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I want trials to stop being political!

stop winging at silly little things grow up and get on with it!

i had yet another complaint against me yesterday. (this really doesnt bother me) but its quite petty that it is happening and that its for stupid snotty little things!

also got accused of "Riding up @ addingham all week before the trial"

When i actually didnt go up once!i went to a spot where chris lives and had so much more fun than actually practising up at addingham and trying to guess sections im not a willy and dont need to cheat in any way shape or form. cheating will get you no where? in fact it will just get you a poor reputation if anything.

i want to put it to the 2/3 people (also spoiling it for others!) it concerns that please grow up and get out of the habit of making enemies!iv said it before trials is NOT big enough to be having this petty SH!T going on. if it dont im sure that somewhere along the line you will find yourselves with out organisers such as:

Fred Savage (who travelled up from down south to set out sections on the friday to mark out friday and saturday to get the best 10 sections possible)

Barbara Wright & Brian (who helped set out) who organises not just the British championships but also the Tyke events too.

The morgan family for doing the same

there were alot more people helping i myself couldnt as i was working but got out early for a meeting about the world round.but i myself will put out thanks to everyone who helped out and make such an enjoyable day until the end. oh and the rain...............which was kool of it to pop on for 15/20minutes.

Too many people have to go to so much effort for the very few to spoil it for others. WHY CANT IT JUST FUK!NG STOP?


if it dont i dont think the organisers are going to want to put an event on for the same to happen at every event, or for that matter have all the upset caused by as i say the very minority!

the worst thing about it all is that everyone seems to get along yet in their/your own little group people are being so snotty. they wont do it to your face they will just do it behind your back. luckily when your girlfriend observes and heres snotty shit that you get told then you totally change your opinion on that/them people. i dont want this to be a topic people just post a massive arguement into, but i was talking after the trial to quite a few people, nick Goddard who had the best lap in expert 26"!!!!!well done to that man i thought he was going to finish on a score of less than 10 overall, the young lad who was very close to DJ who rides a mod echo (sorry i dont know your name off hand) if someone or himself could just let me know his name that would be kool. phil williams, danny smith a few of the younger riders again who i dont really know that well.

the topic cant either be closed so people can just read my "Thoughts" on how trials is looking and getting. it doesnt need to be like this if people would just get on with it.

if it were politics we would have a massive room and loads of chair and people could sit around and voice their opinion, we dont need it, the people who organise and set out dont need it.

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Is it Sam Wheeler your on about?

Anyway, whats wrong with riding addingham befor a comp, it's not like you could guess the sections, and even if you could the section builders arn't been very original, and therefor it's their fault.

I agree, theres no need for all this petty crap.

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JT! thanks dude, is it sam wheeler?the echo team 20"? hes a propa kool guy? was im sure one of DJ best mates?

ye thanks for the support on the petty SH!T, we just need the people causing the problems to stop we dont need names mentioning they know they are doing it. its just so much simpler to have everything just stop and all get along.


i dont see a problem in it stopping, but accusations are appaluing especially ones that aint true as they just leave people pretty embarrassed, well i would be if i just made something up and said it out and people over heard and spread the word.

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Be quiet aust you big girl.....

Wayne beat you fair and square so did nick....

Although it is a rule and it should be abided by at a trial...

If a complaint is put in by aust then it should be obided by as if a rule is broken somehting should be done about it.


Edited by Lee_Buchanan
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i think its rather pothetic why people cant just get on, everyones doing the same sport ...

personally i think alot oif people may be jealous? personally i couldnt carer less i ride for fun i dont think oh my god that guy has someone pushing his bike around! wow?!

as for rioding addingham the week before is bloody good practice why not if it increases your chances of doing well?

i hope that some people grow up and reallly consider why the hell they are moaning!

aust: wht arnt people aloud to have someone push there bike around?


and some people please grow the hell up and have fun! ^_^

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i  think its rather pothetic why people cant just get on, everyones doing the same sport ...

personally i think alot oif people may be jealous? personally i couldnt carer less i ride for fun i dont think oh my god that guy has someone pushing his bike around! wow?!

as for rioding addingham the week before is bloody good practice why not if it increases your chances of doing well?

i hope that some people grow up and reallly consider why the hell they are moaning!

aust: wht arnt people aloud to have someone push there bike around?


and some people please grow the hell up and have fun!



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its when a rider has someone else pushing there bike around for them thus saving a lil bit of energy ^_^

Ah, well thats the difference between someone manly enough to push their own bike, or a big wuss thats gets someone else to do it. Either way though, it's not in the rules that someone can't push your bike around is it? And it wont make that much difference anyway, becuase your sat waiting 10 mins at every section, so you have chance to catch your breath back.

Edited by JT!
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oh and another thing, i only found that rule out yesterday aust. when barbara said to me. someone has complained against you. and i thought oh here we go again the usual is coming out, what have i done wrong?

