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Asking Girls Out


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Don't ask for her number straight away,if you've never spoke before .

If you see her ,walk over ask the time (corny I know),then just make coversation ,say,' don't you go my college' ,get her talking about the dance classes she goes to ,say,' do you fancy a coffee' ,go to a cafe, talk abit more, mention what's on at the cinema ,ask would she like to go to see a movie , then ask for her number :lol:

Work out the rest yourself :(

Good Luck :)

You got the time hun?.

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You think whats worse, not telling them and nothing happeneing between you but her with other people infront of you, or trying but may make it a bit awkward for a while which you can always get over?


Cheers for the advice

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well, i dont f**king cafre cos I rucking love jen so f**king much, dhe f**king amazin, and my best mate, she rocks.

Yeah. serouis,y go for it or you'll regret it, I'm so happy I did.

Isn't there an area in the SM part for drunken rambling??

Not that its not good to see some now and then (Y) :turned:

Dan (not drunk - just tired)

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james...i already told you the best way to get girls

ask for their number and when they say they have no mobile...then call them liars and get in a big row about them not havin' a phone and being poor under priviledged students. works a dime mate!! best nite i ever had

okay...that happened once :turned:

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i remember my english teacher telling us she was in a club once, and a guy came up to her, licked his finger touched her top, licked his finger again then touched his top, then said, lets go back to my place and get outa these wet clothes! :D awsome ....

yes shes a young attractive teacher :P :mellow:

said she was quite turned on by it too :-

Dave :-

oh, and a mate of mines friend thats a girl added me to msn, tlked for ages, txted for a while, met, now we;ve been going out for like a year and a half :P how time flies, whats awsome is when youve got 2 valentines and 2 birthday cards from the same gf :P B)

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In the past I said to a girl on the train:

"Hey, er, you'll probably laugh at me or something, but I thought it's worth a shot, do you fancy going out for a drink or something?"

She looked a bit shy at first and said "er, yeah, ok"

I gave her my number and just said if you do, gimme a ring. 3 days later she did!

It turned out to be a quick one night thing but hey can't win 'em all...

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Just wait and wait and wait and eventually one will come your way :-

It worked for me kind of, I've only been waiting 17years but meh eventually I got chatting to a girl and although we aren't a couple we're gonna be going out soon so y'know - crazy shit could be going down :-


only 17 years!

I am begining to think the waiting game isnt working, well after 21 years you would have expected somthing............right? :mellow:

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Just go up to her Miles and start talking.

Go find her after class or if you see her sitting down somewhere in the cafe

"Hey there how you doing"

And shel probably say "yeah im ok, who are you"

You reply with "Im Miles, iv seen you about and wondered if youd like to go out some time or do something"

Shel probs say "erm yeah.. maybe"

You reply (keeping it going) with "Well tell you what, have my number and give me a call sometime if you fancy doing something"

Shel say something like "Well yeah ok then"

You may then start talking depending on where you are or,

If she/you then walks off text her later "hey how are you" and wait for a reply and then ask for her msn (texts cost!)

Take it from there..


Have you ever noticed, you always laugh when a girl laughs even if its something shes said that isnt funny at all :-

Well usually girls come running after me pleading to go out with them, so I have no problem :mellow:

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OMFG, i got the bestest idea ever. everytime you walk past her mumble untill shes right by you then go "trials forum.co.uk" keep doing it untill she goes on here and reads this. put a pic of your face in here and we will keep it going so she does come in this topic and knows that you like her, simple!!!!! LMFAO!

thats poor i know :mellow:

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Hey big tits fancy some action?

My I say thats a smashing blowse you have on.

Turn the lights off and say "Grab hold of this its the banister"

Just watch every episode of bottom and you'll be sound.

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Hey big tits fancy some action?

My I say thats a smashing blowse you have on.

Turn the lights off and say "Grab hold of this its the banister"

Just watch every episode of bottom and you'll be sound.

LMFAO!!!!! that has got to be tried :mellow: :-

bottom is ace, used to watch it ages ago when it was on tv. havent seen it in ages. :-

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to be honest ur best bet is to find something to ask bout anything to get the convo roling

dont jump in and say can i have your number not that easy

try something like excuse me have you got eh tiem

i swear iv seen u somewhere around before

etc etc

anything that gets u talking to her

then just start to sound interested in her ask where u from what u doin at colege

what days are you in

do u wanna meet up for lunch at some point ...............

an bigest tip no matter how shy u are inside dont let it show if u have confidence then itle show threw as a gd thing

if u get turned down dont put on a sad face an run of crying smile an still look ok an say oh nm worth a try il c u around kk or somethin

dont go oh do u wanna go out on date or somethin dont call it a 'date' try

would u liek to meet up for a drink

would u liek to meet up an watcha film at some point

but jsu be confident an dont rush in for the kill be nice an condident and sound concerned

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I wouldn't have thought asking her for the time is the best bet... Its a bit too cheezy me recons.

A better bet would be to just go up and say hi.. say im '.....' etc.

Don't try and work and angle. If she likes you she likes you, don't need to be cheezy! Just talk about whatever, pre planning stuff to talk about is a bit potentially a killer. Randomness talking will work if she likes you...

Let us know if you have any luck (N)

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