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A2 General Studies Exam In 1 Hour....

Prawny Baby

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Right lads, many of us will be facing a very tough time in our lives today, in the next hour and a half, we will be taking a General studies A2 exam.

i know this is far more serious than any other A-levels, like english, maths, or sciences, but i feel if we group together, and share our worries, we can do this!

so, if anyone else like me is feeling terribly stressed out, about this, possibly the hardest exam we are likely to sit, please share your thoughts in here.

any one who has already taken the dreaded general studies A-level, if you have tips on how we can manage to scrape a pass grade, please feel free to share your knowledge with us....

just remember, qualifications arnt everything, but without general studies, you are NOTHING!!!!!

Good luck lads, we're all going to need it

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In my mocks I got

E in maths

E in physics

C in DT


A in general studies

Just shows that when I dont have to revise, my intelligence shines :)

Cant believe your so worried nick! I have two GS exams at 1 o'clock today and I know one of them is French, but I dont even know what the other one is!!!

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no one has picked up on the slight* sense of sarcasm there?  :blink:

anyway good luck- best bet is to bullshit as much as possible and use lots of fancy words to make it sound like you are making a well thought, structured answer even if your not!

Put it this way he wasn't born John the mong he earnt it.

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Lol I did my as this year, depending on my grade I may carry it on next year! It was so easy it was hilarious! All it is is righting about arguments and "new technology" which is acctually aobut 20 years out of date...

Next year they might have a question on computers :blink:

James :'(

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Just spoken to some of my friends who did the first paper. Seems like a pointless waste of time to me (mainly why I didn't do it).

It was about some blokes that went to got drunk, one ended up getting a lift home with his wife, while the other bloke walked home. The first bloke then felt guilty, and went to find his friend, and ended up running him over :blink:

To make the story even more unbelievable, the bloke then went to prison, and ended up getting cancer :'(

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hahahaha, what a joke that was, loads of crap in german, which i guessed totally, then a choice of twattish questions about morality, geography, tv, and some other random shit :'(

finished it in 50mins and got 40mins sleep :blink:

sorry for my utterly pointless thread.... i was just so bored waiting to go to the exam, as you obviously cant revise!

AAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 physics tomorow.... theres one to genuinely worry about!

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