"someone has complained that they have seen your bike being pushed for you"

F**K ME! i thought wait a minute il get me list out, oh ye dib dab and dob. i dont see why you have a problem against me? your sound as a pound when your stodd next to me? whats happening? you changed because of people you ride with?

i really dont get it, as lee says "TEAM GREAT BRITAIN" oh were going to do well if were all enemies eh? thats why all this SH!T needs to stop if it dont do you really think we will even want to try and hold a world championship event here again?

i now know its an offence for my bike to be pushed i will not let anyone touch my bike in the near future only when they want to have a go on it. at the worlds i was told it is VERY strict that no one can carry your bike for you. like i say iv found out and now i am not ever going to do that again (ina british round OR world championship event)


Why does all the british riders moan against eachother ? Arent we meant to be a country and stick together and be a team ? Team Great Britain ? I think its wank how everyone sturs shit about eachother people should be willing eachother on not complaining bout eachother shouldnt they surely ?

that says it all ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ we just all need to get on and if you cant then dont be a petty lil bitch about stuff there is no need, do it all you want when your riding with whoever is like that but DONT do it at events, the atmosphere DROPS to the floor.

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I've no idea what this is about but if someone accused me of cheating he'd get the birds and a big 'F-Off'. Now I'm guessing there was some controversy over someone supposedly cheating at an event?

If so then whoever did it, and you know who are, I only have one thing to say. If you can't win without cheating then put bluntly, you don't deserve it. You will get found out and get your just reward for being so pathetic.

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I think it's just pushing your bike across or through the next competition, prior to the competition being held.

I think anyway..

Sounds like a f**king gay rule.

I know Wayne and if he wants to kick someone's arse. He'll do it by the books. He doesn't need to cheat and suspecting him of it is, to be honest, f**king ludicrous.


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im glad i didnt do it from section 5 to section 6, cos that would have saved me approx 5.5grams of energy therefore i would have probably dropped at least 4 more dabs...................

Why??????my bike was pushed i think from section 9-10 and i think half way from 1-2............. the only reason it was happening was as alex was coming aroud with me as my minder and keeping me in touch with water and drinks and stuff.


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im sorry but what is going on has got to be the most pothetic thing!

bloody hell!

end all the moaning and forget all your diffrences or whatever you dont like about each other and try and get on and SUPPORT each other! god damn! :-

i really think to many people have stupid issues.

im sorry but people are moaning and arguing about having a blood bike being pushed around!?

seriously now for the sake of the world event and for the 'greatbritain team' do yourself s a favour and try and get on and for the next few weeks atleast put your diffrences apartand be friends! ^_^


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In fairness though, some people do goto these comps to compete, which i wouldn't go i just went for fun. But still, it is a competition, and if your dragging your bike about on a hot roasting day. And then you see someone having it pushed for them. It is a little unfair.

If your not there to compete, do all the sections as you normally would, let someone else carry your bikes around if you like, and just don't hand in your ticket at the end. Then if someone has ago at you, just say it doesn't matter as i didn't hand my ticket in. ^_^

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grow up and just ride your f**king bike !

jeesus anyone would think you had this rulebook stuck up your arse !! its not life and death aust so dont get pedantic , and if you want to make it an issue im sure wayne has msn . so maybe sort it out there?

Yeah, but rules are rules. Otherwise it wouldn't be fair on the people who were on their own and didn't have anyone to push their bike.

You have too look at it from both sides.

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i said this wasnt an arguementative thread i wanted people to put SH!T behind them and just learn to get on with each other, which i do weather or not there being a CNUT with me i dont care at the end of the day i know that if im making the effort and there not then im not in the wrong. i just want everyone to get on but at the rate its going there wont be, its blown out of control too many times.


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Before anyone lays into me, I'm not gettin into the arguement as I wasnt there.

The rule is as follows:

ART13 of the BIU rules.

25) The rider can not receive any help from his relatives or friends such as giving them the penalization card, asking them to carry the bike by foot or car, or observing the section while their bike is queuing. The riders from the Blue and White color group will be allowed to receive the above mentioned help. 10-50 p.

Once upon a time I d/l all the rules from the BIU, 7 pages of A4!!! ^_^

An there was a funny rule in there (not sure if it still is though) > All protests had to be paid for with the monetry value of 50lbs of bread in that country!!!!!

All the rules are here:RULES

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ye well we had that rule and problem there yesterday too over something and nothing. something had been said and then something else happened.


EDIT this is what we dont need, all the petty little things people niggling at, if it was all just kool and everyone got on that would be great, what we need is that all the uk and british lads really get together for the worlds and try get a good "TEAM" result.

i respect you have gone to all your trouble in finding that rule for me.

Edited by Waynio
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i see what your on about ayne!

he didnt know that no one is aloud to push his bike, but now he does so he wont do it again, and it isnt like it effected his score any way, i be you he did exactly the same as he would of done if he pushed his bike! why does some people have to be tw@s and speak abput other people (in this case wayne) behind there backs! just get on with it, we are all here to have fun!

byt the way wayne, you missed my name of the well done bit, lol :D

i wiull say it

well done joe oakley, for finishing on 0!

joE! :D :P :- ^_^"

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