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Hey all,

I need opinions. Ok heres my situation. (oh by the way its to do with my ladyfriend so if you want out now go). Anyway so my and my first love broke up about 2 months ago. If she was just one of my other girlfriends i would shrug her off but shes a real catch. She holds many of my first experiences and i spend 2 great years with her. Anyway shit got really serious and i freaked and figured of we need to break up for a bit and she was totally heartbroken. I tried to ask for a break but she wouldnt have that. So i decided ok if we cant have a break then i have to break up with her and i explained all of this. Anyway were apart i end up with another girl(accually an ex-gf from years and years ago) for the majority of this 2 months and figured well let see if i feel close to her or anything really much for her maybe i made the right decision. Anyway we ended up accually having sex...a heat of the moment kinda thing and there wasnt really a whole lot of meaning behind it. Anyway after a little while with this girl i realize no im not over my ex-gf im no where near and i want to be back with her. I go visit her and tell her this confess everything an tell her i want to be back with her. So we start hanging out...alot, almost everyday and then she freaks out saying she doesnt wanna get hurt how does she know the same thing wont happen again ect ect. Anyway i reassure her, ive matured as i moved out and had to make it on my own with a shitty job and rent and paying insurance and gas blah blah blah, and i see live from a diffrent view. Anyway today were really close *insert shared intimate moment here* and eveything is fine were just hanging out cuddling and talknig and then i had to head back home to clean up my flat and move stuff back *basement flooded, damn rain* and had to get some stuff for work. Anyway come online and am chatting with her and then out of no where she just freaked. "how do i know thats is what you want, i cant do this i might get my heart broken again, hy dont you go back to that other girl". so at this point im totally confused, i thought everything was fine, then give it a few hours and everything is a complete mess. And she says shes just freaking out and she'll be fine that she just has to get this out of her system. But i feel like im beeing played totally.

So yeah if anyone has any thoughts please post them. Im so confused i have no idea what to do.

Also, i do relaize some of my actions over the 2 months that me and my ex gf were apart it probably wasnt the best thing to sleep with her and such, and i do feel like a complete asshole for that.

Ok thats my rant, had to get this off my chest, TF dont let me down (Y)


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Hate to say this but you are probably going to have to wait.

When I say wait I mean wait til she knows your not just there for a shag basically.

Dont treat her any differently then you did before though, just keep hanging out or whatever.

You might decide in the end that if she doesnt trust you, she doesnt trust you and it going to take along time for her to trust you.

I would say just stick with her.

Talk to her and do whatever you used to do together.

If not try the 'Hard to get' game! (Y)



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Well, shes right.

Unless you marry her, your gunna break her heart eventually.

So just stick with it. Shes just gotta realize that being with you is worth the pain that one of you will invitably receive.

Oh and sleeping with your ex, it has nothing to do with the situation really. Unless she had chlamydia. You were "feeling vulnerable" (Y)

Edited by Hobnobs
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If not try the 'Hard to get' game! (Y)

That's the best idea, unless you want to get into a relationship with her.

Anyway, she's obviously not sure about how you feel etc after what happened. And sleeping with some other randomer can't of helped. Chances are she was all nice in real life and then told you that over MSN because there isn't any face to face contact so it's not as intimidating etc. You'll just have to see, she might be trying to find out herself if you still have feelings for her by seeing how long you try to get her back for.

Take her to nice places, make her feel special and all that jizz. That should speed up the process.

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Girls are stupid and can think weird things in their head without any due cause. In my experience though, they get over it. Give it a couple of days and she'll be right as rain. On the other hand, sounds like you screwed her over a little bit, maybe you're just getting what you deserve... But still, I would just give her time to come around. If she loves you and you love her, then nothing can come in te way for too long (Y)

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Yeah Tomm just said majorly what I was thinking. Yeah you screwed her over a little bit, but you had split up, and it did help you make up your mind to get back with this girl so in the end must've been worth it right? And yeah your always going to end up breaking her heart unless you get married, and how old are you? I've never been able to have a realtionship over 6 months due to the fact that I believe I'm going to spend my life with the girl I meet at 17 :-" girls will freak out and get overly wierd sometimes, just call it pmt, as Tomm says a couple of days and it'll be fine, the other thing is just reasure her, let her have it out with you face to face, don't say anything back, just hug her (Y), but allow me to film it as I could make money outa that in a love film :D

James :wub: Good luck doood!

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Sounds to me like she's schizo like every other girl in the world.

Give her a little while, and quietly assure her you still love her etc with messages occasionally and then arrange to meet up casually. She'll come around don't worry.


