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You aren't riding any more though, in that you're selling your bike, which was another thing I found slightly odd :P Just 'cos a few weeks ago you were saying you wanted to 'get serious' about trials over the summer and how you were going to commit to riding more, but that you weren't sure that you'd be able to 'cos it was "getting serious" with Jess, then a week later you were with Olivia instead, and now a bit after that you're selling your bike?

Oh, and plenty of scenesters in BMX wearing tight jeans, just like when you and Mat spent ages laughing at some of the people in Voices :P

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Skinny jeans is a no no on a a bike.

If i do my hair it would get in my way.

ermm... shoes are horrible to ride in.

T shirt i could get away with.

Next time im out i will wear a 'scene' t shirt just for you mark (Y)

Why do you wear these things?

What i'm wearing right now cost 46 quid, just normal jeans, plain t-shirt, socks, and badass nike dunks.

I can go out in them, i can ride in them, i can do anything.

I really don't see the appeal in skin tight jeans restricting you to only being able to walk round and possibly sit down.

Emo and scene has gone too far and must be stopped by a greater force, you know how they use insects to kill pesticides, well maybe the same could work with chavs and scene kids........

:P But am i really joking?


Edited by flipkickbs
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Oh, and plenty of scenesters in BMX wearing tight jeans, just like when you and Mat spent ages laughing at some of the people in Voices :P

RESPECT!!!!! Best BMX DVD out in the WORLD EVER, some of those spots are in sheff and are f**king CRAZY!!!!!

Some of the BMXers come down Wath to session the park lol well only 2 from it.

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You aren't riding any more though, in that you're selling your bike, which was another thing I found slightly odd :P Just 'cos a few weeks ago you were saying you wanted to 'get serious' about trials over the summer and how you were going to commit to riding more, but that you weren't sure that you'd be able to 'cos it was "getting serious" with Jess, then a week later you were with Olivia instead, and now a bit after that you're selling your bike?

Oh, and plenty of scenesters in BMX wearing tight jeans, just like when you and Mat spent ages laughing at some of the people in Voices :P

In many ways i dont want to stop trials, im hopeully going to get another rig set up when i have some cash.

Because my dad is buying me my motorcross bike hopefully soon I would like to ride that a load.

I have ridden motorbikes since 4 and i really enjoy it, allthough the last year my dad has been extremely ill with his condition making it impossible for him to commit to helping me with the sport.

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What Ian was saying

It's fine, it'll be scene to be 'punk' again when fashion goes full circle again, and then we'll have all the scene people walking round in those mad baggy jeans. Remember seeing someone on a BMX DVD who was wearing jeans that had 60" ankle hems or whatever they're called. Was crazy.

In many ways i dont want to stop trials, im hopeully going to get another rig set up when i have some cash.

Don't keep spending loads of money on it this time so you don't have to sell it 'cos you "can't justify having such an expensive bike", like what happened with the last 3?

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Why do you wear these things?

What i'm wearing right now cost 46 quid, just normal jeans, plain t-shirt, socks, and badass nike dunks.

I can go out in them, i can ride in them, i can do anything.

I really don't see the appeal in skin tight jeans restricting you to only being able to walk round and possibly sit down.

Emo and scene has gone too far and must be stopped by a greater force, you know how they use insects to kill pesticides, well maybe the same could work with chavs and scene kids........

:P But am i really joking?


well my clothes im wearing add up around 30.

to me they are just like normal jeans.

Dont think it will be that easy to stop, there's more and more 'screamo' music coming out which is helping the scene :)

What pisses me off, whats wrong with us?

we just wear alternative clothes.

chavs beat shit into people, and damge society.

we dont do that?

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Dont think it will be that easy to stop, there's more and more 'screamo' music coming out which is helping the scene :)

There was a shitload of punk bands, which gradually changed and then we had a shitload of ska punk bands, and then it gradually turned to the shit that's out now. It's how it works with scene stuff, it never stays the same for long. That's what happens with fashion, which is purely what the scene is based on. It's not going to stay the same for any length of time, which also partially appears to be what pisses people off about it, in that people claim they've "always been emo" and shit like that, when in reality they were, not so long ago, all about ska music and shit like that. It's just all false and shit. It's quite funny looking at some of the Myspace pages of people who are in my year who I haven't seen since they went to uni. Knowing what they're really like, yet how they totally change on Myspace and shit is quite funny...

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well my clothes im wearing add up around 30.

to me they are just like normal jeans.

Dont think it will be that easy to stop, there's more and more 'screamo' music coming out which is helping the scene :)

What pisses me off, whats wrong with us?

we just wear alternative clothes.

chavs beat shit into people, and damge society.

we dont do that?

I don't have anything wrong with you, i'm sure all the scene kids are really cool and what not, but have you ever thought that you could be the exact same person with the same personality, but while wearing normal clothes?

Shopping at mothercare does not make you cool.....


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Shopping at mothercare does not make you cool.....


