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What Grinding Disc Do You Use?

joe b

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Well sunday again. Did poo in the comp. Got no homework. Bored as f**k. Thought i'd post a new topic :turned: .

Just wondering (as it says in the topic title) what type of grinding disc do you use? eg. stone grinding, steel grinding


Joey B!

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Last time i ground my rim i used a metal grinding disc and that was on a koxx rim. I wouldnt bother using any other disc but steel cutting to be honest, there is no point as steel on steel is just common sense :turned:

Dude, koxx rim's are made out of aluminium. You meant to put 'metal on metal' didn't you (Y) .



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I'll post up how I grind, so I get a nice sharp, even grind. :turned:

1) Hold the axle of the wheel in a Vice or your Frame.

2) Spin the wheel Clockwise.

3) Put the grinder on the right hand side of the wheel, let it bounce about a bit so what you get a nice deep grind (Y)

4) After that you should have a nice sharp grind.

5) Go ride! :)

I'll do a diagram if anyone wants me to? ;)

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I'll post up how I grind, so I get a nice sharp, even grind. :mellow:

1) Hold the axle of the wheel in a Vice or your Frame.

2) Spin the wheel Clockwise.

3) Put the grinder on the right hand side of the wheel, let it bounce about a bit so what you get a nice deep grind :-

4) After that you should have a nice sharp grind.

5) Go ride!  :D 

I'll do a diagram if anyone wants me to? :-

Ohh no! You dont get what i mean... I'm only posting up in boredom and curiosity to see who see what grinding disc's folks use! Nice tehcnique though i just do the old foot-on-wheel technique and is sound as a pound :P .



Edited by joe b
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I went out and bought a stone cutting and a metal cutting.

The stone one is crap, the metal one is awsome.

Koxx rim

what you will find is actually you have a crap rim. koxx rims are shit for holding grinds and always will be. try a real rim such as an echo/ronnie you will notice a swift difference in the capabilities of a rim for holding a grind and how the stone cutting disc works superb on these rims.

my opinion, not looking for an argument.


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ok. Not a crap rim though, not for me.

Personal I dont see how a disk will work differently on 2 different rims. As in the style of cut would not change.

Yes but the softness of the alloy that the rim is made from does vary, so the grind would vary from rim to rim...

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Of course the hardness of the rim will effect the outcome.

What I mean is the pattern, or the way the disc cuts into the rim will stay the same.

People obviously do get different result with different combinations.

I think alot of it also depends on how you use your particular combo.

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I see your point JIX...

Though one way of explaining it, is if you get a grinder, a bit of Playdough (Playdoh?)...Blutack, and some metal.

Grind the metal, and grind the Blutack.

They will have different patterns on them, because of the hardness.

That's a bit of a shit way of explaining it, and there are other things involved like elasticity etc. but thats the general idea (N)

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