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"new" Monty Foam Grips?

Mark W

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Arrrrrrround about February 2003 (ish) I bought a pair of Monty foam grips. Around about June 2004, I took them off, as they'd packed down to hard. That's over a year of use, and not actually tearing or anything - just becoming packed down too much.

I really like the feel of thin grips, so Monty foams do it for me. In the time from when I took those foams off to a few weeks ago, I've tried a variety of grips and none of them have that nice feel of Monty foam grips (or are even close to their thickness).

After all this searching, I decided I'd just go back to what I knew. I ordered a pair of foams (along with some other stuff) from Cleanbikes, and a few days later they arrived.

I put them on that Saturday at our bike shop. By Wednesday, the left grip had actually torn in half and the right one was starting to tear.

Bearing in mind the fact that this is approx. 1/93rd of the length of time the previous pair lasted, I thought "Ho hum, perhaps I was just unlucky." However, I bought a new pair when I thought I'd be riding the YMSA competition (which of course I didn't in the end (Y)). I put those grips on on Friday, rode my bike on Saturday evening and just the start of today, and the right-side grip has shown signs that it's about to tear.

What the hell? Has anyone else bought these grips recently and found they've just died super quickly, or do I have super abrasive hands? Does anyone know if they've altered the actual grips themselves or something?

Other than that, can anyone suggest any thin grips for me? Preferably a tiny bit thicker than the foams, but not Ritchey WCS/Ruffian thickness?

Thanks for any help,


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I dont know what to suggest it seems monty super thin grips or just normal thickness grips that everyone else uses.

It sounds like you have been well unluckly but i thought the monty grips always tore very easy, but dont actually fall off.

Have you rang Monty or Cleanbikes about them?

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Have you tried Ritcheys yet Mark?

I'm one for thin grips too normally, and the Ritcheys are still so much better than anything else I've used. They kinda got a few chunks missing, but they don't seem to want to actually tear.

They're ace, just because you can ride all day, and your hands'll be fine. I've never experienced any other grip like that before.

You may have tried them already and they weren't for you though (Y)"


EDIT: Ripped my Ritcheys, Haha :">

Edited by Dave Gill
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Nah, I only noticed the turdiness of my grips today, and they're not really open now...

Just thought I'd see if anyone else had been beaten by the unlucky stick too? First of all I crack my frame, then the bearings in the top race of my ZS2 headset get seperated into their component parts (little metal cage from inside is now outside, and bent), then my BB keeps coming loose, and now I can't seem to have a pair of grips that don't tear (Y)



EDIT: All at Steve-o, btw. I might try Ritcheys, but...hmm...Ad tells me they're thicker than Ruffians, and I don't think I really want something that wide :) I've got huge palms and stupidly short fingers, so it feels hard as hell to hold on :">

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Brought my foams last week they seem to be ok .

Hopefuly they will last .

Sam (Y)

EDIT: How thick are the Ritchey WCS Truegrips ? are they like the ones you get on micro scooters ?

Edited by samthebiker
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I found monty grips tore really easily, the slightest knock they were gone.

I REALLY reccomend ritchey foam grips, they are a bit fat, but dont let that put you off, they are really amasing grips, totally diferent foam to montys, and a much better feel

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Mark, is it worth/possible to tape the ripped area together?

Like a strip of tape at either end...

My old Monty's lasted about 5 months before i got bored of the thin-ness...But they didn't rip.

The silver lettering came off fully when i was putting them on.

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I use "Velo" foam grips from halfords, they very nice. My first pair lasted me around 10months, and theyre still going but at £5 for the pair i thought id change mine cos they were becoming a bit hard. Theyre on my xc bike now though.

In the packet they look bad, because they have this strange neoprene style sleeve on them, but take that off and theyre fine :lol:

Might be a bit thick, if so try some of the roadie bar foam. My mate got some of that from halfords you get like 2 foot long bits, are very soft and a lot thinner, also like £5 might be worht a try.


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Has anyone seen the foam grips at halfords they come in packs of 4 but are twice as long as normal grips, so 4 pairs of grips for a fiver :lol:

I think tart said they were shit but if your buying montys that are lasting as long as johnnies you may as well get them they look pretty thin aswell and at a fiver you cant go so wrong.

Or still foam motor bike grips very thick though if thats your thing B)"

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Has anyone seen the foam grips at halfords they come in packs of 4 but are twice as long as normal grips, so 4 pairs of grips for a fiver  :lol:

I think tart said they were shit but if your buying montys that are lasting as long as johnnies you may as well get them they look pretty thin aswell and at a fiver you cant go so wrong.

Or still foam motor bike grips very thick though if thats your thing  B)"

I've got some of those Halfords foam grips.

Ad spoke no word of a lie when he said they were shit. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuber soft, in a "f**king hell, I can't hold on properly" way.

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Have you tryed putting them on the other way round, as they are different, one sort of curves round and the other end is flat.

I have had mine for ages and they are fine.

The lettering did come off after 2 hours though. But i don't care realy. Love them, much better than rubber.


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I use Hope Grip Doctors or whatever they're called and mine never get ripped. I think normally it is just a case of them ripping on the ends because people arent careful with them and throw their bikes on the ground causing the grip to rip.

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Hi, my LBS is selling some specialized rubber grips for £6 a pair. They are super thin, and very very grippy!! my mate has had his for a while now, and he says they dont hurt your hands with or without gloves. I bought some, rode them for 3 days and they were awsome, made my grip to the bike alot better, then my bike got nicked :lol: .

If you want, I could purchase some and then sell them to you for £7 posted?

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The thing with the Ritchey's is, they seem smaller than they actually are - when riding they compress a fair bit when you hold them. Sounds weird, but I really don't like fat grips, but I love the Ritchey's. Give them a go and let them soften up a bit, and I'm sure you will be very happy with them :lol:

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