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Random Thoughts


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Im gonna do this in a list type thing as im a little to drunk to write this out totally. amybe someone has the answers for me.

-Why do woman have so many f**ked up emotions? like one minute they are happy n shit with one thing then BAM they hate it or they think its a bad choice.

-Why is it when you want two diffrent things but you know you want one more then the other your mind seems to somehow screw with you by telling you that the other is better?

-Does anyone know what love is? How do you know if the one your with is the one you always want to be with?

-Why do things affect you emotions? such as music and other people.

-Why does work suck, but being jobless suck also?

- Why do people have choices and a conscience? (sp?) if we had neither life would be so much easier

- Why doesnt the world addopt the same curancy? the would would run so much smoother that way

- Why is it people can get addicted to sex? and be willing to risk relationships just becasue they want to get off?

- Why is liquor so good?

- Why, if someone makes a mistake nobody can see past the fact that they have moved on past that and know not what to do?

-Is it possible to be in a relationship with no trust?

- Why does mainstream music suck?/ Why do bands sell out?

- Why am i so drunk?

- Why do people try and be someone else? Fake is wrong, but at the same time fake can be just as good....

- Why, for the last 3 years have i gone between 2 women never making up my mind which i wanna be with? (note: i have made the decision)

-Why do i listen to depressing music (heartbreak ect ect) yet im totaly happy with my life?

Ok so yeah i think thats all my thoughts...

oh no wait

-how can someone hold a grudge for so long even though the person has tried time and time again to prove they've changed?


- why are people so scared of change?

ok there thats all,

help answer these...


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-Does anyone know what love is? How do you know if the one your with is the one you always want to be with?

Line I used dunno if it's been used before but I tried.

"I don't know if I'm in love with your or not because I don't know what love is, but the feeling I have right now is one I never want to end."

Oh yes, cheeeeeese.

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-Why do woman have so many f**ked up emotions? like one minute they are happy n shit with one thing then BAM they hate it or they think its a bad choice.


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