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Let The Shit Tv Begin


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Science or derek or makosi to win... all the others are bollox to be fair

Vanessa: my number 1 house mate to get kicked out, shes the most boring ditsy f**k you will ever meet. Probably had a previous job at a spar shop ( no offence if you work there etc etc) where all she did was work on the lottery ticket machine.

Antony: Pretty boy f**k who's very very shallow, cant argue a point for shit and thinks big muscles improve your penis size. Mostly likely works at a tanning salon

Craig: BITCH TITS... and does work at a salon...

Saskia: I hate her when i can only hear her voice but when you look at her on tv you start to agree with what she says just because she has big tits and looks alright. So she has to go just so i dont have to wank every night after watching the 10pm show of her bitching about cider.

Maxwell: I dont get why people find him funny... he says the same things every day non stop.. f**k about.. he also cant argue a point for shit.. it just resorts back to cider and how he loves saskia's big momma tits. A very shallow fanny hole in my books and adds nothing to the house.

The weird guy forgot his name... dresses like a lil bitch and he's 19: Was funny at the start now just looks like a f**kin drag queen 24/7 and does shit all.

Running outta material now so ill end it there.

Personally out of everyone science has to win... his character is coming out now.. love the random laughing in peoples faces and telling them what he thinks about them. Well chosen timing on nomination day with maxwell too :blink: legend

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i wanted science to go , but now maxwells gone, science to win  (Y)

GET RID OF f**kING KEMAL (Y)  :)  :P  :P

Fuc**n word to that!!!!!

Science is the biggest dik head ever!!!!!!!!

God not gonna be much point in watchin it now the star has gone.

O well I suppose i'll have to watch it to see if mackosi (or however u bloody spell it) has Antonys baby :D B)

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Science to win, each to their own but hes the only one with a f**kin personality in there. It seems people want to get rid of the "characters" in the house making it even f**king boringer than it is at the minute as we keep losing big ego people that make great tv.

Like last year when the big scottish guy left.. it went down hill... before that there were fights and huge smash ups with security getting brought in.. We want good tv not f**kin shit tv

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