about it for the previous reasons. I know how you feel because I also have no natural to ride so unless you're mates with someone who can drive your a bit stuck.

Ride in public places at night where you are less of an obstruction.

Definitely a good idea especially now it's summer and it's hard enough to ride in the day time due to dying of heat exaustion! It's also good fun night riding but just watch out for pi** heads :D"

Your always going to get moved because people just see that your doing something different and your average security guard has conformed to his role and wont budge on what he thinks is right (for more info check out AS Psychology- Conformity) My general philosophy is be as polite to them as they are to you, I've been moved on by the bill a few times and they generally semi impressed with your skills but just ask you to move on politely so just do it then come back once there gone :P

I got moved on for sitting down and eating a sandwich on my bike

How the smeg did you manage that one! (Y)

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Its quite sad to see that it has has had a 200 views and a load of pointless replies in such a short time.

People can be bothered to waste time slating the idea instead of write an email with their name in it which would take less than a minute and would not matter if nothing came from it. But if it does then it a bonus.

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Its quite sad to see that it has has had a 200 views and a load of pointless replies in such a short time. 

People can be bothered to waste time slating the idea instead of write an email with their name in it which would take less than a minute and would not matter if nothing came from it.  But if it does then it a bonus.

Will you please read the posts?

Its not that nobody can be bothered, its just that others have tried it, and it does not work. Councils will not spend the thousands of punds building a trials park, which will probably get broken and will not be used by many people.

Also, if you had a park, once you had done all the lines there, wouldn't you get bored of it?

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Yeah man thats cools, it may not work but at least your trying. So many of these guys agree with it but dont want to bother to try.

I am reading the posts, and if you do care then just take a second to email your name and email address. Then you can say at least you helped. If it doesnt work then you can say i told u so. But this is not what its about.

Cheer for the support yoyoyo. Its good to see some of you bother.


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Will you please read the posts?

Its not that nobody can be bothered, its just that others have tried it, and it does not work. Councils will not spend the thousands of punds building a trials park, which will probably get broken and will not be used by many people.

Also, if you had a park, once you had done all the lines there, wouldn't you get bored of it?

This is one of the MANY issues we have faced before. Lee tried for like 4 years in a row to get a park up and running, they threw it out every time.

Theres so many factors you need to think of. I will list some of the ones i know of, but theres probably hundreds more.

- Trials is a harsh sport, and everything will get damaged, a LOT more then a skatepark normally would. Therefore, upkeep, as well as health and safety (splinters, broken equipment) issues are greatly increased.

- If theres a park in your town, or close to your town, then the police and/or general public now have a solid way to pull you in. As they can simply say "go to the local trials park", and theres nothing we do about it. Obviously this isn't a major issue, but still an issue none the less.

- Getting bored of what you have is an issue, and the only solution is to make objects non fixed. This brings in a whole new set of problems, what with stealing, the cost needed to make the objects move-able, as well as durable, and the sharing of the move-able objects, and placement at any one given time.

- Where. Trials isn't a big sport as it is, but the riders are so spread out, that a park in one place wouldn't really be enough. You could place one in london, with great public transport access, but try talking to the London council about that heh, or even finding space. (Y)

I'm not having a go or anything Harry, but these are just some of the issues that a trials park has. Trials, will one day have its own park, and will be recognised as a growing and vibrant sport, but i really don't think we have got to that point yet.

Also, for the police/public not being able to move us on, would be changing the law, a law which to be fair, would allow vandilism again, as at the end of the day, thats what trials is, or is looked upon as in most cases.

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Its good to see some of you bother.

It's not that we wouldn't be bothered to help the "trials community". It's that you aren't actually helping the trials community. I don't really think you have put much thought into your actual plan.

You still haven't outlined what you are trying to achieve in a clear fashion.

You live in a major city in the UK. Don't say you "have nowhere to ride". There will always be things to ride.

I think overall not many of us are going to give our addresses to some random bloke giving them to the council in Portsmouth for an unknown reason. Which is, lets face it, at the moment all you are. Give us a useful post which outlines what you are trying to acheive in a clear manner and you might get a little more support.

Also, only get people who have actually been to Portsmouth on their bike because otherwise it will be pointless. I guarantee that even if you somehow do manage to obtain a trials park or something from the council, you will still ride street.

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I understand what your saying and have looked at this alot cos i know a guy called ray who works for the land registry in portsmouth city council. He is helping me put together a plan to put forward to them. He knows all the areas we need and so thats were im starting.

And for those of you who keep saying read the posts, I have and maybe some of you should do the same. I have out lined what im doing, getting a list of names to show how many people there are into the sport.

Thanks to those that have emailed me, thank but no thanks to those who have been useless and made pointless posts.


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