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How High Are People Sidehopping These Days?

Damon W

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What do people find more difficult to do?? high backwheel (with front tap), or high sidehop??

seems more people can side hop higher than they can backwheel. my mate can backwheel about 43" but can sidehop something like 47" , he rides a python.

i want to no, as i just started to progress with sidehops, as i have never really practised them properly, i seem to be picking up fast, but to me it feels harder than backwheeling, i can backwheel around 52 - 53" and bunnyhop to backwheel around 47-48"



I used to be able to side hop higher than i could backwheel. I have however been learning to tap, and now they probably average out as about even heights, although i cannot tap reliably, when it all goes right i can tap higher than i can side hop

if that makes sense...

This might be down to my bike set-up, I ride a short bike, which i think does probably restrict me for side hops, but i find back wheeling things much better now than i used to on my old longish bike... :D

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I've just started properly practising them, and in a couple of sessions I'm progressing steadily.

Only 23" at the moment (properly measured with my tape measure for what it's worth!), which is half what alot of people can do! I'm going straight to back wheel, and I'm hoping I'll be quickly sailing over 30" once I start practising to front wheel first/two wheels. Being able to make this magic "bar height" figure would be good enough to make me happy (Y)

I've only had the opportunity to fit it in amoungst my schedule of full time work and looking after Callum in the last week since finally I got together somewhere to practise just near my house. Where I live is still being built, in fact the shops are being built at the moment so there's still no street furniture to ride on!

My Trials playground


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ruffly how high is handle bar height on a mod? because i finaly managed it few nights ago first time withough fail and not messed up on it yet. I was just scared to try it duno why....

measure your bar height, everyones is going to be different.

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I can do about 32 inches on my bt (stock)  :-

Only just started concentrating on learning them when python_rider made me try 5 blue pallets but now ive started going higher and higher.

Wish you wouldn't have quit tom (python_rider) i liked riding with you!  :D

Damn bmx!  :turned:

Awwwww :S

Used to be able to do about 42"- 44" on an amazing days riding.

I'll still ride with you, just not trials B)


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