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Frame Reccomendations

Dr. Nick Riviera

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ok so the other topic was a bit of a joke , so im looking for a frame thats gonna take some serious beef , i was thinking along the lines of a base or possibly a leeson due the being custom and steel , the base seemed appealing due to the price tag but leeson for the garuantee , im not on a budget but the cheaper the better , and remember its going to have to take some serious beef as im no lightweight



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yeah deff leeson or curtis,, look into them iff youve got the £££. but dont get one unless the the geometry is what YOU want !

DO NOT get a base,, my mate just got a nice size crack in his and it flexes open when you ride it,, haha

thay are not that strong at all..

if you thinking alu.. then a good old echo pure is excellent. or prehaps an echo control,, both great frames with good strength and geometry... they are both available at TartyBikes,,, and SelectBikes,, at very resonable prices,,

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i have a diamondback t10, the frame is quite wide so i presume its pretty strong? im 12 stone and it has seen sum pretty high drops and harsh landings... hasnt cracked yet so :) another thing is its a diamondback so it cant be as expensive as your echoes, koxx???? dunno just a suggestion

only thing is, you will need to will get better parts? mavics, better forks... stuff like that...

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I have a base ta26 with a 38mm bmf rim on the rear, there's plenty of room for adjustment with my maggie so you should easily be able to fit a koxx rim in there.

I'm 15 and a half stone and mine has no problems being about 6 months old.

i'm not an amazingly good rider but i have done some relatively biggish things on it. :)"

go for the base, if mine broke i think i'd probably get another one because they ride so nicely. :)

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forgot to mention.

I've also pretty much destroyed my BMF by putting dents all the way round one side of the rim. so i must land some things fairly heavy as well.

can take pictures of my brake and stuff if you wan't a close up of how much room there is.

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go for the onza t-rex. im 10.5 stone and am not the smoothest rider. i landed a 6.5 ft drop to 2 wheels thursdya and my onza forks and onza t-rex frame all stood up well.

i would recommend the t-rex

thanks ian

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go for the onza t-rex. im 10.5 stone and am not the smoothest rider. i landed a 6.5 ft drop to 2 wheels thursdya and my onza forks and onza t-rex frame all stood up well.

i would recommend the t-rex

thanks ian

that doesnt prove much, if you did it all the time then maybe it would prove something-musta bloody hurt anyway :)

go for a base dude, they are the tits :)

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so for example a guy who weighs 14 stone and lands a drop

the forces exerted on his bike are going to be more than those exerted upon the bike by a lighter person

Not if the 14stoner knows how to land . I.e- Bending your legs properly etc :)

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