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My New Natural Video, 4:44mins, 26mb


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so, its been a long time since i released a video, and with lack of motivation/energy for street, i decided to mix it up. Since receiving a deal from toxsin i have pushed myself on the natural riding a wee bit, with this being my first serious bits of natural. So i hope you enjoy it, its fairly relaxed and i will hopefully be pushing myself further on street and natural and be improving my riding in general.

so here it is hosted kindly by trials-shack, much appreciated Si, and RIP T-S. it is 26.4mb in size, 4:41 in length. and is finished of with a tune by roots manuva called Where My Mind Is At

this can be found here (click here)

Secondly, is a small clip of a fellow rider who is going to be someone to look out for, in fact he is awesome already, its only a few wee clips but i thought i would post them already, riding for only 1 and a half years, this is damon watson, true powerhouse who can ride with the best of them. hope you all enjoy this wee clip, he will be bringing out more to come.

this can be found here (click here)

hopefully you will watch both, any positive comments on either would be appreciated.

many thanks


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how did i know the first reply would be about damon (N), yea he is awesome, we only really got sidehops on cam, as you can see, but when he gets a video out you will be amazed in general.

anyhow, when people see my vid, let me know your thoughts


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Lovin them vids. Different type of music used in natty vid.. I thought it went well (N) good choice, makes a change from most trials vids. Nice riding too, hard to make a natural video 'watchable' imo, but that was good.

It's about time Damon got some publicity, he needs to start makin vids himself, such a good rider. He can do more than just sidehop to, lol.


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  Rossi said:
Lovin them vids. Different type of music used in natty vid.. I thought it went well (N) good choice, makes a change from most trials vids. Nice riding too, hard to make a natural video 'watchable' imo, but that was good. 

It's about time Damon got some publicity, he needs to start makin vids himself, such a good rider. He can do more than just sidehop to, lol.


cheers for compliments rossi, your the same as damon, u need to get some stuff out there (well more stuff) so we can see, damon is truly a powerhouse, i oneday hope to catch up with him, it will be hard though.

anyhow everyone cheers for compliments

any more


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:( To start with I love root manuva!! Secondly some of them moves where soo technical and the rest just stylish ;) Just tell me what size stem your after and therez 1 on the way ^_^


yyyeeeaahhh damon! Honestly I dont know of ANY rider who side hops with more style! :D

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They are both mint videos, the natural one is nice and chilled with good riding and good music. Damon is a mint rider from what i have seen in clips here and there, those sidehops are huge and its nice to see him using his front wheel to get up the wall instead of half getting on then hopping back off like a see tunni do :(

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well done Ben that little natty vid was great news VERY 'watchable' and like Rossi said it is very hard to make a 'watchable' natty vid but this truly is, and you look well comfortable on rocks aswell. i didnt know you liked rocks :(

yepo my vid will be out VERY soon, i got another 53" sidehop on monday well chuffed :P :) ,

it was that grey box at Leeds just outside the station which was in Craig's 'leeds 18th' video, so that will be in my video aswell, as will this Notts coust wall sidehop. :)

Edited by Dw@Hulltrials
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Hey dude,

cool vid! The music was different but I cant really say I liked it that much!

Was chilled out with some smart moves!!

Damon- :( :) o my word! He looks like a really powerful rider! Smart stuff!

Rob :) :P

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  Dw@Hulltrials said:
well done Ben that little natty vid was great news VERY 'watchable' and like Rossi said it is very hard to make a 'watchable' natty vid but this truly is, and you look well comfortable on rocks aswell. i didnt know you liked rocks  :'(

yepo my vid will be out VERY soon, i got another 53" sidehop on monday well chuffed :P  :blink: ,

it was that grey box at Leeds just outside the station which was in Craig's 'leeds 18th' video, so that will be in my video aswell, as will this Notts coust wall sidehop. :o

hahahahaha, thats shit DAmon, i did that months ago lol. nah dude, thats sweet is that dude

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  Dw@Hulltrials said:
well done Ben that little natty vid was great news VERY 'watchable' and like Rossi said it is very hard to make a 'watchable' natty vid but this truly is, and you look well comfortable on rocks aswell. i didnt know you liked rocks  :'(

yepo my vid will be out VERY soon, i got another 53" sidehop on monday well chuffed :P  :blink: ,

it was that grey box at Leeds just outside the station which was in Craig's 'leeds 18th' video, so that will be in my video aswell, as will this Notts coust wall sidehop. :o

what the hell.

you insane your vid was awsome cant wait for full one , nice natrual one loved it so muhc i actually whatched it more than once :P

keep em coming

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  Dw@Hulltrials said:
well done Ben that little natty vid was great news VERY 'watchable' and like Rossi said it is very hard to make a 'watchable' natty vid but this truly is, and you look well comfortable on rocks aswell. i didnt know you liked rocks  :'(

yepo my vid will be out VERY soon, i got another 53" sidehop on monday well chuffed :P  :blink: ,

it was that grey box at Leeds just outside the station which was in Craig's 'leeds 18th' video, so that will be in my video aswell, as will this Notts coust wall sidehop. :P

You silly boi :o Remember when you was eyein that sidehop up when I first met you. You sed 'no chance' now you can do it, nutter.


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They were to very good videos, I have heard of this Damon when my mates came back from a Notts ride. I wanted to see him ride to see how good he really is and now I no he is amazing :lol: .

Natural video was also a great video to watch too.

Need to see more of this chap Damon though (Y)

Gaz :-

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cheers boys, glad you enjoyed it, yea i think i have improved a wee bit on the toxsin. :lol: im loving it at the moment. damon can go massive in all riding aspects. however all i seemed to get on film was sidehops. he is practising them all the time.



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