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Loosing Weight

Mr Motivator

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Oh I do like my fatty junk food.

At present I have infront of me 140g of coconut nougat, 300g of choc, 2 proccesed cheese sandwitches and drinking the remainings of last nights macdonalds sprite.


I just put annother bit of choc in my mouth and thought.. "What the hell am I doing! You fat shit Sam!"

I only weigh 11 and half stone and am pretty tall, but on the chubby side, and it seems since I left school I'v started packing on those pounds, which isnt good.

So yeah, I dont like going to the gym it makes me feel gay. So what can I do?

Or is there any healthy tasty foods?

Sam :-

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Erm, simple, if you dont want to get so fat, dont eat so much. The more exercise you do in ratio to eating, the fitter you're likely to get.

I eat like an absolute pig with LOADS of sweets, chocolate, fry ups, sandwiches, normal dinner, 4 bowls of whatever for breakfast... and im thin as a rake. I go out on my bike loads, walk to towm every now and then, go swimming 2 or 3 times a week...

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im a bit of a porker and need to loose some weight too, i had a friend offer to lock me in a room for towo weeks with only water to drink, what are friends for.

but sieriousley i guess more fruit oinstead of fatty shit, more riding. (he says looking at his bike) :-

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Eat more, but eat more healthily. Cut the crappy foods out and maybe cut down on the amount of carbs you eat? Drink alot as Tart said, and do a lot of exercise. Should be fine in a month or two after that :'(

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So yeah, I dont like going to the gym it makes me feel gay. So what can I do?

Deal with going to the gym or find a better gym, you can loose weight by eating correct but theres no point realy if your not going to keep fit also.

I was 15.5 stone 6.2" 5 month ago after eating correct and going to the gym 1 i've never looked better or felt better and 2 im not only 13.5 stone and im happy with that, also it seems i dont eat as much at all.

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just wanna say, i think you should all stop weighing yourselfs and saying this proves how thin i am etc (well you arent literally, but implying - that 'you' is collective). Muscle is heavier then fat so how much you weigh doesnt show that your a porker, or not.

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What 11 stone and complaing about bein a lard arse!? im 6ft 4" and weigh 15 stone and am happy as larry, i mean it would be cool to loose abita me tyre, but im not going to go full on dieting just to loose it. Ill just stick to riding me bike, having a drink every 3 hours on a ride, go and retrieve food half way through the ride, sorted for a good days riding (atleast 7 hours) :lol: :-


Edited by Tom Booth
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Well I'm 14 Stone. Starting to loose weight. I didn't know that drinking water did that. Hmmm. Sure I'll be piising more but I might loose weight.

the only draw backs to being 14 stone is that I have slight man boobs and a tubby belly. Oh plus I can't make it over 45" bunny hop backtyre. Only if I could loose a stone. I coould flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

But yeh 11 stone is nothing. Do some sit ups ye fat bathplug.

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Yeah Sam, work out... I've been working out every night and day for past 2 months, and it does make a difference, I cut down on Junk food and just eat healthy stuff and I only drink water... try that :shifty: :shifty:

Also... Im 13 stone but I don't look fat, It's just I'm semi muscley ( I'm a mini Tank :) )


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The worst thing about this kid is that he seems happy about it...


I think the main thing is exercise not diet. I eat rubbish food all day (although I've started eating far more veg and 4 bits of fruit a day) but have never once breached 12st (I'm 6'1"). But I walk to work every day (not far now, but it used to be 2 miles each way) and every weekend I like to get out of the flat and doing something. Fat Bitch at work uses trains to get to work and spends all her free time in front of the TV - hence lots of extra weight and skin complexion that looks anything but healthy.

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only a bit of spare skin :shifty:

tarty: when you say drink more it meloblises the fat. do you mean alcohol or water? :shifty:

Edited by colly
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