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Asking Girls Out


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right, me and my girlfriend split up a month ago now (we're still good friends, but we aint gonna be getting back together) so i want to move on, but how do other people go about asking out girls that they dont really know? theres this girl who does dance at my college who i quite like (but i only know her name!) so should i just walk up to her and ask for her number?

help! im really crap and this sort of stuff

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Yep. if you hardly know em, you have nothing to lose, like a friendship or anything.

No matter what, she'll buzz off the fact that you like her, when you ask, so chances are she'll give you her number.

Make a joke out of it. I'm no stud and don't do it, but my mate goes up to girls anywhere and pulls them. He got the train home from somewhere and the girl in the carriage was nice. so he got up and sat by her and asked for her number cos she looked nice and looked fun. They dated for 6 months.

Once you have her number you can text like mad, get her msn and chat on that. Its easy to face someone through those ways to get to know them and then you can meet up knowing each other more and you can also find out what kinda thing you could do together.

Like me an sara chatted for a few weeks beforewe went out. Nobody asked anybody out, we just decided to go out lol. Thats the easiest way. We went snow boarding for our first 'date'. Choose something different!!!

Just ask her!


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im not amazing at this but i've done it a fair few times and this is what i use

*Mr X approaches Mrs Y*

Mr X: Hi, Its Mrs Y Right? (asking if thats her name)

Mrs Y: Yea

Mr X: Hi, Im Mr X, Nice to meet you, well you see the thing is i dont have to many friends which are girls and you look like you have a great sense of humour and are a fun person so i was just wondering if you'd mind giving me your phone number or something like that so we could maybe get together sometime and have a laugh? like after we've got to know eachother a lil better :wub:

Mrs Y: Sure, my num is (gives him her number)

Mr X: Thanks Alot Mrs Y i'll probably text you later tonight or something :- well cya later (mr x exits the seen feeling very happy)

Use that :D works everytime

Oh make sure you do it with confidence too, if you dont have confidence it wont work (Y)

Edited by Monty_Kid
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if i tried going up to a girl and saying that i would end up laughing my tits off trying to get it out...therefore making myself look like some sort of retard.

i have never ever done anything like this, girls scare the crap out of me and i just feel that every girl i like is going to be too good for me so i dont bother, makes me sick :wub: .

i wish there was more girls on the forum (Y) :-

just go up to her miles and say something really cheesy like, "i just came to say your fine, is that a crime?!?!" *cheesy wink* then leave *running your fingers through your hair*

if you do that^^^^ please get it on camera. she will probably end up feeling sorry for you and want to go out with you in the end :D

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just go up to her miles and say something really cheesy like, "i just came to say your fine, is that a crime?!?!" *cheesy wink* then leave *running your fingers through your hair*

Didn't work for James in bristol did it (Y)" :wub:

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Don't ask for her number straight away,if you've never spoke before .

If you see her ,walk over ask the time (corny I know),then just make coversation ,say,' don't you go my college' ,get her talking about the dance classes she goes to ,say,' do you fancy a coffee' ,go to a cafe, talk abit more, mention what's on at the cinema ,ask would she like to go to see a movie , then ask for her number (Y)

Work out the rest yourself :wub:

Good Luck :-

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Awww miles :S Yeah man just do it, do you know any of her mates? Thats a great way to get to know her, or if one of your mates is having a party just go up to her and be like "My mates having a party, bit of an open house, fancy it?" Then give her your number and the address on a bit of paper :- I havn't done that before :D"

As for Mr Porter GET SOME SELF CONFIDENCE, im surprised some brum girl didn't come and give you one after some of those gaps (Y) but then again she would've talked like Trinder :D

James :wub: no longer single, god bless emo :)

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girls dont see you doing a big gap sexy james :D especially in brum. haha. they seem to prefer john getting his nob out and waving it round in a helicopter motion much better (Y)

im working on girls, sort of. im allright with girls i know and im friends with. its new girls i dont know, i dont know what to do or what ever :wub:" :"> haha.

as for the cheesyness, i was talking to a girl about this and she said that she would like it if someone came up to her and was like that but in a messing about way, ie being funny with it. not being a complete cocker and looking like a tit as they are being serious.

i personally like, "you ever had some ginger??" their reply being, "no". then its "you want some"

:- OWW im on fire :S


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The ultimate aid to successful chatupness has to be a hockey team lol, In Bangor one of the hockey boys was chatting up this girl, not sure how successfully. Soon she was surrounded by Bangor's 1st mens team on their knees singing "you've lost that loving feeling" a la top gun lol seemed to work he left with her later


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The ultimate aid to successful chatupness has to be a hockey team lol, In Bangor one of the hockey boys was chatting up this girl, not sure how successfully. Soon she was surrounded by Bangor's 1st mens team on their knees singing "you've lost that loving feeling" a la top gun lol  seemed to work he left with her later


I bet that was brilliant to watch. :wub:

Im rubbish at going up to girls i don't know, like in the pub or summit, but at a mates sisters BBQ recently she had some mates there (a bit older, not much) I started chatting to one for like 2 hours (I think the limbo competition was an ice breaker) would have been great had she not lived in London (Y)

I believe its all about something called confidence but never had it myself so i don't really know :-


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"Bend over and touch your toes..."

Ill show you where the big boy gos

YAY!!! :- (Y)

Just go up to and talk to her and get to know her. Id say asking for the number right away is a bad idea. Just talk to her and ask if she wants to go for coffee or a bite to eat and just go from there. Just be friendly and try and be sweet or cute or whatever the girls call it....works or me. Smile alot and make eye contact :wub: If your staring at the floor shes not gonna go for you.

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Bongo's got the right idea (Y)

thats what happen with me and my b/f just talked and talked and talked untill we knew the inside and out of each other then us going out just happend..

but id get her number and see what she's like you may find something out about her which might put you off.. who knows just go for it..

takes alot of nurve to do it though :wub: GOOD LUCK!!!

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On second though, Miles go in your trackies and koxx boots, put on a french accent, call yourself Mr.Hermance and take your top off :wub: WINNER :S

James Porter, DIE YOUR HAIR :) Pick up all the ladies then :- I suggest a nice shade of pink with hints of rose around the edges :D

James (Y)

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Just don't worry about girls.

Men are the way forward, aren't they James. :D

There clearly less hassle, sex may somewhat be an issue, but heh. :wub:

I'm not gay by the way, well, only for certain people i am. (Y)

I've never been a ladies man, friends normally have to introduce me, or ask them all the questions, or do the "SO SIMON, YOU LIKE THE ONE IN THE RED DO YOU?" type thing.

Gets the conversation started though. :-

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