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And yeah your always going to end up breaking her heart unless you get married, and how old are you? I've never been able to have a realtionship over 6 months due to the fact that I believe I'm going to spend my life with the girl I meet at 17 (Y)" girls will freak out and get overly wierd sometimes

Im 18, almost 19. Weve been together since we were 16. Yeah we were gatting serious to the point of "i want to spend the rect of my life with you" ect ect. And thats what totally freaked me out. Not to say i dont want that becasue i totally do but it was a reality that just kinda slapped me in the face. I just kinda had to wrap my head around the fact that thats really how i felt.

I dont suppos sleeping with the ex helped, as she always brings it up. But im not sure if understands when i tell her that i needed time to get my mind reorganized, becasue as soon as i say that she shoots back with "yeah thats why you slept with your ex"

but yeah anyway thanks alot guys


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So you think you'd trust her again really quickly after she went all weird when everything was perfect, and she went to her ex boyfriend, f**ked his brains out, then came back saying she'd had an epiphany and wants to spend her life with you... er...

Thats how it is, you probably would react in a similar way to how she has.

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(Y) yeah i know that, but whats really f**ked me up was the fact that she freaked out the first time and got all this out...the same stuff she freaked out about last night, then we were good close and fine and she said she didnt care about the fact that i slept with me ex...well it didnt bother her much. Then last night it just happened all over again after everything was fine.

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It's not her 'time of the month' is it? :wub: Might explain the moodiness and so on (Y)

Meh, girls are always unpredictable and are able to somehow work out the history of the world from the tone of voice you use to say "Hello", so I wouldn't let it get to you too much.

Worst comes to worst, rohypnol.

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Worst comes to worst, rohypnol.

:"> Mark what does that mean? :">

I personally am thinking "I don't want to get in that position (Y)" and am now scared my girl friend will say something like that and I'll do what you did :D

But yeah to be honest you sound preet screwed :wub: I'm feeling sorry for you!

James :- sorry I can't help!

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You can't expect her to just go back to you...! You hurt her, and shes obviously still hurting, Just give her time, let her know you think shes really special and love her, not just want a relationship for no reason or a shag! She obviously likes you if you keep making out, but just give her time, and get closer to her again. In time it should work out!

Good luck whatever happens.

Kerrie, xxx

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You can't expect her to just go back to you...! You hurt her, and shes obviously still hurting, Just give her time, let her know you think shes really special and love her, not just want a relationship for no reason or a shag! She obviously likes you if you keep making out, but just give her time, and get closer to her again. In time it should work out!

Good luck whatever happens.

Kerrie, xxx

Yeah thats about right.

Just add more touchie feelies to that and its near perfect.



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You hurt her....its going to take time to get over that.

She probably still really likes you but is scared of putting her trust in you again, nobody wants to put themselves in a situation where they will probably get hurt again. Its like shoving your hand in a fire and thinking hmmm should I do that again?!

She'll come around (unless she's a wierd and twisted girl who just like attention), I know it doesnt seem it at the moment, but she wouldn't be hanging about with you if she didn't think there was a chance of making things better again.

Good luck and don't give up xxx

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haha this happened to me ages ago, but i was in the girls shoes. she dumped me to get with someone else though, then he thought she was a right wang and stopped speaking to her like a c*nt. i was there for her as she went through it all and we allways talked and saw each other and had a laugh. we started liking each other again, she told me, i didnt wanna get back with her but i liked her to much and we did end up getting back together and we had some good times together. we arent going out now and shes back with the other kid. LMFAO! tis funny really.

if i was the girl in your shoes, i wouldnt get back with you :wub:

edit, acually i dont know cause you werent actually going out so you didnt actually cheat on her...

i probably would go back out with you (Y) :-

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Well why are you bothering with that damn girl then?  Get your sexy Canadian ass over to Swindon :wub:


sorry matey, i didnt realise you were from canada. im not really into long distance relationships :- . i can do long distance cyber sex though??? just out of interest what time is it over there, im a nosey bastardo and can you get a chocolate bar called a "kitkat" over there, its like a wafer covered in chocolate :D haha

least tomm knows im from fecking swindon though, everyone seems to think im from bristol (Y)

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:( i thought i had something special. :) Yeah we have kitkats. at the moment its 5:05, so 12:05 there i believe.

But in all seriousness, i have another problem it seems, her dad hates me beasue i hurt her. He's irish to so that doesnt help, and racist :lol: How the hell do i get back on his good side. Her brother is fine i bought him absinthe and were friends again and her mom..i made her a card saying sorry for what i did and shes fune with me now. Its just her jerk off dad. Any ideas?

oh and keep on with the comments on my other situation :D

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:( tempting but i think i woulda kinda lose the relationship, seriously this guy is creepy. I went for a walk to the park with her late one night and came back he was sitting outside his garage with a smoke in his mouth staring at us...never said a word. walked her to the door gave her a hug...sneaked a kiss said goodnight walked back to my car. Was unlocking my car and i looked up and hes just staring at me smoke in his mouth still. Didnt move an inch, its weird :lol:

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