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Lighter Stems

iatola says

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Neil Tunnicliffe is the only person I've heard has snapped them. Thought it was you who told me Ad? :)

Anyhoo, yeah, confused the tats off me when I saw someone running an upside down Guess road-stem at the Deej ride, but they too assured me it was also moon-lighting as an Echo Control stem.

Little sketchy, but they seem to hold bars in front of you I guess so who's fussin'...

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Neil Tunnicliffe is the only person I've heard has snapped them.  Thought it was you who told me Ad?  :D

Nope, definitely wasn't me :) As far as I'm aware, Neils never had a set of those. May be wrong about that though.

Anyhoo, yeah, confused the tats off me when I saw someone running an upside down Guess road-stem at the Deej ride, but they too assured me it was also moon-lighting as an Echo Control stem.

Little sketchy, but they seem to hold bars in front of you I guess so who's fussin'...

Hehe, that was probably Bigman? I used to run the same stem (well, a 100mm, not a 120). Had it for getting on for a year.

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Hi Iatola,

the  equation Force x Distance. If you aplly this to stress on bars, especially on high BB bikes where you ride over the front alot then the stress on the bars is far greater because you have 14/15" of leverage each side. Now a stem is much shorter than 15" at least on stocks. And stems can be made from Carbon 

Maybe I have missread your what you are trying to say here, apologies if this is the case, however it seems that you are suggesting that the stem has an easier job than the bars in terms of force transfer.

Okay, the bars are longer than the stem, but how does all the force applied to the bars get transferred to the frame? The stem is the only route through which the forces you apply to the bar ends can be transferred to the bike itself, if you discount the forces that transfer through your body between your hands and the pedals.

So when you suggest that each bar end has, say, 15" of leverage to work with, then surely the stem will be having to deal with the forces resulting from this leverage advantage multiplied by two bar ends, if that makes sense.


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i snapped the monty urban stem last year.

and have snapped about 4 sets of bars too.

but at the mo in running a raceface prodigy stem (about 4 years old now) and having no problems with it.

Well your not supposed to land on them tabletop stylee are you? :-

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Well your not supposed to land on them tabletop stylee are you?  :-


lake ogwen in february that was awesome!!!!

all i can remeber is flying at it full whack lifting up and then tom (spunkey_monkey_boy) came over and same woah that was some cool jump man.

loved every minute of that weekend....

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That is EXACTLY what happened to mine on my DH bike, also last summer, apart from mine went from the bottom upwards when I did a 3 foot drop. It was truely confusing as to how it happened, considering the force was going downwards, and the stem broke upwards, held on by a slither of metal at the top of the stem, which suddenly went solid-feeling again in the new position. Hard to explain, but it was freaky.

Yeah I was pulling up for a backhop, it was held on with same slither of metal as you, just the top flat bit. Harsh.


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Nope, definitely wasn't me  :( As far as I'm aware, Neils never had a set of those. May be wrong about that though.

Hehe, that was probably Bigman? I used to run the same stem (well, a 100mm, not a 120). Had it for getting on for a year.

And I believe that is the same stem which I still have and abused for several months afterwards? with the black tape over the Guess writing? Brilliant stem.

No reason for it to be weaker becasue its a roadie stem, stems are stems, all properly made stems will be made to withstand the same forces. there is no such thing as an ultra strong 'trials' stem as far as i can tell? *(1)

As for carbon stems... why not sounds good to me, I belive in carbons ability. seeing as i've spent so much of the last twelve months making and braking the stuff I have a fair idea of its capabilities. Im sure if the moeny and time was spent on it a good bondnig sytem could be found for the ally inserts. the technology alredy exists thats for sure.

The real issue would be wether the right carbon weave and resin system was chosen by the manufacturer (they won't make it themselves from scratch), as if they got that wrong you could see some prototype snappage :(

(1) by properly made I mean: not a crapily cast stem made from low quality aluminium alloys etc....

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Looks like Trials riding can be risky then? :(

What about having amazing mental condition, if you can't trust any bike part? :P

Oh, just have to pretend it never happened, like chains snappage that don't really help building confidence... :(

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I thought everyone stopped worrying about weight ages ago?

Just to go completely off topic, on Trashzens website, the file name for this pic is "trashkoxx2"


What the hell is it? Or am I being stupid?

Looks like a crack to me, is that a cannondal frame perchance?

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Looks like a crack to me, is that a cannondal frame perchance?

Nope, that's one of the first Koxx prototypes (from around 2000), with a huge hand polished filler at the welds (like the cannondales)

It was an incredibly good looking bike from a Belgium rider. Plain crack through the entire tube. (Y)

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