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Whos Seen A Ghost


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when I was 5ish, I remember lieing in bed awake then seeing a figure walk through the wall and through the chest of draws, kinda looked like a 2nd world war pilot and it was pink.

last year I was walking down my hall and it felt like I was punched in the stomach, I thought I had walked into somthing, but there wasnt anything there. I had a red pach where I was hit, weired (Y)

when my brother and sister and I were young, my mum said she used to hear children playing on the landing upstairs, laughing and such, but now we are grown up, it seems the presence of the child spirits have left.

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when I was 5ish, I remember lieing in bed awake then seeing a figure walk through the wall and through the chest of draws, kinda looked like a 2nd world war pilot and it was pink.

How can an image pass through a wall, to create an image the "thing" needs potential energy and kinetic energy which would stop them from passing through a wall. That's the theory in action (Y)

The only way it could possibly come about if you saw something in a different dimension some how and in some impossible way.

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Saying that acctually when I was little I was walking towards the toilette (poor bladder control as a wee'un) and heard two cats and then they attacked me... I feel to the ground and rolled around screaming but didn't have a mark on me when my dad picked me up but I was preety shaken... I figure I just fell over as I was tired and kinda had a nightmare, that'd make more sense!

James (Y)

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not me but my mate said when he sleeping round at another friends house he woke up during the night and the map poster on the wall was glowing. The next morning he asked his mate about his 'glow in the dark' poster but the fact was the poster was just normal poster, not a glow in the dark one.

later on he was upstairs getting something from his friends room and he got hit on the head by a ball, he went looking for his friend thinking he had thrown the ball at him but his mate insited that he hadn't.

his mates mum confirmed that their house is haunted, and told him about how sometimes they would go looking for a screwdriver or something, and weeks later it would turn up in a lampshade or in a random draw.

I personaly don't know weather its true, but its sounds pretty convincing.

I guess ghosts are one of those things that science nor logic can explain.

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or maybe I was inbetween sleep and conciousness and was holusinating, seems logical.

Iv'e done that before, was weird, kinda woke up in the middle of the night, having left the tele on ^_^" , and there was this image on the screen, like was kind of the most hoffific image I could think of, and was infront of me....And then when I woke up in the morning, the tele was off and I remembered about it, and looked in the T.V guide and there was nothing like that on at all....Like which would be scary.

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Why don't you see anything now? Why was you all about 5 or 6?

I'm sorry but a childs mind is very imaginative. Do you not think that when you (or your friend) had a very wild imagination and just thought that you might have seen stuff?

Jay ^_^

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Funny how everyone in this topic was around the age of 5-6 when they 'saw' a ghost, kids say they've seen or done strange things at that age. Imaginary friends for example, or when they just make up random things to get the attention of parents.

Well the boy I was talking about fell out a window..2 stories up, landed in a plantpot and he was completely fine.

Something dodgy there..no?

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Well the boy I was talking about fell out a window..2 stories up, landed in a plantpot and he was completely fine.

Something dodgy there..no?


A person has fallen 20,000 ft out of a plane with no parachute and survived.

2 stories is thus f**k all in comparison.

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Why don't you see anything now? Why was you all about 5 or 6?

I'm sorry but a childs mind is very imaginative. Do you not think that when you (or your friend) had a very wild imagination and just thought that you might have seen stuff?

Jay ^_^

I'm still pretty imaginative, don't need porn one might say. I can also see myself from outside my body inside my head, and I can see others. It's like having a big brother cam or something. It's cool.

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I'm still pretty imaginative, don't need porn one might say. I can also see myself from outside my body inside my head, and I can see others. It's like having a big brother cam or something. It's cool.

I get that too..when i see people walk by, In my mind i see what they see..if you know what i mean.

quitefun..but i start daydreaming and walk into stuff

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I get that too..when i see people walk by, In my mind i see what they see..if you know what i mean.

quitefun..but i start daydreaming and walk into stuff

Yeah I typed out a post then realised my girlfriend comes on the forums so I better leave it :D :-

I wasn't gonna say anything rude honest ^_^

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Right, get a dictaphone or something that records sound for like an hour or more, (Camcorder might work or just a tape recorder with a mic)

At night put it by your bedside table or in your room and switch it on to record sound..

Go to sleep..

Wake up refreshed, plug in some earphones to ur tape recorder (so you can hear in more detail) and just play it.

I did it last year and it shit me up, I burnt the tape. There was all this noise and like people as if they were standing around me saying "look hes now sleeping.. its ok hes asleep" and other mixes of words like this. Propper scary shit!

No-one else was in the house apart from me.


edit: I might set up my night vision mini cctv cam in my room and do it again. Il record it straight to dvd and get it on my pc. Might do it in like a few years though, it still scares me soo bad

Edited by Sam@SouthTrials
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Right, get a dictaphone or something that records sound for like an hour or more, (Camcorder might work or just a tape recorder with a mic)

At night put it by your bedside table or in your room and switch it on to record sound..

Go to sleep..

Wake up refreshed, plug in some earphones to ur tape recorder (so you can hear in more detail) and just play it.

I did it last year and it shit me up, I burnt the tape. There was all this noise and like people as if they were standing around me saying "look hes now sleeping.. its ok hes asleep" and other mixes of words like this. Propper scary shit!

No-one else was in the house apart from me.


Once again how can they make noise but supposedly not possess energy.

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did that realy work like? jesus thats scary as crap! oh my god i get soo paranoid though when i hear this sorta stuff i cant look in mirrors or reflections of myself. some of these things seem quite convincing i must say but there is science which explains it but id sightings are real then it doesnt. hmmm wierd im scared now! ^_^

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did that realy work like? jesus thats scary as crap! oh my god i get soo paranoid though when i hear this sorta stuff i cant look in mirrors or reflections of myself. some of these things seem quite convincing i must say but there is science which explains it but id sightings are real then it doesnt. hmmm wierd im scared now! ^_^

Yeah, I dont snore when I sleep but just breath heavily and with all that there was like the noise of birds singing but really slowly (very hard to explain) and lots of talking as if there was about 10 people in the room and the noise wasn't constant it was pulsing. Then about every few seconds someone would say something "sleep", "sleeping", "haha hes asleep" and other mumbles like that.

So yeah it really scared me. Many restless nights sleeping in the spare room.

As I say, I did'nt belive but after this its kinda really scared me and im a bit aprehensive now to stay in infamiliar places over night unless I'm actually with someone.

Hmm, Sam

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