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How High Are People Sidehopping These Days?

Damon W

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sided hops really aren't my thing but i have been practicing recently, best is about 38 inches.

Mine's about that. Maybe 37inches. On my Zoo Python 20" :">

I know it's nothing special, i'm working on it :turned:

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My record was about 12 inches 2 weeks ago, but after a lot of practising I've got it up to 29 inches, and I reckon I could go a little bit higher every time I go out and work on them.

I believe a high sidehop to be anything over 37 inches, but I've seen people making 48 inches look fairly routine.

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I have done 6 pallet before, however high that is!

Was trying one a couple of inches above my bar height (no idea how high my bars are) at the weekend, but I kept taking my foot off for some reason :turned: but I know I can get it, and also felt I could go higher, just gotta learn to keep that foot on hahaha this is on 24" btw


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but I kept taking my foot off for some reason  but I know I can get it, and also felt I could go higher, just gotta learn to keep that foot on hahaha

know exactly what u mean, i used to be able to do over handlebar height on my zero but have only just got back to that level on me 26ghz after a year of trying, dunno how high that is, im thinking of using spds to keep my flippin feet on (this is a joke for those who may think im serious)

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a curb  :">

You're not the only one :turned:

I just don't seem to have any enthusiasm over sidehops, so I've never really practiced them. The last few attempts I've had were somewhat shocking mind.

Think I may have found something to learn over the summer :)

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My limit is about 40 inches, and i cant do that height every time :">

I have raised this issue before in another topic, but why do the majority of people sidehop the opposite way to their front foot? Is there any reason why this would hinder my progress? I have my left foot forward and sidehop to the left...

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I have raised this issue before in another topic, but why do the majority of people sidehop the opposite way to their front foot? Is there any reason why this would hinder my progress?

Its a lot easier to hit your foot on the way up like that.

Im crap at sidehopping, haven't measured one for ages. Done about 36" before I think.

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