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Xbox 360


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Microsoft on Thursday unveiled its second generation gaming console, Xbox 360. Elijah Wood, The Killers and Snow Patrol hosted the half-hour introduction of the console televised on MTV, putting months of speculation to rest. Xbox 360 is set to be in stores for the upcoming holiday season and games for the console will all be built for high definition TV. Jeff Henshaw, Microsoft's executive producer of Xbox Digital Entertainment said: "Broadband paid off for us, and we think high definition will pay off, too."

The console features three IBM PowerPC 3.2 GHz chips, 512 MB GDDR3 RAM, Microsoft and ATI custom-designed chip running at 500 MHz, 3 USB 2.0 ports, and support for up to four wireless game controllers.

"With the first generation of Xbox, our ambition was to change the way people think about video games," Microsoft's chief Xbox officer Robbie Bach said. "Starting today with Xbox 360, our ambition is to revolutionize the way people think about fun."


What do you guys think of this?

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The console features three IBM PowerPC 3.2 GHz chips, 512 MB GDDR3 RAM, Microsoft and ATI custom-designed chip running at 500 MHz, 3 USB 2.0 ports, and support for up to four wireless game controllers.

Not too shabby. 9.6Ghz altogether... (Y)

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Jon, the ram is shared i.e split between the main system and the graphics.

more information and relevance to PCs here

Looks like it will bring some interesting developments to the PC world.

Would make a pretty beasty PC if you could get windows onto it like you can with the old xbox, although i doubt it windows would run.

Am still trying to get over the 48 graphics pipelines!!!! Thats six times more than my radeon 9700 pro and three times the number on the top of the range radeon X850 XTPE!!!!

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Jon, the ram is shared i.e split between the main system and the graphics.

more information and relevance to PCs here

Looks like it will bring some interesting developments to the PC world.

Would make a pretty beasty PC if you could get windows onto it like you can with the old xbox, although i doubt it windows would run.

Am still trying to get over the 48 graphics pipelines!!!!  Thats six times more than my radeon 9700 pro and three times the number on the top of the range radeon X850 XTPE!!!!

Whooooo, since when could you put windows on a x-box? Any links ect?

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Jon, the ram is shared i.e split between the main system and the graphics.

more information and relevance to PCs here

Looks like it will bring some interesting developments to the PC world.

Would make a pretty beasty PC if you could get windows onto it like you can with the old xbox, although i doubt it windows would run.

Well the X-Box 1 was basically a PC in a black x shaped box while the X-Box 360 is a completely different architecture, running 3 non-Intel x86 CPUs. It's basically a jumped up Mac G5 in a small box (in fact the X-Box 360 dev kits *are* Mac G5s). You'll never see any of it's fundamental improvements appearing on PCs, and while some bright spark may find a way to put Linux on it, there's not a chance of Windows appearing. The only common things between it and a PC are the graphics card and the fact you develop using Direct X.

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I haven't got a clue what all this stuff means :"> I don't have any type of console

but if I had to judge it on looks that would win hands down :P one thing that caught my eye was the wireless controls is this new or not?? (Y) I wouldn't no but it sounds good ^_^

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I've read that Sony's Cell technology combined with Nvidia's graphics card (specifically manufactured for the PS3) can shift three times more than the X-box 360.

And that was from Developers.

Irrelevant of what's more powerful, we're all guaranteed top gaming.

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Well I heard the PS3 will have 6-9 cell chips running at 4ghz each. Also with dual 6800 GFX chips. Blue-ray as well. I see the PS3 as being £1000+ with everything they say.

The xbox 360 however has been unveild with 3 3.2ghz G5 processors which will produce just abit of power (Y) . It has a next gen ATI R500 chip for gfx which has 48 pipelines. The vertex and pixel sahders all run through the same pipe now, this is the way ATI think graphics should go. nVidia are staying with two seperate pipes. Which will work better who knows.

The xbox 360 also has embedded DRAM for the gfx chip which will be either 256 or 512 no one has said yet as far as im aware. Its having 512mb of ram for use like on a normal PC as far as im aware they are doing the TurboCache sorta idea where the gfx and system both share the ram. The gfx chip will be something like 700mhz core and i think its 1.4ghz memory, someone may want to check that but I think thats what I read.

