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Asking Girls Out


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Just go and ask for her number! Being brave and just going for it is always great! Its really nice to know you have the confidence to do that and you'll always be friends with the girl even if you don't end up with her.

Good luck with everything!! XXX

Kerrie. xxxXxxx

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The ultimate aid to successful chatupness has to be a hockey team lol, In Bangor one of the hockey boys was chatting up this girl, not sure how successfully. Soon she was surrounded by Bangor's 1st mens team on their knees singing "you've lost that loving feeling" a la top gun lol  seemed to work he left with her later


That reminds me of a film called "10 things I hate about you", one of the main characters is after a cheer leader so he gets the marching band to do their thing while he runs around up in the stadium singing to her :wub: Not a bad film if you ever get the chance to see it (Y)

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Just wait and wait and wait and eventually one will come your way (Y)

It worked for me kind of, I've only been waiting 17years but meh eventually I got chatting to a girl and although we aren't a couple we're gonna be going out soon so y'know - crazy shit could be going down :wub:


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talk to her for a while and make her laugh..... give her your number in a cheesy way and I guarantee she'll text you!

Thats what happened with me and DJ :">

Oh and don't be to cocky, girls like shyness too.....

Good luck x

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Not sure what i would do I normally make it up as I go along but one thing would be to give your number on a piece of paper or something like that :- I would never ask for a number it saves the disappointment when they refuse :S

go for it :D

oh and being gay would be so much easyer (Y) Prawn :wub:

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That reminds me of a film called "10 things I hate about you", one of the main characters is after a cheer leader so he gets the marching band to do their thing while he runs around up in the stadium singing to her :wub: Not a bad film if you ever get the chance to see it (Y)

thats classic , when he sings i love you baby and he gets tackled classic

miles just find a marching band aand learn to sing

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Generally if a girl keeps eye contact with you she's interested.

Just kinda glace at her every now and then, if you make eye contact give her a smile. If she smiles back she'll be interested.

From there, as you are in like a club im sure you could make conversation easier than say a randomer. I would leave getting her number till a bit later. Talk a few times first. And generally its better to give your number than get hers.

That way she feels more in control to approach you.

Be confindent i know its a hell of a lot easier said than done though, I'm the worst at approaching girls. I know that once i say something to them ill be fine, i can talk for ages its just the going up bit.

Hope that helps a bit,


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im not amazing at this but i've done it a fair few times and this is what i use

*Mr X approaches Mrs Y*

Mr X: Hi, Its Mrs Y Right? (asking if thats her name)

Mrs Y: Yea

Mr X: Hi, Im Mr X, Nice to meet you, well you see the thing is i dont have to many friends which are girls and you look like you have a great sense of humour and are a fun person so i was just wondering if you'd mind giving me your phone number or something like that so we could maybe get together sometime and have a laugh? like after we've got to know eachother a lil better  :)

Mrs Y: Sure, my num is (gives him her number)

Mr X: Thanks Alot Mrs Y i'll probably text you later tonight or something  :) well cya later (mr x exits the seen feeling very happy)

Use that  :D works everytime

Oh make sure you do it with confidence too, if you dont have confidence it wont work  :(

Errrr ... :lol: Na! wont work!

Don't ask for her number straight away,if you've never spoke before .

If you see her ,walk over ask the time (corny I know),then just make coversation ,say,' don't you go my college' ,get her talking about the dance classes she goes to ,say,' do you fancy a coffee' ,go to a cafe, talk abit more, mention what's on at the cinema ,ask would she like to go to see a movie , then ask for her number :)

Work out the rest yourself :P

Good Luck :P

More like it... BUT!! one major key element... YOU NEED TO MAKE HER LAUGH! if she is laughing, then she is enjoying your presance. if your not making her laugh... then why the hell is she going to want to go out for a coffe etc with you, she will assume she will get bored. (thats when they make up a kind excuse sayin no!)

theres lots of ways of making a girl laugh,, you need to assess their personality then choose the right aproach... ie, Cheaky, Cute, or plain Dum/Stupid.. Belive it or not, the Plain Dum/Stupid approach works best, cheaky gets u laid but has risks, cute gets u a Gd Mate that could progress to GF, depending on how well you can keep the cute act up for!

A good way to make a girl laugh in the 'Plain Stupid' acting way is.... Bring up the subject of her and your mates or family members, then let her tell you about her friends/family members, find a story thats simila to one of urs, then tell her bout it using 3rd Person acts (ie, if you are talkin about ur sister moaning, then put on a girls voice and some exagerated comical facial expressions etc) you will have them pissing themselves in no time at all!

Trus me, it works, i do it all the time. infact, i used this so called 'charm' on a girl at a club tonite, and i pulled her and now taking her out next wk (shuld have been sunday, but im going folkstone ride! hehe!)

Hope this advice helps -i no its confusing, but its for the sake of a woman :D the most confusing thing in existance!



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Just go up to her and say:

Excuse me love, I was wondering if I could have your number, because I've compared your ass to your tits and that's all good, so I'm just checking that your personality's ace too.

Can't go giving my heart away to people with f**ked up personalities now can I?

Then Grin :(:D


Yeah, just start chatting. B'ryt! :lol:

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i have never ever done anything like this, girls scare the crap out of me and i just feel that every girl i like is going to be too good for me so i dont bother, makes me sick :)

yeh its got to be another one of those ginger things James :lol:

see i didnt have to worry about that with my last gf, cos she spent 5 months chasing after me :D

cheers for the advice people :(

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