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One Handers


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Try doing a crank flip on the backwheel. Iv almost got it, i just cant get my front foot on the pedal quick enough (Y)

I can do normal crank flips just roling along though >_< :D

AH crankflips :) the best trick! (Y) i used to do crank flips on the back wheel (ones where you just jump and land back on them) on drop offs all the time, but once, i missed the pedals, and well you can imagine what hit my frame :P then i fell to the floor and hit them again on the frame, try crank flip bunny hops, they are hard :P I've nearly got it, or crank flip endo, they pretty eaiser beacuase you can hold your weight over the bars till they come back. ooo i just lernt double crank flips on flat as well :D

Edited by Ingram
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It took me all the way till this post for me to realise that......  (Y)"  lol

The only way you can raise your left hand is if you have a spanish bike, with the brakes the wrong way round.

...i think. (Y)

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it's not going up, it's going up as the bars spin a bit clockwise.

the right hand is going up in the air.

i do it the other way though, i lift my left hand up in the air.

The only way you can raise your left hand is if you have a spanish bike, with the brakes the wrong way round.

...i think.  (Y)

Amist all your frantic typing, you evidently forgot the lifelong skill of reading.


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