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Work Experiance ?

Chris Cook

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So for those of you who are just having work experiance or have had it already what did you think of yours ? What did you do ? And did you enjoy it ?

It was my first day today and allll day i was in a truck dilivering good to peoples houses with someone from jacksons building which is where i am doing it. I can give you one word what it was like "CRAP" !!!! AND the most boringest thing i have ever done in my life ! Honestly ! :(

I am so tierd aswell (Y)

Chris :D :-

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I went to 'Stott Thompson Architects, 'cos I thought being an architect might be fun, and earn me a shed load but it's not.

It's boring. Lol. And crap. And way too much attention to detail - on boring stuff - for my liking!

I got really bored of it and didn't want to keep goin' in but I did.

Got the Wednesday off though. Told him that I had to see my sister blah blah. :D

You'll be fine, don't worry about it! There's nowt to worry about!.

Just go there and be nice. B'ryt. It's only a week or two (Y)

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hahahaha that sucks! i did mine last year at a place called AMAC engineering. fooking brilliant, and i got a job their working on saterdays and in holdidays! does performance engine tuning, custom building engines, engine reconditioning and all your normal jobs. we get sweet as fook cars in too. also went to donnington race track with the company to deliver this touring car and watch it go on a track day! (Y) :D

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I went to our factroy the first time round, and basicly showd then how to use a computer. That was ok as i was actulay doing something to benifit them.

The 2nd time i went on work experience i wanted to do something electronics-wise, but he just gave me some boring repetative tasks to do. (Y)

My mate basicly got put into a slave labor camp though, sweeping the un sweepable and cleaning the un cleanable. So i supose it could have been worse.

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I went to a Graphic studio and Large format PR company in Chertsey. Was pretty sweet, sit dossing round on macs all day, printing f**k off picture 'n' stuff, I'll get a photo of what I made. (Y)

I don't wanna be a graphic designer though, to dull, sitting in a room all day, the group I was with were awesome, but they're not true graphic designers.


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I went to a Graphic studio and Large format PR company in Chertsey. Was pretty sweet, sit dossing round on macs all day, printing f**k off picture 'n' stuff, I'll get a photo of what I made. (Y)

I don't wanna be a graphic designer though, to dull, sitting in a room all day, the group I was with were awesome, but they're not true graphic designers.


Oh explain :D

I wish i'd of done something like that. I'm thinking about going into the Graphic Design / Product Advertisment business. Not 100% though, only like 97.5% :(

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This is what I made, the ferret was on Photoshop, the Cat was on Freehand.

B&P Light Brigades is the place I went to, the site is good if you are trying to buy stuff from them but not a lot otherwise.

They have a studio, full of Macs (G4 PowerPCs), which run on a network, there is a server which downloads a jobs and deadlines as soon as one finishes, so they have contiuous work flow, you don't get set number of tasks everyday, you get what you are given by the computer. Normally, you get a brief and what the advertising agency give you in terms of work, it's your job to do the fine editting and make it look good before it is printed, to get rid of white lines and stuff. Then it is printed and gets delivered. It's pretty fast paced and intenseive though. Couldn't do it 24/7 though.


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Had my first day today.

In halfords :D

It's actually really good and easy, building kiddies bikes and helping customers buy stuff and helping with "what innerube to buy etc.

The saftey video's were soo funny, they're from about 1990 and have really bad acting, hilariously funny if you're in the right mood (Y)

And riding trials on a 16" kids bike with shitty v-brakes is so fun!

Never know...might get a halfords shirt :- :(

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Had my first day today.

In halfords :D

It's actually really good and easy, building kiddies bikes and helping customers buy stuff and helping with "what innerube to buy etc.

The saftey video's were soo funny, they're from about 1990 and have really bad acting, hilariously funny if you're in the right mood  (Y)

And riding trials on a 16" kids bike with shitty v-brakes is so fun!

Never know...might get a halfords shirt :- :(


Then me and Dan Ko nicked about 8 mag lights :-"

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Done mine in Sainsburys 3 weeks ago :-

I left it too late asking around so that was the only place they could get me in

It wasnt too bad :( .....Packing shelves, washing up, packing shopping, labling bread, esc (Y)

I did get paid £20 in the form of a voucher for working 2 weeks there :D

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i went to a fish farm was quality to f**k. officially the easiest job ever. had to feed the fish every hour occasionally pressure wash a tank down. rest of the time i was sat in the middle of the countryside with awsome sunshine, drinking cups of tea with a huge cool dog that had to be walked everyday. and i got paid (Y)

whilst others made cups of tea in offices.

my advice is dont do something in an office get outside it will go alot quicker and it is so much better being outside!

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Im on work experience this week, its really cool!

Im at citroen mechanics, its actually interesting, but my legs are foooooked!!!

not looking forward to friday though.... they are going to bully me, and put my on a biffa bin and wheel me down the road!!!! :- (Y) :- :D :P :( the last guy that was there, they set him on fire cause he was a willy! haha

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I did chosse somthing i wanted to do (Plumbing) But it also got cancelled at the last muinte, so i choose jacksons because i thought it would be good but i thought wrong.  (Y)

Anything with the name jackson is just wrong! :huh:

I worked at a local garage.

There were some funny bits (like when some guy was under the bonnet and this other guy [called nutter for obvious reasons] starts pretending to be violently ass raping him and the bonnet falls on the guy who was working on the car and he gets stuck!)

Make sure that you ask for work though.

