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Operation F.e.t.t.l.e.


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My situation is this;

I am running middleburn rs7 with a pro trials bashring, 20 tooth onza ring and then ony 3 sprockets in the rear (17th/15th/13th), with some spacers.

since the kmc k710 chain that i run is quite wide i have had to bodge my rear mech with washers and also put more washers between my front ring and bash guard to stop the chain touching the bashguard. there is a possibility that my dura ace rear mech (9spd) is slightly bent (i dont know how you tell, the bend may be very subtle) and i hvae been running a king rear classic hub for about 3 weeks now with not much riding been done on it.

After doing all this over the past day or so and giving the bike a go, i am now experiencing major chain suck, both where the chain 'enters' the front ring at the bottom and then 'exits' at the top.

I am guessing that I could still need some more washers between the front ring and the bashguard, since the gap between the two parts is still tiny and i thought that maybe the pins of the chain are touching the guard and so somehow having trouble being released from the ring.

And/or that my king hub needs a service now

And/or that it is something to do with possibly having a slightly bent mech.

my knowledge of bikes is fairly primative (but im learning!) so this may be something really obvious.

Are these three things mentioned al possiblities as to the cause of my problems or can any be dismissed?


Cheers all,


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If it's like chain suck and is seeming to stick at the front then maybe try with more spacing and keep the chain lubed up

The King shouldn't need servicing/tweaking that soon IMO, although it may have bedded in and has now settled funny

Check the mech too, but if the "suck" is up front then that's where I'd start looking for the cause personally

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if it is a new chain on an old chain ring it will suck.... happened to me, all you need to do is change your ring.

If the chain is catching on the bash it could be a factor, but mine catches :"> and it doesnt suck on mine

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The chain and ring and sprockets are all brand new. I have filed off the inner side of my bashguard as after years of use the surface has several scrathes and notches that the chain may catch on. Ohter than that I will just ride the bike gently for a bit in order to strech and loosen the chain out.

Perhaps I will have to put some more washers betwen the from ring and my bashgurad. But i already have two on each nut and they aren't the longest nuts in the world. And my local fasteners shop says that the thread is very fine on them and she doesn't have any slightly longer bolts in that diameter with a thread that fine.

to be continued......

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if ur runnin the kmc quick-link (like me)check its pins r pointing inwards (towards frame), as they can dig into the bashring causin chainsuck


And if your not, make sure the link (or any for that matter) you connected the chain together with isnt stiff.. that might be causing it (Y)

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What about removing a spacer or two at the bashring? then there wouldn't be a gap for the chain to get into.

Just a thought, might be bad idea. Dunno lol thought id suggest it anyway

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If it's all new kit, you just need to let it bed in. I got horrific, wheel-stopping chainsuck when I boshed on a new chain, sprocket and freewheel - it just needs to mesh together. Just ride it for a bit. It'll feel shit, but after an hour or so it'll get a lot better...

...or rape itself :)

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i agree with Tom , sounds like stiff link to me. when you put a kmc together they can get stif links that are super stiff cause major chain suck. check the link, wiggle chain to stop em, should be fine after that. wont be spacers. the kmc will wear down the bash instead of sucking up..did that to mine, can see a path in the bash where pins were moving ont bash lol.

so yeah, check link, sort them, and see what happens

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cheers for all the replies guys,

the chain is the right way up and ALL links are smooth as a babies bum. I think it must be a stiff link when under pressure so like onzaboy said it just needs riding in. I hvae already done 3 hours and it is a little better but then ill be riding home and it got really bad - i.e. chain suck after every 2 crank turns. And I don't think the washers need to be taken out because they are there to stop the chain from rubbing on the bash guard.

I'm officially stumped so I'll leave it to fate and some bedding in to help solve the problem.

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I have had this a few times you just need to replace the front chain ring. The chainring will have got worn to the shape of the old chain that you had, and will not 'mesh' correctly with the new KMC chain, as I am expecting it is completely different.

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