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Heart Of Light


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I decided to call this Heart of Light (for obvious reasons really) due to the nature of the flame and it's radiance around the tip and centre. It started out as a rather simple fireball but I decided to make it something more, so added the 'tails' and the beam at the top which connect it to 'light'.


Crits and Comments?

Edit: A full 1024x768 wallpaper can be found here by request. Enjoy!

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I think the trails stand out a bit too much, which draws focus away from the bottom bit (which is, I assumed, the focus of the picture?). It'd be cool if the brightest bit of the light was at the bottom of the trails I think. Overall though, it is a sweet picture!

I don't really know much about this kinda stuff, just what I thought, as you asked for crits/comments :)

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craigdavies, I've been using Photoshop for over 4 years and have designed graphics/websites for a few companies every now and then so I'm reasonably experienced with it. It takes some time but once you know your way around it you can create some awesome stuff, just stick to it mate.

Raub: Cheers for the constructive mate, I know what you mean now I look at it a little bit more (after not seeing it for about a half hour). I'll have a mess about with it and see what I come up with.

Thanks for the comments everyone :)

Edit: Update:

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Thats good.

I remember talking to you on MSN about PS, And I know you only use brushes so thats chuffin' good! Bet alot of people here think you did it with effects but I bet you didn't (Y) Nice one, I'm going to have a play in PS later :)


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I think im going to stick to my guns here and disagree with people.

I find the whole deep meaning behind the fire, the 'heart of light' all a bit lame to be honest. I found the picture boring and quite un-stimulating, not a lot going on.

But all credit to you for doing it. You're obviously talented with PS and everyone likes it. I personally won't be putting it as my new desktop :rolleyes:

Sorry if its negative critasism, but thats what i think.

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I think im going to stick to my guns here and disagree with people.

I find the whole deep meaning behind the fire, the 'heart of light' all a bit lame to be honest. I found the picture boring and quite un-stimulating, not a lot going on.

But all credit to you for doing it. You're obviously talented with PS and everyone likes it. I personally won't be putting it as my new desktop  :rolleyes:

Sorry if its negative critasism, but thats what i think.

Fair enough, I appreciate your honesty, but wouldn't it be just as 'lame' if I called it 'Firey Jobby'? That would be showing disrespect to my own work, and no artist does that (in a sense I do think of myself as an artist when I make things like this in Photoshop). There's no deep meaning either, if I were to over-analyse it with a deeper meaning it would've been some drivel about god or how we fight for the righteous blah blah blah.

Can't be everyone's cup of tea, but thanks for voicing your opinion :D

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Fair enough, I appreciate your honesty, but wouldn't it be just as 'lame' if I called it 'Firey Jobby'? That would be showing disrespect to my own work, and no artist does that (in a sense I do think of myself as an artist when I make things like this in Photoshop). There's no deep meaning either, if I were to over-analyse it with a deeper meaning it would've been some drivel about god or how we fight for the righteous blah blah blah.

Can't be everyone's cup of tea, but thanks for voicing your opinion :rolleyes:

Just what I thought.

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