That way yo got get bored at all!



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Make sure that you ask for work though.

That way yo got get bored at all!Thanks,


Yea a do. But most of the jobs are still boring.

The only good poiunt is that i am mostly sat in a truck all day nearly falling aslep! I nearly did today !

Oh and the other good point is i get free hot chocolate or tea or coffe etc etc etc! :blink: :huh: (Y)

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I got to do mine for 2 weeks in a recording studio for year 10, and then at Supercycles for year 12.

Recording studio one was fun. First week was tame work-wise as they had a rock masterclass on there and so there was relatively little 'work' to do, but I got to sit in on the bass tuition and learnt a shitload of stuff that really helped me. Got free tickets to the finale concert too, which I then used the that audio to produce a CD in the second week (sorting out compression, levels, editing and so on, and then designing the cover and everything). I'm interested in a career in music, so it was good.

The Supercycles work placement utterly dominated. Got to stay at someone who works at Onza's house for the week (which was pretty kind of him, considering I was supposed to be staying with Tart until 3 or 4 days before I left, so it was short notice for him), and we rode to work every day - apart from when we went in by bus. First day was:

Woken up, and given a cup of tea.

Shower 'n' stuff.

Leave for work.

Ride the 15-20 minutes to work.

Get there, meet people.

Say hi to everyone.

Check out some of the funny warranty returns (e.g. a T-Raptor that "has only been used for natural" with a shitload of brickdust in the chainstay gouges, etc.).

Have a quick play on some of the prototype bikes.

Check out all the cool bikes in stock.

Look at some fancy-ass components.

Put up some info on the 2004 Onza range on trials-forum.

Go to Co-Op for some bread.

Come back and have some soup.

Interview the mail-room staff, and check out the running of the shop.

Go for dinner at Subway.

Come back and eat the foot-long sub.

Check out trials-forum for a bit, and start writing up case study.

Have a quick play on the Woodstock prototype.

Mess about a bit.

Ride home.

Go out for a meal.

Meet some random friend of the guy who I was staying with, who was constantly high on medicinal cannabis.

Go home.

Read for a bit.

Go to sleep.

In the week that I was there:

Got my second T-Bone prototype frame.

Got a cheap T-Lite frame.

Got some free "cookie cutter" stem stackers.

Got to see a demo in the shop floor on the sleepers and spools by Gilles Coustellier, who happened to be there.

Got to get the news on Gilles being signed up to Onza before anyone else in the world ('cept for those present, obviously (Y)).

Developed a taste for Czech absynth.

Got to meet all the cool people at SuperCycles.

Wrote a 50 page long Case Study that got me an A at AS Level, which is carried over into my A2 level.

Learnt a lot about running a business.

Learnt a lot about how to 'work', and still have a good time.

It was a really good time. If you actually plan out where you're going to go (and try and go somewhere away from home), it's properly good.

Before you all start asking Onza for work placements though, I'm apparently the first person to get a work placement there, and from what I can remember, probably the last one they'll let go there...

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The Supercycles work placement utterly dominated.  Got to stay at someone who works at Onza's house for the week (which was pretty kind of him, considering I was supposed to be staying with Tart until 3 or 4 days before I left, so it was short notice for him), and we rode to work every day - apart from when we went in by bus.  First day was:

Woken up, and given a cup of tea.

Shower 'n' stuff.

Leave for work.

Ride the 15-20 minutes to work.

Get there, meet people.

Say hi to everyone.

Check out some of the funny warranty returns (e.g. a T-Raptor that "has only been used for natural" with a shitload of brickdust in the chainstay gouges, etc.).

Have a quick play on some of the prototype bikes.

Check out all the cool bikes in stock.

Look at some fancy-ass components. 

Put up some info on the 2004 Onza range on trials-forum.

Go to Co-Op for some bread.

Come back and have some soup.

Interview the mail-room staff, and check out the running of the shop.

Go for dinner at Subway.

Come back and eat the foot-long sub.

Check out trials-forum for a bit, and start writing up case study.

Have a quick play on the Woodstock prototype.

Mess about a bit.

Ride home.

Go out for a meal.

Meet some random friend of the guy who I was staying with, who was constantly high on medicinal cannabis.

Go home.

Read for a bit.

Go to sleep.

In the week that I was there:

Got my second T-Bone prototype frame.

Got a cheap T-Lite frame.

Got some free "cookie cutter" stem stackers.

Got to see a demo in the shop floor on the sleepers and spools by Gilles Coustellier, who happened to be there.

Got to get the news on Gilles being signed up to Onza before anyone else in the world ('cept for those present, obviously :P).

Developed a taste for Czech absynth.

Got to meet all the cool people at SuperCycles.

Wrote a 50 page long Case Study that got me an A at AS Level, which is carried over into my A2 level.

Learnt a lot about running a business.

Learnt a lot about how to 'work', and still have a good time.

It was a really good time.  If you actually plan out where you're going to go (and try and go somewhere away from home), it's properly good.

Before you all start asking Onza for work placements though, I'm apparently the first person to get a work placement there, and from what I can remember, probably the last one they'll let go there...

Cooooool :P :) i wish :)

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I am going to a local primary school....However this oposes a problem, it is a school which I regually ride in lol...they have security camrars and if I am doing work experiance there so they will no who i am and mabey get the police on me :). I dont think they mind people at the school because I think that they have just excepted that people use it. Although once I went on the roof though, and they dont like that...when other peple have done it, the police have been rung.

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