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X Box Live Using Ics Connection


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Hi, just bought an x box live kit, and i have it all plugged in properly, into the back of my tower using windows ICS connetion.

I now need to configure ICS in windows to share my internet connection with my x box.

How? :mellow:

Can you please help.


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I have done what it says using the microsoft trouble shooter which was pretty straight forward, and it still says x box cannot connect. :mellow:

I have enabled all my connections just to make sure. :S


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Ooooooh good point, I started off running straight through :S" then got crossover and it worked! You need a crossover cable and you have to have only your internet being shared...your xbox doesn't need to be!

My gamer tag is Tryall :"> all the Americans call me Tyrall......WTF!

James :mellow:

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