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Hi peeps, I was wondering, my mam and dad may be bringing me and a mate to morcambe for a day (before my mate moves to america) and was if anyone would like to meet us up in morcambe?

It should be cool, god knows what date, but its like 2 months away, so theres enough time to make a date!!!

anywats, just post in here if you would like to to along.

Edited by terror-error
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(Y) good thing i saw this, if you like send me an email when your coming, there are 5 riders here in Kendal who would be willing to come out to join you :wub: as long as we are all free. Tom soundlabdlp1r@hotmail.com be in touch :-

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Cool cool.

Iv just PM'd craig lee scott to see if he will make an apperiance! :P (Y)

So theres about 9 riders that should be there if they are free on the day already.

It should be a really good day ;)

Oh and by the way. we arnt the *best* riders on earth, we are *medium*.

Asin backwheel 36" (barheight) and stuff :) just to let you's know cause your all probably amazing! (Y)

(i know tom rigg is :turned: )

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bloody hell, theres gonna be loads of riders there like!!

and my 2 favourite... craig lee scott and ben slinger :"> (N) (Y) HAHA

It will probably be on a week end, cause thats when most people are off work and things.

We still havnt decided a prober date, but it will come soon :D" :)"

EDIT: just telling you, when we make a date, me and rocky wont probably be there till about 1:00. or maybe a little bit earlier if i drag my parents out of bed! lol

Edited by terror-error
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It will be a b*****d for people gettin the train to get to Morecambe I think. A lot of people have had to miss out in the past, if there was a ride on Sundays, I know I have. Maybe Saturday is the day. I dont know.


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