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Falling Out


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over the past couple of weeks i have realised that everyone keeps falling out with eachother and bitching about eachother all the time! we all ride trials because we enjoy it and we like doing it! so why do we all have to fall out and make comments about eachother all the time. cant we just get on with what we enjoy doing (ehich is trials) and start enjoying it together (not in a gay way)

joE! :lol:

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Surly this should be in chit chat!

There was a topic by MrMonkey not too long ago about the same sorta thing!

Why not just add a reply to that

Think it was called bad vibes a la forum!

Rob :lol:

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If you have your own opinions, your doomed from the start.

Anyone who rides trials is in my good books, no matter what they think, say, or have done. :-

I mean because a few people on here (for some weird and wonderful reason) disslike me :lol: But if i ever met them on a ride i wouldn't hold a grudge or anything.

Edited by JT!
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Everyone falls out, at some point in trials... probably through jealousy or arrogance. And if its both, as in one rider wants someone elses bike and skills, and the other person that is really good is being all smug and arsey about the other person not being so good, they'll get annoyed.

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Everyone falls out, at some point in trials... probably through jealousy or arrogance.  And if its both, as in one rider wants someone elses bike and skills, and the other person that is really good is being all smug and arsey about the other person not being so good, they'll get annoyed.

i get that, but why? cant we all just get along and ride! who cares if your mates bike is better than yours!

joE! :lol:

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There's some degree of hostility between several trials riders in Holland , too . Pretty counterproductive really , given that there are only 15-20 people riding trials in the whole dammned country !

Can't we all just get along ? you'd think that riding trials , living in a liberal country noted for relaxed people there'd be some sense of community . Guess not .

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yes, you say that but its only over the internet.

When you ride with people in person, you realise thaty there tottaly diffent to what they are when there sat behind a screen.

Take ben lee for example, (bike_rider) on forum i think hes proper harsh, :lol: but in person he is the most guy ever. its weird.

The only people i know to fall out in person, was luke edwards, and his london lot, and the other half of other london riders ( stephen morris, tim rodg... )

I wouldnt worry it just people thinking they can say what they like because they sat behind a pc screen.

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we all just need to be koolwith each other and not speak behind peoples back speak to their faces or to them directly on the phone.

i had an instance earlier this year which we sorted out that was taken badly through numerous reasons but i myself have learnt from my mistakes and have taken on board things people say and do, thus why i really cannot be bothered argueing or falling out i just want trials riders to be friendly and always be like that.i wish some times i could give some of the lads i ride with my bike, cos i personally feel sometimes they deserve so much credit for doing things i want to sit and watch them its so relaxing and chilling and mucho fun. i cant get why people would sit and watch someone and think "ooooo F88k this lads better than me im going to sit here winge and moan and then start some crap on the internet" id be thinking wow this lads good, i will watch and try learn what he does, thus making trials a more perfect environment and nice place to be live and ride?????????or is that not how it could/should be???? if only it was this country would have/does have some of the best riders in the world, so many to name and some lads up and coming that are unbelievably good..................


Joe what you should do is just be friendly with everyone like i try doing dont let anyone get you down always talk to them nicely if someone wishes to talk down to you or in a poor manor you just keep making the effort at least your not doing the wrong thing. if most people did that then you would find out who werent trying you would know if you got really cold remarks from someone.

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Take ben lee for example, (bike_rider) on forum i think hes proper harsh, :lol: but in person he is the most guy ever. its weird.

Oh well f**k you Joe you twat allways calling me names, if its not the burns its something else B) love you really you big gay.

am i really harsh :- i never thought i was.

anyway yeah there is abit of name calling ect mostly between the 2 main types of trials, street/uci i know aust has had people getting mardy at him because of his opinions.

when people spend so long on the forum they are bound to pick faults with each other, but then at other times there are genuine pricks out there not everyone who rides trials is a nice guy that is easy to get along with.

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am i really harsh :lol: i never thought i was.

You are harsh, but it's an a funny kinda way B) . I've had a few 'Falling outs' with people nothing big.

I have been quite arsey lately. If anyone ever sees me in person then they wouldn't think I am siders77. I'm VERY shy so don't talk a lot! (Y) :">

As someone has said before, it's only over the interweb, usually people who are cocks on here are sound in person :-

Edited by Siders77
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I think a big problem, one of which annoys me immensely in trials, is that people care too much about other people.

For example, someone isn't wearing a helmet and random peeps get in a big fuss about it, so what? It's not your head? Another would be smoking, your not the person who's smoking, so why should you care if trials rider X is smoking 50 yards away from you?

This whole thing is the reason I prefer the whole chilled BMX thing, more than trials. It's also probably a lot to do with all the fact that you get a lot of sub 14 year old riders who in vast majority's are very immature and annoying, and you don't get that as much with BMX.

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For example, someone isn't wearing a helmet and random peeps get in a big fuss about it, so what? It's not your head?

Not wanting to turn this in to a bitching thread but people who dont wear helmets to me make the sport look wreckless and dangerous. We all know the dangers that come with not wearing a helmet, ive seen people take enough hits to the head to know for a fact id rather just not ride without it. If we cant spend £30 on a helmet id imagine the general public will just see us as goons damaging walls etc with no self respect for ourselves let alone other peoples property.

Like you said.. why should i care its someone else, but until we get a post up about sum kid with his brains splattered all over the floor i expect nothing will change anyway. Would put many people off starting trials if i were an average joe watching that happen... just get branded "stupid kids on their bikes".

Sorry for the lack of construction but trials gets enough shit from damage to property, we can atleast make it look like we are trying to do things safely.

Edited by Spacemunkee
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Most of the things I say on here are to be taken lightly, if I met MOST of you in real life bar some of the wank hat new members I wouldn't have a problem and all the mean and evil things you have said would have been forgotten on my part, dunno if other people would just smack me upside ma head though foo. But yeah, I like most people on here :lol: Bar the new members.

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think Bongo is probably one of the harshest members! :lol:

LOL maybe so but he's cool in real life :- The only trials ride I went on to Liverpool will be remembered for the rest of my life as everyone there that talked to me (DLB, Bongo, Al Fel) LOL so many people, made me feel welcome. I hope they meant to make me feel welcome and not me mistaking them for being nice when they were actually trying to kill me.

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mr monkey they deffinatly make you feel welcome they are great propa complete geeza's!!!!!


everyone should make everyone feel welcome just like the liverpool lads. the main thing is people give a harsher opinion on the forum as they sometimes dont mean it in the way it goes across, but some people do it on purpose to cause the conflict. it just needs to be a much nicer place and everyone get on and stuff just like in the thread i started in trials chat about the Political side of trials this topic is well linked in and its good to see such a young and such inspiring young man as Joe Oakley seeing that it is affecting the sport when he/me/hopefully most/all of us want a much nicer place and hopefully were going to get it...........

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I think the problem is with the internet is that you don't know what tone they are using and have to guess sometime, this can lead to folk bitching or getting into arguments when something was said as a joke or in a completely different context.

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