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Halfords Demo's

Dai the Socket

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Hey there.

Us lads at Halfords in Halifax are thinking about having a trials demo outside our store. Well. We thought it'd be really cool, and I suggested it to some local riders from Wytrials and such. They were all up for it.

I've yet to approch the manager about it but I'd quite like some more information about weather any demo's have been arranged like this outside halfords?

How did you approch the manager?

Did the store take in more money due to it?

Did you have advertising?

What stuff did you have?

How was it arranged?

Was anything / everything paid for by Halfords?

How was the reaction you got from your Manager after it happened, compared to his initial expectations?

We've got a pretty big car park out front so it'd be ok to take a slice of that, i'm guessing.

The ideas we've got so far can be found here: http://s49.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1NP2WBP...CM1EXTDWZQT85A1 (it downloads a word document file.

Nick ...

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Yeah. Well I was thinking of either:

1. Ignoring that

2. Having one of those contract things where you say anything that happens is fully your own fault and any problems, costs or injury occurance through it are 100% not halfraud, i mean halford's fault, and my own.

3. Seeing weather ACU or whatever might cover it?

You remember who was doing it? I'm sure there's been a couple of Halfords Demo's.

If not, any demo's / meeting help would be ace.

Thanks, Nick

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2. Having one of those contract things where you say anything that happens is fully your own fault and any problems, costs or injury occurance through it are 100% not halfraud, i mean halford's fault, and my own.

The crowd would need to be covered, wouldn't they? You'd have to make sure that everything had "collapse" room or whatever the hell it is, meaning it has to have an area around it where it won't fall onto anything else or something weird like that :o I seem to remember that cropping up in a bikeshow thread...

Pallets 'n' shiz are you friend. Head over to www.vtcz.ch and check out their demo vids for any ideas.

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