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£2500 Fine.


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Ok people all stop illegaly downloading music if you have. There catching lots of people now. So if you have ever done it and still are stop.

I just wanted to warn people. Im sure lots of you have allready seen it on the news.

Its a lot of money so dont do it... :)

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I'm sharing around 4,300 files?

I could be sharing 100,000 files, but each one could be a small text document, and only amount to 300mb say. Its people who have file servers, serving up and seeding in the hundreds of Gb's and Tb's.

I can safely assume that no one here has the resources, or connections to be worried about getting fined.

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I noticed that all of these newspaper articles are cracking down on people who are sharing the files. So what if (like me) you don't allow people to download from your machine, so it's just one way?

It's probably completely insignificant, just that every article I've read has specifically mentioned the sharing of the files, which lead me to believe that not sharing may be looked over.

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I could be sharing 100,000 files, but each one could be a small text document, and only amount to 300mb say. Its people who have file servers, serving up and seeding in the hundreds of Gb's and Tb's.

I can safely assume that no one here has the resources, or connections to be worried about getting fined.

how can you be so sure though


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Again its only people sharing massive amounts of data that they pickup on as you can easily explain a few hundred music files being transferred.

Its the same with windows being distributed they only crack down on it when a vast amount of people are using the same key in one area.

If they were to crack everyone for illegal music downloads then they would have hardly anyone to populate Britain.



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Shit, i didn't know they executed file sharers?!


The chances of getting caught are still like 1 in one billion twenteen hundred thousand bizillion twnty fifty hundred billion million. Just use bittorrent? And even if u do use p2p change the location of your shared folder to an empty folder..

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Wait a second there matey, you think using bittorrent means you cant be traced?  As soon as someone connects to you, you can see their IP address and trace the servers they have gone through to get to you...

Whatever, it's not as if I'm gonna get caught.

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Yeah, I agree that is probably true! Its not right to throw around false information like that though... ignorance doesnt help anyone!

Didnt someone on here post about a month ago as one of his female friends got anally penetrated for downloading music? She got the fine. I think youre probably safer if youre downloading some obscure music rather that the latest S-Club7 hit though (Y)

Interesting idea is - do you have more than £2500 worth of music that youve downloaded? Thats about 250 albums, I bet some people on here have more than that!

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Yeah ok we probably wont get caught, but theres still a chance you can and do you really want to pay the fine?

Ok i know you don't want to pay for like cd's but really its unfair on the singers. There getting scabbed out of there job by us lot. o well they'll get over it i suppose. Yeah i'm only sharing about 500 files (songs). What programs are you guys using and does anyone know what program he got caught on. I use limewire plus the one your meant to pay for yet we illegally got it (Y). Hmm i'm going to be in big trouble if they catch me:o.

Edited by HOPE
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Yeah ok we probably wont get caught, but theres still a chance you can and do you really want to pay the fine?

Ok i know you don't want to pay for like cd's but really its unfair on the singers. There getting scabbed out of there job by us lot.  o well they'll get over it i suppose. Yeah i'm only sharing about 500 files (songs). What programs are you guys using and does anyone know what program he got caught on. I use limewire plus the one your meant to pay for yet we illegally got it :D. Hmm i'm going to be in big trouble if they catch me:o.

Scabbing them out? Did you not pay attention to what Ben said? The music industry actually sold more records in 2004 compared to 2003, even with the huge rise in music distrubution.

It doesn't matter what program you use, theres not network that can protect you, well there is, but i can't remember its name. Dan will fill you in if he reads this thread.

I would stop worrying, most of the "cases" are simply scare tactics anyway, and if someone got a hundred thousand pound fine, then it was more like a few grand, i know its still a lot, but they are trying to push fear into the p2p community, trying every tactic they can to stop people sharing, and oh look, its working. (Y)

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Didnt someone on here post about a month ago as one of his female friends got anally penetrated for downloading music? She got the fine. I think youre probably safer if youre downloading some obscure music rather that the latest S-Club7 hit though

Yeah that was me. She was on 56k too! So you can forget that junk about massive file servers it doesn't matter on the connection! Just getting caught. She used kazaa. But limewire is also monitored. Be warned :lol:

It wont be long before somebody on here gets done i bet you!

EDIT: Just thought i'd add that her fine was only £2,000 because she shared less files. It goes up in tiers dependant on the number of files shared. And it is not a fine, but an out-of-court settlement. To be able to fight it you must reject this settlement and go to court and risk the full fine for your 'crimes' which will be in the tens of thousands.

Edited by Extreme_biker0
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