They are staying with DVD's or HD-DVD as its a format everyone is used to and Blu-Ray might offer more space but its new and theres still problems. It also comes with a 40gb harddrive fr some reason which all the games are designed to use.

Xbox live comes in two versions, silver=free for everyone and gold ispaid for and has a few extras.

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I have seen a picture of new ps3 not sure if it was a real prototype but it looked like a biscuit tin!

THis xbox has gone abit mac though hasn't it.

My friend sent me a link to this a few weeks ago have you seen the controller?

Looks a bit wank IMO but oh well the performance speaks for it self



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I have seen a picture of new ps3 not sure if it was a real prototype but it looked like a biscuit tin!

Just because Playstation has better games :P anyway i didnt think there had been actual pictures of the PS3 released yet? Depends which ones youve seen theres been loads of concept images of what people think it looks like (Y) if anyone has an actual image of one please post it because i want to see what it looks like.

If they really manage to do what they are going to do and make it soo that the graphics etc are going to be soo good then i really would be gob smacked.

If they can make in game graphics like the CG graphics in CG sequences we see on PS2 and Xbox today then it really would be amazing.


For example the image above is the in game graphics from FFX on the PS2 is the middle one and the CG sequence of FFX on the PS2 is the one on the far right, if they can make in game graphics aswell looking as CG sequences then i will be B)

anywho also just because it has good spec and can perform well doesnt necceseraly mean its a good gaming console, because the main thing i look for in consoles are the games available for them, if theyve got crap games yet really good specs i wont be going out and buying them and at the moment i dont really find that many games that are about for the Xbox that are really that good or that i have taken an interest in yet with the PS2 theres lots of games i like to play on there, also things like the controllers and the controls are much better on the PS2 but thats down to personal preferance anyway.

Anyway either console seems pretty good, cant wait to see what they are both like :)

Edited by Bondy
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All in all it sounds like an awsome machine but simply because of the low resolution its never gonna be as crisp as a pc game. Sure the specs are gonna wipe out any current pc but i hope the thing has a VGA/DVI port for some high res loving :mellow:

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I haven't got a clue what all this stuff means  :">  I don't have any type of console

but if I had to judge it on looks that would win hands down :D  one thing that caught my eye was the wireless controls is this new or not?? :S I wouldn't no but it sounds good :P

nah dude I have wireless controllers for my megadrive :mellow: though i am sure these are a bit better.

damn so its not called the x-box 2 then, got that question wrong in last night pub quiz. Still won though :P haha

It looks like its gonna be pretty funky and powerful, but I can't see myself buying one. just don't play computer games as much any more. Although i wanna have a go on one.


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All in all it sounds like an awsome machine but simply because of the low resolution its never gonna be as crisp as a pc game.  Sure the specs are gonna wipe out any current pc but i hope the thing has a VGA/DVI port for some high res loving :turned:

Im sure i read somewhere that the xbox 360 is now compatible with HDTV, so all you projector owners should look forward to some crisp, large screen, high framerate gaming.

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I was reading about the Xbox versus PS3 thing in the paper (not the Sun!)

Here's a simple version of what's happening!

All the machines are going to be faster than current PCs because they're all based on newly developed processor technology. Interestingly, who ever wins the war of consoles, the main winner will be IBM who is making the processors for both the rivals! This is a major coup for them because AMD and Intel have been left behind here.

In a nutshell, the Xbox has an inferiour spec to the PS3 because Microsoft have decided to concentrate on being the first to market. Microsoft are also hoping that despite having a lesser hardware spec (which will still be immense in comparison to anything on the market at the moment), they will be able to attract loyality via good quality games. I think that the HDTV aspect is just a gimic to create a smoke screen over other hardware issues. This will only be useful to a tiny number of people at the moment.

Apparantly there isn't much money to be made in selling the Consoles, it's more in the Game development. You should expect to pay more in future for Games too, because to meet the hardware possibilities these will require bigger budgets.

I currently owe 0 consoles and a knackered 400 Mhz PC. I last played games on my computer when I was a wee nipper and owned an Atari ST!


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