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Animal Cruelty Vid


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i think its pretty bad the way that once theyve skinned it they just leave it lying on the floor trying to get away, yeah maybe its in their culture that they may believe that the animals dont have feelings but they could atleast give them a good clean crack with a shovel or something just to put them out of their misery, i suppose since they do it everyday they kinda block it out and get on with the job, but i still think its cruel as hell (Y)......shit happens...nothing we can do about it really no matter how strongly we feel about it.

Edited by OnzaDMC
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To us, it is wrong. To them it is a way of life. Thats the way it is i'm afraid...

I find it wrong to skin an animal alive, they do it to eat. They need to sell the stuff to stay alive.

Human nature is to survive, if it came to ME living or dying, i'd do it.

Exactly (Y) :D

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i think its pretty bad the way that once theyve skinned it they just leave it lying on the floor trying to get away, yeah maybe its in their culture that they may believe that the animals dont have feelings but they could atleast give them a good clean crack with a shovel or something just to put them out of their misery, i suppose since they do it everyday they kinda block it out and get on with the job, but i still think its cruel as hell  (Y)


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Those animals are bred to be killed. They don't have lives, don't get so upset about it. We do it to cows and many other animals.

For once your f**king jokes ahve gone too far.

Yes they are breed to killed a f**king lethal injection is humane not that, its sick, your sick now Ive lost al respect for you go f**k off.

Oh and way of living my arse, even the least cilvised twats out there need to earn from the animal kingdom, kill the f**king pray first then skin it, once its dead its fine. Kill it quick then do what you want I dont ahve a problem with that.

f**king culture and religion bah humbug

Edited by Michael Hardman
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For once your f**king jokes ahve gone too far.

Yes they are breed to killed a f**king lethal injection is humane not that, its sick, your sick now Ive lost al respect for you go f**k off.

Hot damn shame I don't give a shit. You do realise it costs around £50 per lethal injection. How would they make a profit. I thought so captain conundrum.

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There doing it for the camera! i very much doubt they do it like that when the camera is not there!

and how would you know.....

also saying its either doing that job or dying because they have no other job, actually those people are prbably well off compared, if they raise those animals on so called fur farms, to look after them and feed them etc that costs money and time until they are big enough to kill, so saying that they have to do that job or they will die is wrong, because im sure some random poor person cant just start up a farm type place (Y)

also im sure there 'is' another way of more humanely killing them, other than whacking them like they do.

Hot damn shame I don't give a shit. You do realise it costs around £50 per lethal injection. How would they make a profit. I thought so captain conundrum.
well there is other ways of killing things other than injection and beating the shit out of them!
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well there is other ways of killing things other than injection and beating the shit out of them!

Not really.

Most ways will involve drawing blood which will ruin the furs

(There probably is a way of killing them without fur damage but i can't think of one)

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oh no a poor little animal getting skinned alive lets all run around saying how sick it is .

it happens to people too you know , its not the end of the world and not that i condone it but frankly there isnt much you can do

wow if we all had views like that nothing would get done....

ooh youve got a disease, oh well poor you im not going to make a fuss about it, it happens to other people aswell its not as though i can cure you.(took it out of context a bit but you know what i mean)

Edited by Bondy
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oh no a poor little animal getting skinned alive lets all run around saying how sick it is .

it happens to people too you know ,

can i ask something without getting my head bitten off from anyone? what happens to people too? getting skinned alive? i doubt it?

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The world is a pretty f**ked up place, like people getting tied to the bakcs of cars and just being scarped to nothing ,shit like that. I jsut wanted this to be an eye opener for those who've never seen something like that before , I know I never had.

Btw, the cameraman was an undercover.

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1025 people veiwed! if only there was £10 pledged for every person who veiwed the video !  :(

Most of those views will be taken up by people coming into this thread to see if the latest retards have taken MrMonkey's posts seriously and written some kind of damning counter-arguement, usually along the lines of:

"You sick f**k. I hate you."

Another day, another 'tard replies to Monkey :)

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LMAO at MrMonkey, truely something special, not many people would have the balls to make such comments in a thread full of people talking about animal rights. :(

There are a few people in this thread who have argued profusely with MrMonkey, but at the end of the day, it's happened for years and you didn't give a damn, why all of a sudden when you watch a vid and somebody makes a few witty remarks do you act as though your entire life has been about saving animals?

I'm shocked by the video. But at the end of the day, it's like Comic Relief, "We watched, We donated, We couldn't give a f**k." So many people will watch this vid and be mortified, and donate, I honestly think, donating really isn't going to help. Laws in other countries are different, that's the way it is. It's gonna' take a f**king machine to stop fur trade, the money donations make is nothing compared to what you can make in the fur trade.


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It is quite disturbing and I agree the skinning alive thing is wrong and inhumane.

When i'm out hunting with the air gun where you have one shot one kill scanerio you really have to get mr rabbit in the scone to stop him dead. Sometimes this doesn't stop them in their tracks as their brain is still sending signals to their body resulting in them jumping about.

The only way to stop this is to stretch it's neck rather than to have it suffer.

All i'm saying is that to break that animals neck they are hardly going to be able to do it grabbing its legs and neck and pulling as its some size of an animal. What methods of dispatch are they left with? Not a lot that won't cost a lot or damage the fur so they have to try and break their (strong) necks by putting in a significant amount of force (i.e bladdering it off the deck)

Some of their methods I disagree with but the swinging and beating in my mind would be the only way for them to kill them efficiantly for their trade (livelihood).


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