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Grip Sweat


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Alright people,

Every single summer it drives me mad how sweaty my hands get and I get no grip at all. Everyone I ride with suffers from the same thing. I don't wanna get gloves cause they just don't feel right. Are there any grips or special lengths you lot go to to make your hands stay in place. I currently have ruffian grips...

Edited by JonPace
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I find I get this too but find the best thing is to carry a very small towel and tuck it into your trousers or get a beer mat towel and carry that, they are cheap and quickly get rid of sweaty grips and sweaty hands :).

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I'd go for some liquid chalk stuff if your buying it primarily for riding. Loose chalk could be a hassle to take around with you, unless you like put a load in a bottle or something similar. But yeah, there's loads of brands that do liquid chalk now, which seems more grippy when climbing anyway.

Erm: http://www.rockrun.com/shop/prod.html?d=2&...59bafcd2a0ce9d1

That kinda stuff.

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I stopped wearing gloves and my hands were sweating like pigs. . . . . .

But just keep riding - it gets better. I dont know why but its really not bad at all anymore. my hands have stopped sweating (as much) and i can ride without too much bother . . .

But at a guess if you use foam grips (when theyre new) that would help a bucket load.

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what you need is a 'wipe hands on trousers/shorts + hold on tighter'.

Recommended Retail Price: £0.00

ha-har :P Although really I agree too

I sweat like a fat sweaty man having sex on a hot day :) and I ecnounter this problem too. Mind you I'm using the brisa/koxx rubber grips which have now become slick

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I might buy myself some of that climbers chalk for the summer.

Jon Fisher introduced me to that theory when I first met him a couple of years back on a ride in Basingstoke (We also had loads of fun throwing the chalk ball round and at people leaving large white chalk patches and hand prints ;) )

DeeJ then told me how a simple alternative was to use Talcolm Powder so in the summer I usually have some Talc with me in my bag. It works but last summer I found myself putting gloves on after a while riding due to soar hands, not sweaty hands.

I am going to try the chalk/talc method again this summer and stick with it through the pain of riding gloveless and see how it goes....

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monty foam's from cleanbikes, they any good? was thinking of getting some as im having the same problem and as for gloves... the tan line is not cool ;)

Still, the best grips for sweat are the cork tape from racing bikes, or from tennis rackets....(and they are very thin like the monty and cheaper than anything else :D" )

But it has to be cork, not plastic copy.

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People also seem to forget that gloves are an important piece of protective equipment!

What do you use to save yourself from many nasty bails? Yes thats right, your hands!

I have been lucky not to hurt my hands *that* bad while riding but I am sure people out there have absolutely wrecked there hands when bailing gloveless!

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I have been lucky not to hurt my hands *that* bad while riding but I am sure people out there have absolutely wrecked there hands when bailing gloveless!

Yes, I've been there, done that.

A couple of months ago I misjudged a nose tap on the top of a bank and went over the bars to land in broken glass and grvel, cut up my p[alms and finger tips nicely, end of ride, end of riding for that week.

I havent really ridden without gloves since.

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