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Front Hook Help


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Ever see the Coustellier vid in Paris (forgot the name, my bad) where Giacomo gets 'stuck' between a green phone cable box and a telephone box? He then switches up to front wheel on top of the telephone box, drops off and receives applause from the crowd? That's a brakeless wedge.

I think u will find that it was Nottingham wher that vid was shot, so no where near paris, lol.


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right think ive got the basics now i was trying to hook a 4ft stack of pallets at the demo on saturday, i got it a couple of times, to bash then once i just about got to back wheel then slipped off thanks for the help guys :turned:

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Ever see the Coustellier vid in Paris (forgot the name, my bad) where Giacomo gets 'stuck' between a green phone cable box and a telephone box? He then switches up to front wheel on top of the telephone box, drops off and receives applause from the crowd? That's a brakeless wedge.

Thats in nottigham and it was not brakeless.

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I'm not really sure of the bit you put before the bold type...

But yes, hooking is *in my mind* the hardest technique to get down.

With the possible exception of brakeless wedges, but thats a whole different story.

So yeh, it is hard.

Bunny hopping into it is relitively easy actually, as you don't have to do that much hopping, you just need to hop enough to get your front wheel over the top :(

I find brakeless wedges very easy, a lot easier than hooks anyway. Its all about pedal and chain pressure and taking your time to find the right balance point. I am pretty poor at hooks, only ever done one up a blue pallet slightly sloped against a big wall and i made that quite easy, but i have never concentrated on learning hooks, perhaps i may soon ^_^"

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