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Pinch Flats And Rimming

Mr Motivator

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"60a Maxpro Compound". Oh, there we go, dry as a bone.  (Y)"

And I can't believe hardly noone puts a load of talcum powder/ground chalk in their tyres, it just won't pinch like that! (With a maxxis :D)


I do, when i can be bothered and now theres no point cause i have a maxxis but when i had my hot s it still pinched on high pressure with talcum powder.

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"60a Maxpro Compound". Oh, there we go, dry as a bone.  :D"

And I can't believe hardly noone puts a load of talcum powder/ground chalk in their tyres, it just won't pinch like that! (With a maxxis :-)


I pinched it in a maxxis with a load of talc, saying that I'm 13 stone. :P

Now I run talc and a second tube, no pinchy. (Y)

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Bubble wrap tubes would be awsome. Every time you got a puncture, only that one bubble would burst, so you could just carry on. The only thing is how would you get any air into it in the first place? Haha, something for someone to invent (Y)

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Bubble wrap tubes would be awsome.  Every time you got a puncture, only that one bubble would burst, so you could just carry on.  The only thing is how would you get any air into it in the first place?  Haha, something for someone to invent (Y)

Tiny butterfly/crescent valves?

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Bubble wrap tubes would be awsome.  Every time you got a puncture, only that one bubble would burst, so you could just carry on.  The only thing is how would you get any air into it in the first place?  Haha, something for someone to invent (Y)

Actually I just meant stuffing the tyre with bubble wrap as well as a tube. so every time you went on the back wheel it would pop =8¬)

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i don't know why people are always trying to find new ways to make the sport easier, imo it's all about learning to land softly doing different things. If all these carazy ideas were really good the sport would be very easy, and pointless.

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Im surprised we've gone 3 pages and no one's suggested helium :turned:

...It would leak out the tube as helium particles are smaller than normal air particles before anyone does say it =8¬(. It could be used in comps (if its not against the rules) as the helium would stay in the tyre possibly long enough for the comp. lol

BTW if I've just triggered any sorts of ideas in people heads I'll completly absolve myself from blame by saying its a stupid idea, dont do and dont be lazy - work out more :S

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of course you would know all about rimming sam wouldnt you


Anyway good idea mate, i would do it (if i was a harsh enough rider) (and if i could be arsed to keep on refitting it every other day) but im not that heavy, so dont tend to 'rim' that much :huh: .



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Im surprised we've gone 3 pages and no one's suggested helium (Y)

...It would leak out the tube as helium particles are smaller than normal air particles before anyone does say it =8¬(. It could be used in comps (if its not against the rules) as the helium would stay in the tyre possibly long enough for the comp. lol

BTW if I've just triggered any sorts of ideas in people heads I'll completly absolve myself from blame by saying its a stupid idea, dont do and dont be lazy - work out more :)

How would that stop pinching or rimming in any way?


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i don't know why people are always trying to find new ways to make the sport easier, imo it's all about learning to land softly doing different things. If all these carazy ideas were really good the sport would be very easy, and pointless.

Go on then, hop on your old school 16" XC frame and get on with it, because having trials specific frames is just making the sport easier :)


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