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  The ultimate make suicides said:
What you need: a sidewalk.

How to do it:

    Step 1: Slam your head into the sidewalk.

    Step 2: Repeat.

Headbutting is probably the manliest thing ever. Not only is it useful for suicide, it's also a great way to break up with your girlfriend. For example, I couldn't find the words to tell my ex that our relationship was over, so one day while we were watching TV I headbutt her in the tits. Then I picked up my jacket and left. No awkward goodbyes, no "still friends" bullshit. Just a couple of bruised titties and a failed relationship. I rule.

:D (Y)

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Regarding the movie DareDevil:

One thing you should always be able to count on in a comic book movie is a bad guy who kicks ass. In this movie we get a character called "Bullseye." Guess what he has on his forehead? A bull's-eye. Guess what his special power is? He can throw darts and hit bull's-eyes. That's stupid. Why not have a character called "The Raging Hardon" where the character is a boner, or a heroine called "Salad Tosser" where she, um.. tosses salad. If you're going for stupid, why not go all out?


Fair warning: not paying a hooker is considered shoplifting.
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More funny ones

Strangers are just friends waiting to happen:

Yeah, either that or rape in a dark alley waiting to happen.

The grass is always greener on the other side:

If the grass is greener on the other side, then the guy with the greener grass doesn't think your grass is greener now does he, asshole? The message that this proverb is trying to stumble through is that everything always looks more attractive when you don't have it. I'm sure there are millionaires crying themselves to sleep every night because they don't live in a trailer park. Just face it: sometimes nobody envies you. There has to be a bottom and that bottom is probably you.



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Lol that dave chapeele one is so true , seen it before for some reason but meh.

Those suicide ones are hillarious

right up there with other lofty challenges like learning how to zip your fly without getting your dick caught.

Lmao this guys a genius (Y)

The monkey is seen here massaging its neck, perhaps in duress from the pain caused by having blood vessels ruptured in the back of its throat, undoubtedly from eating a banana too quickly; either that or wang.


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If you've ever wanted to go to Asia, now is the time. Ticket prices are the lowest they've been in years because of the outbreak of Irresponsible Panic Bullshit Journalism, or IPBJ throughout the media, a disease that causes the media to compensate for a lack of real news by hyping up the threat of some random virus such as SARS. Once you get SARS you have a modest 91% chance of living, that is, if you can survive such grueling symptoms as "headache, fever," and "an overall feeling of discomfort, and body aches." Look out AIDS.

so true

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Hahaha. Maddox. He's been around a while, as you can probably tell from the site. When he first started to get noticed, people went to the extreme of setting up fan sites, and hate sites, which still exist today i believe.

He wrote such controversial stuff, and loads of people saw it. I think the thing about the best way to suicide was the latest thing for people to rave about.

Read the hate mail he gets though, its the best. (Y)

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