Second-hand shops like Oxfam and shit seem to be the "in" thing around here usually (Y) Keep with the times, Master Ian :P

Shit, just realised I totally forgot the most annoying fad of all, the "BE RANDOM" fad. Shit the bed, that was the worst time, ever. Everyone going round just shouting shit out trying to be random. Some girl started telling me this story about when she was younger than was supposed to be "random" that actually made me want to shit my intestines out because it was so awkward listening to her.

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I don't have anything wrong with you, i'm sure all the scene kids are really cool and what not, but have you ever thought that you could be the exact same person with the same personality, but while wearing normal clothes?

Shopping at mothercare does not make you cool.....


thats a new one :P

Second-hand shops like Oxfam and shit seem to be the "in" thing around here usually (Y) Keep with the times, Master Ian :P

Primark and tk max (Y)

Cheap as fook.

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What pisses me off, whats wrong with us?

we just wear alternative clothes.

Without getting into this argument at all (because I'm not really bothered)... It's not really because your emo, it's just any kids who dress following a trend are going to get laughed at. The point is mute, Emo, goth, Grebo, punk etc - They are all the same to me, you never see anyone over the age of about 20 wearing that stuff (other than people in bands :unsure:) It's almost always a phase that you grow out of and think 'well that was stupid'. Fashions change, things that were cool stop being cool - but there is just something kinda childish about trying to 'be different' by donning a particular type of get-up; so you tend to think of it as something they'll 'grow out of'.

I remember all the 'grebos' ( :P ) from my school back in the day when they were younger, being rebelious and making their 'not bothered what you think' statement, now just a few years later they're all smart, fashionable, and friendly adults. I can't quite take a guy with dyed hair and metal studs on his clothes seriously, for the same reason I couldn't quite take a guy wearing pink flairs and gold chains seriously - you just have a pre consieved image of what's 'normal'.

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Second-hand shops like Oxfam and shit seem to be the "in" thing around here usually (Y) Keep with the times, Master Ian :P

Shit, just realised I totally forgot the most annoying fad of all, the "BE RANDOM" fad. Shit the bed, that was the worst time, ever. Everyone going round just shouting shit out trying to be random. Some girl started telling me this story about when she was younger than was supposed to be "random" that actually made me want to shit my intestines out because it was so awkward listening to her.

Dammit, and all this time i've been paying full price :(

I'll see what they've got on offer down the local charity shop tomorrow, pick me out something reeeeal scene, like a leotard or some shit.


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Gotta love that "We're being different" thing, when they're all wearing mass-produced clothes and are wearing exactly the same style clothes as all the other "being different" people though. Ah, the joys of reminiscing about high school :P

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Without getting into this argument at all (because I'm not really bothered)... It's not really because your emo, it's just any kids who dress following a trend are going to get laughed at. The point is mute, Emo, goth, Grebo, punk etc - They are all the same to me, you never see anyone over the age of about 20 wearing that stuff (other than people in bands :unsure: ) It's almost always a phase that you grow out of and think 'well that was stupid'. Fashions change, things that were cool stop being cool - but there is just something kinda childish about trying to 'be different' by donning a particular type of get-up; so you tend to think of it as something they'll 'grow out of'.

I remember all the 'grebos' ( :P ) from my school back in the day when they were younger, being rebelious and making their 'not bothered what you think' statement, now just a few years later they're all smart, fashionable, and friendly adults. I can't quite take a guy with dyed hair and metal studs on his clothes seriously, for the same reason I couldn't quite take a guy wearing pink flairs and gold chains seriously - you just have a pre consieved image of what's 'normal'.

I got taken the piss out of more when i wore designer clothes.

There's loads of guys and gals that are over 20 that are scene.

I'm not wearing the clothes i wear to be differnt, i wear them because i feel comftable in them.

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I went through my emo stage a while back, i now look back and think how stupid it was......


Cant wait for the next phase, but i reckon 2 hats will be the in thing (you better all know what i'm talking about)


Are we talking NYC-stylee one hat under the other? Either way, Onzaboymark doesn't do hats, excluding Xens on my trials bike and occasionally my TSG Evo on my BMX...

Luke - there aren't that many people who are actually scene over 20 or so though. YOu get people who are actually into the music that's it's scene to be into, but that's 'cos they're doing it 'cos they somehow actually like the music. All that emo shit is aimed at people in their teens if you listen to the lyrics (although what with them meaning sweet FA from a lot of the talentless f**ks around, it may not be fully applicable...), or just even look at wider popular music culture. This sort of constantly changing "Listen to what's cool to listen to" shit is always changing, and it's generally marketed at people your age. That's why TK Maxx and everyone stock that stuff now when it used to just be all baggy stuff.

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Are we talking NYC-stylee one hat under the other? Either way, Onzaboymark doesn't do hats, excluding Xens on my trials bike and occasionally my TSG Evo on my BMX...

Hell no!!!

I'm talking johnny 2 hats from the mighty boosh, at the end his fashion progresses to wearing 5 or 6 hats, its genius!


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I knew if I edited my post that long someone would post before it was edited :P Anyways, I've only seen a bit of The Mighty Boosh from a while back, so I'm not fully au fait with what's going on...

EDIT: Shit, I've killed the thread.

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