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Well i wanted to ride yesterday but didnt seem to be able to get any of the lazee buggers to ride so im gonna give some advanced notice for a proposed ride in Norwich on Sunday 3rd July.

Hopefully the weather will be shining and gleeming, would be nice to see some old faces again, so post up if you can make it and try to drag as many people along as possible. ^_^

cheers, stu :-

p.s. would it be a good idea to make it a weekend ride and say ride *???????* (wherever) on the saturday and norwich on the sunday?

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SATURDAY it is then, i have spoken to scotty, it seems to be a good day for him, its a good day for me and its the only day for wally so saturday seems to be the voted decicision.

A time is yet to be confirmed but im thinking i will be up there for between 10 and 11am

cheers, stu (Y)

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norwich...hehe haven't ridden there since, well you know stu (Y)" lol

should be different, BTW seeing as i'm a crazy mofo now lol, theres no way i'm riding the normal boring places all day i.e: C & A, memorial, anglia square. gotta go to the outskirts, i'm sure we could cunger up somthing :) lol. i'll have a word with jimbo tonight, and get ian out and matt maybe lee as well, might as well make it a bigger ride if we've gotta be in norwich lol. i've gotta get some pads by then...somehow B)

keep an eye on the weather :S


oh btw, do you not have to work saturday stu, or are you gonna meet up with us halfway through the day?

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hmm you norwich riders wouldn't happen to know who's frame this is would you because i just won the ebay auction and now the lads being a complete cock and trying to get out of the sale even though i've upped my offer to £35...




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sorry mate ive checked the frame but i dont have a clue whom it belongs to, well it sounds like to belongs to you now come to think of it B)

errrm yeah scotty i have saturday off work so we can leave relatively early, i did write this earlier

"A time is yet to be confirmed but im thinking i will be up there for between 10 and 11am"

not at workies wohay!!! :)

yeah bring lee and matt and ian sounds good to me, i might give daryll a shout about it actually

cheers, stu :S

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theres no way i'm riding the normal boring places all day i.e: C & A, memorial, anglia square. gotta go to the outskirts

Hehehe, the amount of times thats been said! I'll see if Dave Dennis want's to ride, he knows the area pretty well so theres a chance we might find something new to ride B)

Where is everyone going to meet, station at 11?

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hmm you norwich riders wouldn't happen to know who's frame this is would you because i just won the ebay auction and now the lads being a complete cock and trying to get out of the sale even though i've upped my offer to £35...




Its legally yours. My dad won a Lancia v6 engine for £1. The guy had to hand it over, and my dad gave him an extra tenner anyway, for fuel to drop it off and such like.

Sorry to be offtopic by the way. B)

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errrm well build the base up then, paul you seem to have loads of bikes im sure you can find something to come on, would be good to see you again i hant seen you in bloody aaaaages dude.

see if you can get you ass out somehow, as long as it pedals and has two wheels you have no excuse :(

cheers, stu :(

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