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Mini For Sale - Opinions?


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Just picked up local newspaper to have a look at car ads, and came across this:

Mini, K reg, 1275 carb, 10 months MOT, red, white stripes + roof, excellent condition, one old lady owner, 37000 miles, all reciepts/MOT's etc, brand new stainless steel exhaust, £1150 ono

Now to me that sounds like an awesome deal going on most of the other minis I've seen for sale (e.g. just above it in the paper there was a G-reg Mini City for the same price, £1150 with no mention of excellent condition or anything)

So yeah, anyone's views on this would be great, am I right in thinking it's a good deal?


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Sounds a little expensive to me, maybe check that it's owned by who its said it is cos I can't see why an 'old lady' would have nice stainless exhausts or stripes over the car (Cooper style.) Hasn't done many miles though which sounds good. Could have a good deal in your hands there.

If you're thinking about the Mini City, make sure you know what it looks like first because the 'City E' version doesn't usually have very nice interior/wheels. Most people seem to go for Mayfairs or Coopers if they can afford it.

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Be very wary of rust in the sills, scuttle (under the windscreen), rear windscreen mounts and passenger storage bins, this is costly to fix.

Stainless exhaust is a definate plus, but can you afford the insurance on a 1275 (bear in mind that the fuel consumption isnt that great on the 1275s either)

Go and take some pics and then post them here and we'll be able to give you a better opinion.

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for the mileage, the price seems good, its obviously the 'best' colour :- the exhaust is only a good thing if its in a style you like.

rust is an obvious issue, but you already know that....

something you probably HADNT thought of.... is its unfortunate age/engine setup....

being a K-reg car it will almost CERTAINLY have a cat, but its also got a carb ^_^

rover designed the single point injection system to help meet new emmisions regulations, as often, the carb/cat cars are VERY tricky at mot time.

the main advantage of the injection system was the lambda sensor, which obviously monitors the emmisions and can weaken it off electronically to pass the mot.

just something to note really.... although it shouldnt stop you buying the car.

perhaps at MOT time whack in an AAA needle and lean it right off, then take it home, stick a BDA back in, richen it up, and fit a decat pipe!

if its sound, get it!

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Nick's got a good point on that one, especially if you tune it at all (a stage 1 kit will give a great day-to-day engine on a 1275)

You'll just have to find an understanding MOT tester who's prepared to fiddle with the mixture to get it to pass. ^_^

Do you know what wheels its on?

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