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Zoo! Bar Angle


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Yo all, just wondering what sorta angle you zoo! bar owners have. I've got the zoo bar and stem and the little 'crosshair' on the bars cant go in the middle of the stem as thatd make the bar rise leaning towards me. It could be that it goes in the bottom of the stem clamp - where theres a bit of space and you can see it, and thats how it set up at the mo', but the rise is quite far forward and the little Zoo! symbols are facing a little bit down...

so basically do you take any notice of the little 'crosshair' thing in the middle of the bars, or just set them up how you want? (like with the zoo! sticker horizontal or whatever)



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I would disregard the 'cross-hairs' if your stem has a solid (no holes) front clamp, although you will need them to centre the bars in your stem (once the angle has been ascertained).

A good place to start is to put a finger into each end of the bars lightly, and let the bars dangle. The weight distribution is such that it'll give you a decent angle of reference, and you can adjust from there as necessary.

A similar thing can be done with the Onza Carbon Risers, too.



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